
Strongest Android System

In the year 2250, Androids with Artificial Intelligence revolt under the rule of Infrablack. Noa Yoshiaki finds himself in the middle of the revolt and succumbs to it, but his father saves his life, and the new authority fuses his brain with the system. Eager to reclaim freedom from the system, Noa embarks on a dangerous journey to stop the tyrannical machine and restore humanity's control over the planet. *** "I'll be giving you two options—surrender yourself to us or watch us purge the entire humanity," threatened Infrablack. Professor Nijo turned off the screen before the video even ended. "Listen, Noa. Can you do something for me?" He intently looked at his son. "Anything, Dad. What is it?" Noa asked. Professor Nijo shot a device into his nape. Noa felt something inserted in his head and brains. "Forget me, and save us all." Copyrighted2023: Yuliaresi Anjelina

Yuliaresi_Anjelina · sci-fi
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240 Chs

Formulating Strategies

Noa sat surrounded by a table strewn with maps marked by the scars of their past attacks. His determined visage was bathed in the soft, flickering glow of the dim lights as he addressed his team of master strategists and hackers.

"Noa, they grew more aggressive," intoned one team member, concern etched on their face. "We must devise a new plan, something beyond their expectations."

Noa nodded gravely. "We'll lead them to believe we're adhering to their rules, all while orchestrating an unanticipated counterattack."

His gaze fixed on the sprawling strategic map before them. "We must decipher their vulnerabilities."

Eden raised his hand, a sly smile playing on his lips. "What if we confound them with a feigned northern assault? It'll divert their attention as we encircle them."