
Chapter 19

"Are you-"

"I threatened a student. I'll be teaching just so she would leave my daughter alone.", I say, then continue, "I don't care what others have to say. I will continue to protect her."

They nod their heads before they give her back control; she smiles up at me and says, "Thanks for helping them understand."

"It was my pleasure; do you want to rest until dinner?", I say, then ask.

She nods her head before placing it on my lap, playing with her hair. As we continue to watch the tv, I notice more marks on her back, and when I move the shirt so I can see it better, that's when I realized Molly wasn't just texting her but also hurting her physically. Hoping back a growl, I call out for Maya and when she comes; I tell her to sit here so Jess could take her nap. She doesn't ask questions and does it; once again I follow Molly's scent when I find her in the headmistress office. Knocking on the door, the headmistress tells me to come in so I do; my eyes fall on Molly, and she stares back, but once she sees my eye, she rushes to look away. Smirking, I turn my attention to the headmistress, then say, "I would like to know if I'm teaching Molly?"

"You won't be, but you'll have some classes with her.", she answers.

"Fine, is there a way for my daughter to be safe away from her?", I ask, bluntly.


"I did, but that was before I saw the marks.", I growled.

The headmistress' eyes go wide before she turns her attention to Molly; Molly quickly hides the smirk she had on her face before replacing it with a sad look. Holding back a growl, the room begins to heat up.

"Is this true, Miss Vincent?", the headmistress asks.

"I wouldn't harm a little girl.", she says too sweetly.

Growling, while both sides of me show power, as I glare at her. Watching her gulp, as the sweat dripped down her face; "Yes, I harmed the girl.", she yells out.

"What in your right mind thought that was a good idea?", the headmistress asks.

"I wanted her and her daughter gone.", she answers.

The headmistress shakes her head before saying, you're not allowed anywhere near both Miss Phoenix. If I catch you near them or your friends, it involved you and whoever else they will kick out. Do I make myself clear?", she says.

Molly quickly nods her head, then she leaves. Hearing the headmistress sigh, I give her a sympathetic smile; "You don't have any classes with her.", she tells me.

"I appreciate that, headmistress.", I say.

"None of that, just call me Silvia.", she says.

"Are you sure? Wouldn't that be disrespectful?", I asked.

"Miss Phoenix, I understand your concern, but I would really like it if you called me by my first name.", she states.

Nodding, I say, "Okay, but that means you have to call me Raina."

She laughs before nodding her head; she pulls out a few papers before saying, "These are the people who are in your classes. Hopefully, you won't have a hard time with them."

"Thank you.", I say, taking the papers, then asking, "Do you know where Jess can hang out while I'm in class?"

"She will be with me and when you're teaching she'll be with you.", Silvia answers.

Thanking her, I headed back to my room when I was stopped by Tj; curiously looking at him, just waiting for him to say something. He opens his mouth before closing it and shaking his head, then leaving. Finding that odd, I don't hold it against him. Maybe he'll ask later; once in my room, I came into the living room to see our friends talking while Jess was in her room. Glancing around the room, noticing their faces, I ask, "What's wrong?"

"We found out that we can make clubs.", Maya says.

"Oh.. okay. But that doesn't-"

"We want to do a club but we don't know which professors to go to.", Brandon explains.

"I can be one.", I say.

"We don't want you to sign as a professor.", Zane states.

"Mhm. Why don't you ask Mr. Samuell-Phoenix?", I say, then ask.

They look at each other before doing rock, paper, scissor shoot; Brandon was the first to lose, so he grabbed the piece of paper from the table before leaving. Holding in my laugh at the face he was making; turning towards the other two people, I passed me two papers, reading the paper. I saw it's a club. There was a description for the club, but no name.

"We're having difficulty in picking a name.", Zane says.

"Well, this club is to bring dark and light creatures together, so why not stronger united?", I say.

They glance at each other before nodding their heads, so writing the club name, I then sign my name under Brandon's. Reading over the second paper, to see we need at least six people and two professors, we're just missing two more people to make the club official; leaning back on the couch, I let out a sigh just as Maya and Zane did the same. Bursting out laughing, Maya falls on the floor while Zane was holding onto his stomach, and I'm wiping my eyes because I was crying. Once we got a hold of ourselves, we notice Brandon was back, waving to him. He waves back, a little confused, but doesn't dwell on it.

"Alright, we got the two professors. We now need two more people to join.", he says.


"Let's go find some more people!"

All three of them leave, laughing while shaking my head. I head over to the kitchen and start making dinner. I figured I could make dinner until classes start, since I probably wouldn't have time to cook. Making creamy herb chicken since it's Jess's favorite, getting halfway done with it when Jess comes bouncing into the kitchen.