
Forest Of Beasts

* Crash*





I fell down while looking at the group that being commanded by a guy around the center of it busy shouting at everything in every single seconds but only do buffing at a team near him.

I'm falling right to the tent 15 meters behind this guy. It's pretty hurts , like a falling into a steel needles but the good thingy is i don't crash right through the sharp point of the needle.


then i stand up and said

" I'm sorry, the people outside kick me here. Don't mind me, I'll go somewhere else ."

" STOP !! Where are you going? Go over that tent and help the injured one."

" Uhh... do i have to? "

" Shit !, do you even want to live ? we're in a predicament here . Do It if you don't want to die."

" Is This A Threat?!"

" LOOK OVER THE VANGUARD!. HEALER CHANGE POSITION! Look here kid , we all gonna die if the casualty increase . For better info you . LAMBERT!!!"

a guy running with white coat coming out from one of the tents that I'm not crashing to.

" Guide him! Do It FAST! "

"Yes , Sir. Come over here."

"Explain first . "

" brother, the beasts were much more stronger and more numbers than the info we've got. Still in this case ,while we've got the maximum people available from the guild that can enter this portal our quality overall was pretty low compared to the main group.

So we have to take care of people of low importance with usual medic. And what's more... We should get in now, I'll explain more inside . "

" Okay , lead the way. "

* twisting face* ( who the fck is this guy?)

" here!."

" What?! "

" please hand over the antiseptics over that case. "

" okay, wait a bit."

I go over the case and took all antiseptics and gave it to him and treating one of the injured on the bed but because he just focusing on treating injuries , I've became impatient and said "Now continue your explanation."

" ah... , anyway you see for yourself that these guys injuries is heavy enough that need a immediate care. if we can finish this in a day this won't be a problem, but if too many people dies the people who blocks the beasts will decrease and surely will create chaos and we'll die . "

" Hmm... so you mean that after this they will fight tomorrow? "

" No, in this rate we need them to fight tonight. "

" Crazy ..."

" This is the circumstances of working in this line of jobs. "

" Why just people not work for whatever the easiest one ? "

" ha... , young one . you'll know the answer later, people have many reasons after all."

with that I've decided to help them out a bit.

but I'm curious about the state of the strongest one here so i asked

" Lambert , what is the condition of the strongest squad now? "

" If you asking now ,i don't know but just 2 hours ago they've just finished fighting with elites of the Ogre. "

" Hey , wait. Why it's two hours ago? how long you guys have been in this place? "

" Ah.. right , it almost a day already. Tonight will be our second night. "

" Shit!!. Do you know that in outside i just went in several minutes after you guys? "

" That ...means reinforcement won't be able to come. huh... so what's the point of doing this. "

" What? so you guys just holding on , waiting for them? "

" yes, the vice leader got beaten and several others had died. The other injuries was severe as the vice leader's. In our guild If a day has passed and we still not finished they will sent several Master Resister to finish it . But from what you've said we're doomed. Ah... did you tell the commander? "

" Like hell there's time to."

" hm... before we die i wanted to ask, Why did you enter this portal with us? "

" You see , I'm being thrown here by other people ."

" Ah... Bully huh. "

" No, he or she must've know something."

" what do you mean? "

" It just mean you guys got lucky and won't die here. "

" Hah?? "

Then i walked away to the outside in the mean time he is baffled.


i kept walking


even so i keep walking , he can't move from his position after all. While the others is being occupied with the beasts and the tasks they have.

I took the fresh bandages that i took when treating and bind them to cover my face and several other points that might get injured.

The Vanguard is my goal.

Let's finish this quick and go home.

At Vanguard Spot.

There are seven people fighting against beasts that much stronger than beasts before but all of them feels the same for me.

" Greg , how much longer you can last? "

" Blob , i can last as long as the healer can heal. " Greg said with a smile .

" Magicians attack with your full power after i retreat ."

" Aisle , Becareful These Horned Mutated Lions weren't the typical Lions that we ever had exterminate in previous portals. "

" Roger ,Blob. "

The Horned Mutated Lions packs had a formation like the human formation but it was being hidden by enormous numbers of beasts that wasn't of their kind. In the center The Three Horned Mutated Lions Standing between 8 of the Two Horned Mutated Lions.

The Aisle and her squad didn't know about these packs behind them although they know that the beasts they face now weren't the strongest of them.