

The nation called Askeria has been overrun by an army of Cylinx. And were soon overpowered by the foreign creatures. And being the closest to Askeria, the kingdom Strona has begun building its defenses and preparing its people for what's to come. Thus, the best way to do such is to... create a school and nurture the powers of its youth! However, the kingdom's Queen has other plans. She doesn't believe her country's people will be able to push past their bloodline's history with one another, and so she takes matters into her own hands. Note - Queen Juno is not the main character of this novel.

Kenji_Akuma · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Mending The Two Bloodlines

A while later inside the Royal Palace, when King Marth had finally awoken…

"Ahh! Darn that woman and her violent outbursts!" Marth shouted as he rose from his bed, three hours after being knocked out. He then began wandering around the palace's vast halls, in search of his not-so-caring wife.

'How come I've yet to come across a single maid, and wherein the Quimsey name is Juno?! Could it be that she's finally helping lead our army? I doubt it, however, there's a first time for everything.' Marth thought while making his way to the Palace's War room, as he held his still throbbing head.

Upon entering the War room, Marth saw a sight he never once thought he'd seen. His wife was actively involving herself with their country's military, and not just politics as usual. Juno was running around the room shouting orders at the four army generals

'Were they already being attacked by the strange creatures?'

'Was their country already falling to those monsters?'

"What's going on, have the creatures made their move while I was away?" Marth had so many questions but decided to only ask Juno about what had happened while he was away.

"Strangely enough, those bastards have yet to make a move, it makes me wonder, just what was their reason for attacking Askeria?" Juno questioned while leading Marth over to the virtual projection of a map.

"I've stationed about a quarter of the army around the outskirts of the kingdom. After all, the only thing blocking them from us is the sea." Juno said while pointing at the outline of the continent, and then the sea.

"And I've ordered all units to report back if they see or notice something strange from beyond the sea, what do you think Marth?" Juno replied while turning back to look at Marth, her face holding a serious expression. And Marth also knew that when he was referred to as Marth rather than Honey, Juno was either mad at him or being very serious.

"Couldn't have done better myself! Although, our numbers pale in comparison to Askeria's, needless to say, even they were finished off." Marth said as he pulled up to chairs from the round table located in the center of the room, so the two could talk.

"Well, what do you suppose we do? I've been up here leading the army while you were away catching up on your beauty sleep!" Juno said while quickly rising from her chair.

"Juno, not only did I 'require' my 'beauty sleep' because of your little outburst, but this is probably the first time you've even set foot in this room!" Marth said, not wanting to back down nor take the blame.

Just then a figure around the age of fifteen, with the almost same face and hair as Marth entered the room. He was none other than Marth L. Quimsey Junior (Jr).

"Before you both kick me out and tell me to wait until I'm older, I believe that I have a solution to our army's numbers and defense problem." Marth Junior spoke as he waited a few seconds to see if his parents would hear him out. Noticing that he hadn't been told to leave, he continued.

"I've been thinking of bringing this up in the past however now seems like the best possible time."

"First before I begin, I don't think that only Voidlines should be allowed to join the army but Skylines as well. Doing this will not only gain more Skyline trust in the military but also help with our army's numbers and solve our predictable magical aspect." Marth Junior quickly continued before his father could object to his idea, as he knew he would.

"Now a few months later we could establish a school that trains, teaches, and empowers both Skylines and Voidlines. Although we may not all get along at first, I believe that with a few rules here and there we could nurture both bloodlines!" Marth Junior said as he closed his fist and raised it into the air.

"And better yet, if we could win over one of the prior Skyline royals, then such an academy would soon reach great heights and results. Be it political or involving the military." Marth Jr soon ended his ideal.

"Alright Marth, but when you say 'we might not get along, ' you're not implying that you'd be attending such an institution, are you?" King Marth or rather Senior Marth asked as one of his eyebrows lifted and his left eye twitched.

"Well, I'd like to do so, if that alright with you mom? Also, I think that being the heir to the throne, I should be out there, getting involved with my people."

'Unlike some people.' Marth Junior thought, however, he wouldn't dare say anything about this out loud.

"And if you state that the idea originally came from me, which it technically did, I'll already have some who like me and some who don't but any is better than none." He said as he grabbed a chair from the circular table and sat down by Juno.

"Honey, our son's got a point, this would look good on paper. And it's practically foolproof politically, and not only is it a good thing that he wants to mend relationships, unlike someone, but he wants to get to know his people." Juno said while she and Marth both sat down, and as she took his hand and rested it on hers.

"They'll be your people when I resign or die, but don't look forward to either." King Marth said as he let out a chuckle."However, I'll try my best, not just for you but for the people of our Kingdom, son." King Marth said as he rested his free hand on the head of his son and ruffled his hair, although the teenage boy didn't take kindly to this, he didn't stop it either…

Hey everyone, I still don't have a reasonable upload time and so do try and bear with me, and if your enjoying the novel so far don't forget to add it to your library or spread the name!

Kenji_Akumacreators' thoughts