

[I like that!]

{Jack grinned as he felt his consciousness being pulled away from the realm of nothingness.}

[Goodbye, Striker!]

What? Why are you saying 'goodbye'?

{Jack was confused as to why the unknown entity was bidding farewell. He wanted to know why, but his consciousness was already being drawn away by a mysterious force.}


{Matsukaze Kokuo High School}

{On the playing field, a platinum-blond young man named Ryosuke Kira stood dumbfounded in the middle of a football game.}

{A ball hurtled toward the clueless blond young man and struck him on the head.}


Ugh! That hurts!

{The young man held his head in pain as a voice echoed in the distance.}

"I'm so sorry, Kira-san!"

{It was an ordinary-looking high school student.}

Wait! I can feel the pain now! Could it be...

I'm alive!?

{The young blond stood up in joy as he examined his body.}

"Wow! This body is even better than my previous one! I'm really alive and kicking!" I exclaimed unconsciously in joy as I kicked my foot against the grassy ground.

"Are you alright, Kira-san?"

"What happened to Kira-san?"

{The student who accidentally hit him with the ball asked Ryosuke—or Jack's new body's name, as the other student observed Jack examining his new body like a fool.}

"Did the ball hit him too hard?"

"No way! I only kicked the ball with a little strength! And besides, it's Ryosuke Kira! There's no way he'll-"

"Then why is he acting strange?"

"I, I don't know!"

{Their little commotion attracted the coach's attention, and he approached them hurriedly.}

"What is happening here?"

"Coach! Taiji-kun accidentally hit Kira-san's head with a ball, and now Kira-san is acting very strange!"

"What? It's not my fault at all why he's acting strange!"

"Quiet! I'll talk to him."

{The middle-aged coach approached Jack's new body, while Jack was completely unaware as he looked at his current body's palms in amazement.}

"Ryosuke-kun, are you alright?"

{Jack's mind was currently racing with countless thoughts, and he snapped out of his thoughts as the coach asked him.}


I looked ahead and saw a middle-aged man.

I felt their language is a bit familiar...

{Jack finally realized the situation he was in. He realized that the language used by the middle-aged man was kind of familiar.}

"Hey, Ryosuke-kun, are you ok?"

{The middle-aged coach asked in worry.}

That language...

It's Japanese!

I couldn't be wrong!

Could it be... That my new body is Japanese? Then I didn't travel into another world at all, and my soul was just sent into a foreign country like Japan in Asia?

I thought as the middle-aged coach was about to touch my head, and I unconsciously blurted out in Japanese, "I'm doing fine!"

"Really? Are you sure you're not hurt at all?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"What a relief!"

{The middle-aged coach sighed in relief as the students surrounded them.}

"See? I told you I didn't kick that ball hard."

"Yeah, yeah."

"Kira-san was the 'Crown Jewel of Japan' after all!"

"That's right, haha."

{Their conversation caught Jack's attention.}

Crown Jewel of Japan?

I asked out of curiosity, "I'm the Crown Jewel of Japan?"

{His teammates answered enthusiastically.}


"We were able to reach the finals ultimately because of you."

"Without your lead, we probably wouldn't be able to reach the semi-finals, let alone the finals!"

{The coach joined in the conversation.}

"You guys... It's true that Ryosuke-kun is talented, but it's also because all of you are working as a team that you were able to achieve the impossible and reach the finals, right, Ryosuke-kun?"

{The coach turned to Jack while smiling with a cheerful expression.}

{However, Jack didn't know what they were talking about since Jack didn't inherit the memories of Ryosuke Kira.}

"Right..." I just responded without thinking.

It would probably be troublesome if they realized that I do not have recollection of what they're talking about after all.

From my observations, my name is something like Ryosuke or Kira... I am completely unfamiliar, as I am not Japanese.

<The System is loading...>


{A mechanical voice suddenly sounded in Jack's mind.}

Is that you, Morgan?

<The System is loading... 99%... 100%.>

Morgan? Hey, don't fool around...

<The Gamer System's loading is complete.>

Complete? Loading? What is happening?

<The Host's Stats:>

<Name: Ryosuke Kira.>

<Occupation: Football Player. (Student)>

<Football Skills: ~Role: Forward CF ST~ [Finishing: 3.1] [Dribbling: 1.5] [Ball Control: 1.4] [Speed: 1.1] [Positioning: 2.6] [Off-the-ball-movement: 1.9] [Hold-up Play: [Link-up 0.8] [Vision: 0.6] [Creativity: [Set pieces: 1.7] [Defense: [Mentality: 1.2]< p>

<Gamer Points: 1.0>

What is this?

A hologram filled with text suddenly appeared in front of me...

{Jack was dumbfounded to discover that a transparent screen was floating in front of him.}