
STRIFE: A Life and Death Tale

This is an action-packed story based around the second generation of Life and Death. The two entities are to come together to stop the rising of a looming enemy that threatens their very Omniverse. Balance is at stake as they take on old friends, enemies, and new ones alike!

Shiishii_Gaia · Aktion
Zu wenig Bewertungen
142 Chs

17.) We Lose to NO ONE!!!

The assassins begin their mission to invade Le Destrucíon's base and capture HellBlazer. They were being led by Vashjai and Tristan, who had a few other powerful beings amongst them. Such as Beeso and Dwayne Murdicc, they were both highly powerful Light Clan Gods. The massive group they led was cut off by the likes of ZeeArc. He was a very powerful God from the group known as Annihilo Sect. He was there to run interference with anyone who dared disturb the qualms of Gahwardians. Even other Gahwardians were prohibited from stepping foot into this fray. 

ZeeArc: "Hmmph. Very impressive, you bastards! I'm surprised you survived, let alone block it as a unit."

Tristan: "Damn…. It!"

Zo'Elgor: *HUFF* *HUFF* *HUFF* "Heh!"

Beeso: "We… ain't that damn… WEAK!"

Dwayne: "Indeed" *HUFF* *HUFF* 

Vashjai: "Yeah… *HUFF* we ain't losin' to noone bruh!"

In the light of the top five warriors standing before him. He notices that the rest show respect and let their leaders forge the way. This brought a smile to ZeeArc's face. 

ZeeArc: "Good! Then let's continue this party!"

Beeso: "Hehe! Dwayne!"

Dwayne: "Yo?"

Beeso: "Do it."

Dwayne: "Yup, I gotcha lil bro. Film: Replay sequence; Editors' Revise!"

ZeeArc: "Huh!?"

Beeso: "This is what my big bro is capable of."

ZeeArc: "Hmph. We shall see boy, we shall see."

A flash of light engulfs the quadrant of space they're in, as far as a small solar system(143.5 bill km). The light quickly fades, and the five before him were completely healed. It had seemed as though he suffered their damage and… the rest of the platoon was MIA.

ZeeArc: "Well, god damn, you don't see that every day. Kind of stings. *TSS* 

Zo'Elgor: "Hmm!"

ZeeArc: "Only kind of, though. Hehehaha"

Vashjai: "You've… got healing powers now?"

ZeeArc: "Well duh, I simply annihilated the damage ye' ole fools."

Tristan: (He annihilated… the damage? I'm not capable of that with my annihilation's level of control and potency. The finesse of 'em!)

ZeeArc's wounds completely healed as though nothing happened. Though it seemed 50% of his power was sealed by the Revise.

ZeeArc: "That was one nifty trick you used there. But such a trivial hax is nothing more than a party foul, my dear children."

Beeso & Dwayne: "TCH!".

Vashjai: "So he annihilated the sealing as well, huh? Such finesse he has. He's far better than he was 1,000 years ago, and he was still beyond our current level at that time, too. We'll have to go at this with our lives. They can handle the base invasion. We'll catch up!"

Zo'Elgor: "You speak the truth, my good sir!"

ZeeArc: "No."

Beeso: "Huh?"

Dwayne: "Fuck do you mean, "no" bruh?"

ZeeArc: "I mean, "no" you won't be catching up to them…. Cause they won't make it there" *SWISH* 

Dwayne: "Ngh!"

ZeeArc: "A-"

Vashjai: "ZeeArc STO-"

ZeeArc: "Nnihilate"

Tristan: …

Beeso: "No… way."

Zo'Elgor: "A-ah… a-a-aah…"

ZeeArc: "Now fight me and beat me to get to HellBlazer and… maybe your brother too."

Vashjai: "Fight… you!?"

The platoon that had been sent into universe 9 was completely erased out of existence in a literal instant. ZeeArc did this with no outside damage done to the universe, while being a whole universe away (exactly 93 light years away).

ZeeArc: "Hmm?"

Back at HellBlazer's base.

HellBlazer: "Damn. Seems as though he has pissed off the young prince. This'll be interesting… cause they're all pissed!" *Evil Grin*

Zo'Elgor: "We'll… crush YOU!"

Beeso: " Ngh! G-g-graaagh!"


Vashjai: "Huh!?"

Tristan: "Hmm?!"

Beeso: "Zo'el Jr., big bro? What the hell're you doing!?"

Zo'Elgor: "Go ahead."

ZeeArc: "Ho?"

Dwayne: "We'll take 'em from here. Vashjai?"

Vashjai: "Yeah?"

Dwayne: "Take care of my brother bruh. Delay!"

Vashjai: "I got you brotha Dwayne. Y'all better catch up…"

Amiyama: "Well this is unexpected."

Dwayne and Zo'Elgor settle in their resolve and stay behind so their team ensure the mission's complete.

Dwayne: …

Zo'Elgor: ….

Vashjai: "That's a damn order!" *FWI-TING*

Dwayne & Zo'Elgor: "Yeah."

ZeeArc: "Well then. That was quite unexpected. You two are the strongest amongst them anyways. Let's up the function young bucks… HAAAAAA!"

Dwayne: "Hmm….KYAAAAAA!"

Zo'Elgor: "HOOOOO!"

The battle between the three began and an abrupt quake tore open the next realms as they clash. Universe 8 would soon crumble after the second blow was thrown, regardless if it's blocked, it lands or if it misses. The kinetic burst was too great.

Vashjai: "We're in the next universe and I can feel it… no I can see the shit."

Tristan: "Zo'Elgor…"

Beeso: "and big bro are…"

Vashjai: "Matching lord ZeeArc on their own."

HellBlazer: "So they got through, eh? Well ain't that some shit. Guess I'll send 'em off if they can find us. Simple."

Amiyama: "This is to be expected."

Kimichi: "What do you mean?"

 Amiyama: "Zo'Elgor is the eldest son of the esteemed Dragon Gods' Clan. His power on the scale is at a 12 right now. He's more than powerful enough to completely decimate a universe."

Aiyama: "And Dwayne is the representative of the Murdicc family that hail from the Light Clan. His power is even with my own at a good 13. Bad part is… ZeeArc's at a whopping 15.5, currently. And it's still growing as we speak."

Kimichi: "Well damn. I'm only at an 11.5, they're just that much higher than me huh?"

Amiyama: "Indeed(14)"

Dwayne: "Da da da da da da dada da da dadadada… HYAAAAA! *PEWUUUURGH* 

ZeeArc: "That was a nice lil rush, but… hmm! *SHWIP* KYAA!"


Zo'Elgor: "Leveling: Insta Lvl 100!"

ZeeArc: (Thought so.) "H'up." 

Zo'Elgor: "HAAAAAAA!" 

ZeeArc: *FWIP* "Hold this my boy."

Zo'Elgor: "What the!?"


Dwayne: "Revise!"

ZeeArc: "Piece…  of shit."

ZeeArc, his attack and the attack Zo'Elgor leveled up were teleported to the 7th universe. It was instantly destroyed without a trace… just then, a blast of unparalleled speed pierced the shoulder of Dwayne.

Dwayne: "Gah!! Tssh!"

Zo'Elgor: "He sent out a blast we can't see nor sense at this point in the battle?! This could be trou- GAAAH!!"

Dwayne: "Yet another we couldn't see. Damn him."

The cosmic dust and radiance form a mist like cloud within the aftermath of the 7th universe's fall. There… you could see clear as day, the mass if fury and malice steaming from it. And at that fury's center was a glowing, yellow-eyed ball of agitation. The glare from him spit off a stream of annihilation that headed straight towards them at speed massively beyond light. 

ZeeArc: "Grrrr! …GHRRRRA!"

Dwayne: "Damn… *SWISH* *SWISH* I managed to reset the damage to my shoulder and Zo'Elgor's leg, but…. ZeeArc's current level produces speeds too beyond my following. Its the same for Zo'el Jr. from what I can see. Damnit!"

Zo'Elgor: "This is insane. He annihilated his limits while using us as practice to quickly master his new foundation."

Dwayne: "Let's make 'em regret the shit my guy. Clan form: Luminisc Film Plot!" 

Zo'Elgor: "Yeah. Clan form: Draco Lvl 9!"

ZeeArc: "Annihilo 10 series:..."

Dwayne: "Haa!" *FWIP*

Zo'Elgor: *FWIP*

ZeeArc: "Number 5, Absolute Annihilation!!!"

Dwayne: "N-"

Zo'Elgor:" Gah!"

ZeeArc beams past Zo'El and Dwayne faster than they could ever hope to comprehend. Their energy was completely drained out and their consciousness faded. A true one shot.

ZeeArc: "And that's that my dear boys. I ought to blow Vashjai and the others up but I'll let them go free for now. Hahahahaa."

Vashjai: … *FWI-TING* "Huh!?"

Vashjai suddenly stops his full speed dash as he senses out what had just taken place. The others stop as well to check out the issue. 

Tristan: "What's the hold up!?"

Beeso: … "Ngh!?"

Vashjai: "Their… their energies have vanished and their link to the Assassin Psyche plain has been lost. He's beaten them."

Beeso: "It seems as though he was holding back until they irritated him by succeeding "

Tristan: "Succeedong in what?"

Beeso: "Injuring and pushing him back without need of hax and special abilities. That was all their cunning strength and teamwork put to the test. He didnt take it well."

Tristan: "Hmm. That makes sense. So what now?"

Vashjai: "He's not going to kill them. And I doubt anyone powerful enough to do so will be showing u-"

ZeeArc: "I'll be taking those two with ne until Death returns. Good luck dealing with your brother. Apologies for the deaths of you platoon. You just wouldn't listen to reason. Death can handle this. Go as you please, but know this. Your brother Haydes, he won't hesitate to kill his brother nor precious cousin if they're in his way. I'll be seeing you, young Lord."

ZeeArc vanishes as fast as he appears. With his message being received, Vashjai gains a nervous itch. To him, it seemed very difficult tk believe they could beat the God of Contracts and War with the small force ZeeArc left him with. 

Vashjai: "So that's what he meant. We should've turned around and ket Death handle this upon return. But… I-I don't want Death coming back to deal with Haydes. That's something we'll do. Fuck it!"

Tristan: "Yeaaah. ZeeArc may be right, but that doesn't mean we aren't right too! We just have to avoid any casualties. And probably wait for Amiyama."

Beeso: "Death's wife!? What is she going to do?"

Vashjai: "Yeah, what about her?"

Tristan: "You see, her cousin Aiyama is our vice captain. He's currently out helping her with Phoenix affairs and that's why he can't help us now. Luckily for us, those same affairs are taking down Haydes and HellBlazer."

Vashjai: "What!?"

Tristan: "Yeah. From what he said, they'll be on their way here within the next week. Won't take long either."

Beeso: "S-so…"

Vashjai: "Amiyama's… coming here!? Thata great news! Yeah, we can definitely wait for them and back them up. We're def gonna need it cause…"

Tristan: … 

Beeso: "Hmm?"

Vashjai: "I can feel each individual power scale level from HellBlazer and his forces. They're all on our level." *Glare* 

Tristan: "Then I second waitinf for Amiyama."

Beeso: "Guess there's no choice with a wall like that standing in our way. I mean… she's technically family right?"

Vashjai: "Yeah."

Beeso: "Then, we'll wait on her?"

Tristan & Vashjai: "Yeah!"

Beeso: "Alright, cool."

Vashjai: (Now that that's settled… I've kind of been wondering. Why have i stopped feeling Gaia's massive approach here. She was only a universe away last time I felt her. That was just 3 days ago too.) 

With that being said. The point of focus shifts to the rift between verses. There we find the likes of Zigorim and Gaia staring down at a massive multiverse of pure malice being formed. We'll get to see just what the life Goddess' job is.

Zigorim: "So this is what a corrupted verse looks like. The feeling is disgusting and nearly unapproachable. Cant believe you guys take care of such things. So what'll you do?"

Gaia: "Well there's not much time until my cousin returns, so I'll make this quick. This multiverse of massive proportions upsets the balance here and i will not stand for it. There's too much evil and not enough good… for that. I will… reset the balance!" *PWEEEERR-H'Whi*

Zigorim: "Ah that technique eh? Seems as though a one-shot restore is coming. It'll be my first time seeing this marvel."

Gaia: "HmmmMMMM!!! Life Equation: Regional Destruct Restore!"

Zigorim: "Ooooooh shit. This is incredible!!!"

Gaia's attack was imbued with the equation of life. It brought every organism and object without a conscious or life, into life's realm. From the tables of homes to the muscle fibers of each living being. Everything was brought to life. The just as quick as they were brought in, they were taken out even faster. All those new living, conscious objects, beings and fibers were destroyed with the multiverse with just a single blow. She gave life then stole it for absolute damage. This is Gaia!

Zigorim: "G-g-gah… DAYUUUUM!"

Lady Gaia eliminates a whole Multiverse after the events between The Assassins and ZeeArc die down. With this she's back in track to see Death. His revival? Only 25 more days…

Next Chapter: ZeeArc's Scheme?