
Stray field

In every fairytale you see heroes slaying creatures like dragons, orcs, demons and even gods. They hold the title of a main character, it is which they are protected from the concept of death. They vary in personality, appearances and mindset. All of which have a gigantic pool of diversity. They experience countless events that drive their character to change accordingly. Their worlds include creatures such as dragons, gods, demons and other mythological creatures. And that what makes a classic story. However, what if you erase all those components and start on a different path. Threatleis... A strange world not filled of gods, dragons, demons and of various other myths. But written by the flesh of the fantasies of a mysterious being, I. That being created a world so massive that one continent is larger than ■■■■■■■ stars. As said by that being once: Imagination is power And his imagination created a new tale... Stray Field

Disappointed_Man · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Stray Field chapter 5: Sharpening the blades

Amidst the dark glooms of the foggy forest, two people were camping near a bonfire. One of them lay unconcious, while the other one was eating a broth made with mushrooms.

"Look at you, sleeping comfortably like a baby". Said the girl with blue hair, and her left eye that had 176 written on it.

'So this is another version of me, 62 we truly do look alike'. Although 62's and 176's skin color and body size differ, a similarity they both share is the shape of their face and body. When compared to eachother it is like the two are identical twins with different skin color.

"Hmm...?". Frightening air exuded the breeze as the green leaves turn black

'!!!'. 176 shuddered at the sight of the surrounding trees that grew eyes.

'WHAT!!!'. At that moment, some of the eyes turned into arms.

She began to panic at the amount arms that grew. Thus, she started running from the arms.



She kept running twist and turns. The arms still continue to relentlessly chase her. Tree after tree, after tree, after tree yet the arms do not intend to give up.

"Die!!". She turned around and held her hand like a gun. The index finger positioned like a barr

"Vvvooolllleeeyyyyy!!!!!". Her finger burst dozens of purple bullets made of pure light.

One hand suddenly deflected the blast.


The hand quickly melted into purple smoke and disappeared into thin air. And then all the other hands stopped moving.

'Seems I scared them'. 176 sighed of relief. However, that sweet moment of relief was nothing but an illusion.


"Got you...". In the same dark forest, stood the sweating exhausted 62.

'Damn... I can't hold her for long!'


Before long, a familiar gas entered her sight.

"You think this can hold me forever?"

'!!!'. 176 woke up from the illusion.

"Now go back to sle-"


The fog dispersed into thin air.



A dark shrouding being emerged from the now gone fog. The being wore a crimson cloak and a farming hat. It was a human yet its eyes are that of a beast.

"...". The air around them was awkward.

'!!!'. The mysterious person shocked the both of the girls. It was...

"Hello there fellow me". Another Cajeiss appeared infront of the two. His eyes glew blue with a number. He smiled brightly as if expecting them to greet him as well

[Name: Cajeiss Myujja]

{Jaeuvernism: ???}

<code: 542>

'2 vs 1 is kinda risky, I should take him out before playing with 62'. 176 thought nervously. Her gripping hands shook crazily ready to attack.

'542... why am I so unlucky today'. 62 thought while crying inside. She was petrified at the sight of a new opponent.

"I will introduce myself". 542 said while gesturing a bow.

"I am Myujja, pleased to mee-". Before Myujja finished speaking a purple bullet missed his head. Sparks of purple light flutter at the air swayed by the wind.

"Die you!". 176 then rapidly shot her volleys. Myujja's eyes widdened before being thrown off by the volley.




62 gulped at the sight of hundreds of trees taken down from one strike.

'She had so much power hidden!?!!?'. As 62 froze on the spot, 176 mesmerized at what she had done.

The collapse of a forest section she commited. Trees turned to mere ash, the ground vaporized by sheer force. Yet upon her amok there was one thing she could not destroy...

"He stood...". It was like a tiny flower in the middle of a storm, glimmering its beauty until its death.

"As I've said...". He began to smile as his body nulled from the pain.

"Pleased to meet you". His eyes softened into that of glee. To greet an enemy after suffering a fatal hit, his dedication knew no bounds.

"Kneel, and I might consider letting you live". The words 176 spat in her mouth were all nothing but lies.

'The ones I hate are men who act high and mighty before getting thrashed by me. What you're gonna say next can kill you, you filthy trash'. His unyielding will made her furious as the glimmers on his eyes remain bright.

"Sorry but I only kneel to lend a hand to those weaker than me". His words were so pure, void of malice and hate.

"Your face disgusts me!! Acting like a saint with your pretty face makes me want to kill you so-". 176 immediately fainted whilst not finishing her sentence.

"Finally... got her... bbllluuueerrrgggh". 62 threw up mass amounts of her dinner in the process.

"Miss, shall we go?". Myujja smiled at 62 warmly. She replied with a disgusted face. And as they gave 176 a piggy back ride, the 2 left the sight of calamity.

"Oh by the way, what's your name?"

"My name?"


She smiled before before saying...

"Its Niiarma"



A purple eruption exploded in a certain grassland which touched the sky. Below the purple clouds, three people stood face to face with each other.

"Step back or DIE!!!". 176 shot out purple projectiles towards Myujja.

"Sorry but I'm still a virgin". Myujja said as he dodged.

"How is that related!". She shot another blast.

"I wanna have children before I die". He dodged another blast.


The blazing purpur blaze spun on 176's fingertips and shot like an arrow.


1 minute ago...

"So you were a entertainer before you came here". Two people walked in the middle of a green lush grassland, the breeze was soothing and the hair of the unconcious 176 was fluttering wildly like a flag.

"Yeah, like you know one of those jesters but without the funny dress"

"But how do you perform your tricks?"

"Its simple". As she spoke, little eyes popped from Niiarma's wrist to her shoulder.

Astral spectator...

A jaeuvernism blessed with the unique ability to form invisible eyes within a 500 meter radius. The eyes can create illusions that vary in strength depending on the user's mentality. Due to the abilities of this jaeuvernism, it can make a normal person to somewhat a clairvoyant.

"But whats your juice?". (Author: here we are again with the juice:)

'???'. Myujja had a confused expression.

"Its short for Jaeuvernism"

"Well mine i—". A purple radiance suddenly burst out of nowhere.


"Don't worry I'm fine"

"Step back or DIE!!!"


"VOLLEY!!!". As she said, volleys of purple projectiles that made the surroundings decay flew at great speeds.




"DAMN ROACH!!!!!!!". 176 screamed of pure rage as she shot storms of violet light.




And just like before, the bullets did not even bother to scratch him. The more misses that happend the more 176 grew suspicious.

'Its kind of strange that after those many barrages he is not even sweating'. After that, she ceased fire.

"There's no point on continuing to attack each other, thus I request a ceasefire mr. Myujja". She shamelessly asks.

"Is it cause you stopped being a jerk or you just realized my superiority as an alpha male". His sentence made 176's teeth grind.


Another volley missed.

"What I meant is that, if possible... I would rather cooperate than to fight"


"?". 176 unaware of the damage and destruction she caused.

"... fine"

However, there was one person not happy with this incident...

"You jerk!... you just attack us for no sudden reason and think I will forgive you?!". Niiarma complained restlessly at 176, who obviously ignored her words.

"Why don't we sit down first and discuss things darling". 176 said with a flirtatious tone, which left Niiarma a disgusted face.


"I've noticed something strange about you...". 176 said.

"... whatever do you mean?". Myujja responded.

They all sat far from each other. The bonfire crackled in flames that brightened the darkness of the night.

"Your personality..."

"?". Myujja lay clueless.

"On our first encounter, you sounded like a brave but simple minded person. But however, in our fight earlier you were so cocky and confident?". 176 suspiciously claims.

"Yeah, I was also wondering about that too". Niiarma supported her claim.

At their words, he calmly staring at both of them with so much focus. Which also led them to think strange thoughts...

'Could it be a curse that was imprinted onto him by a being from his dimension?'. 176 thought.

'Maybe he's gay'. Niiarma thought.

"To be honest, when was I ever brave?". Myujja sighed confusingly.


"But weren't you so courageous to tank her attack while introducing yourself". Niiarma tried to explain, but it was all futile.

"Sorry but I don't remember doing that". It was all too confusing for them both.

"What do you mean you don't remember?... you took on something even a mountain couldn't pull off!". Clearly frustrated, Niiarma boiled in rage.

'His words are very suspicious'. 176 thought.

But regardless of suspicion or not, she has no choice but to cooperate.

'His mysterious power... I need it'. She had one goal in mind.

"Myujja, Niiarma". The two that were already gripping eachothers necks suddenly stopped.

"Do you want to join me to—". She got cut off


"No!". And thus the two continued fighting.

"But you haven—". She again got cut off.




Without them noticing, a blue eyed owl swoops in the blue flowered trees at great speeds. Inside the eyes of the owl was a very long luxurious table, twenty-six wooden chairs placed on only one side of the table, 26 pairs of eyes stared from the owl's pupil.

"These three looks like they run a circus don't they?". A cheerful voice echoed in the dark room.

"Stop being noisy B". A female voice replied to the so called B.

"Shhh! Stop ruining the show you two". Another voice sounded.


"...". Silence once again returns into the room.


"Let's form a gang"



Both lay clueless at 176's statement. She was the reason that three of them had a huge rift between each other yet she still pulls them closer.

"What's your goal jerk"



"...". She smirked at the clearly frustrated Niiarma like she was enjoying the scene.

"You lit—". As she was about to finish speaking, she felt something was amiss.

"Its gone!!"

'?'. Myujja, clueless.

Niiarma then angrily stared 176 with fierce bloodlust. She then gripped on 176's clothes tightly.

"Give it back!!!". She snarled furiously at 176, who was taken aback by Niiarma's furiousity. But instead of feeling fear...

"YOUR SMILING!!!!". 176 had a mocking smile as she enjoyed Niiarma's glare.

"So what if I—". Before she could reply, her vision went black.


An echoing attack came bursting at 176's face, the space distorted like a void for only a second before it returned to normal. A missile-like figure was thrown into the forest as it crashed through dozens of trees.

And that missile was none other than the fainted 176 and the unconcious Niiarma.

"So wholesome, they get along so well". The blissful Myujja sarcastically exclaimed. However, that emotion only lasted a short moment.

"176, 62 and you teamed up I see..."

'!!!'. Myujja was horrified to realize this so familiar voice.

"You monster... why are you here?". He lowered his voice as to not show his emotions.

"Monster?... pah! You don't even greet your own—"

"SHUT UUUUUUUP!!!!!!!!!". As he said those words, the mysterious figure crept back to the dark and disappeared into thin air.

"You two might not hear my words but... both of you are now my comrades to shoot them down". That day, lies the seed that will lead a great of a lovely band.


"Oh my, you've gathered quite alot of us in this short period of time eh...". A red haired girl that wore a blue vest with black tights, attaching on her waist was a dagger that had an edge as thin as paper.

"...". The person she talked to was a blonde guy with a smaller body than hers.

"Oy stop ignoring me baby boy". She then started poking at the small boy.

"23... may you stop your shenanigans". The boy clearly frustrated tried to distance himself away. However, 23's persistence met no bounds.

But behind them were atleast 20 other Cajeiss's. One had green eyes, another had pink hair, and another who had no clothes.

'I Fugrann shall stand atop this food chain of reflections!'



Author: sorry guys I haven't updated for so long. I was actually very sick and couldn't update for awhile.

Don't worry guys I'll continue updating every wednesday again starting next week.

Thank you!