
Chapter 1

Present Day

On a usual hot day in San Fransico, California, during spring break Cameron would go out to the skate park to think and draw what's around him or what's in his head. Sometimes he would make new friends and see a girl that's interested and let them down gently. "Hey, cutie why are you sitting alone?" An unfamiliar voice rang in his ears. He turned around only to be met with a gorgeous girl with dark skin that was smooth and silk-like to the eyes. Cameron smiled, but that's all he did. He just smiled and continued to work on his drawing that he has been doing for the past week.

Growing up Cameron loved to do anything creative or productive, just anything to keep him moving. Three of those very important creative things are singing, art and playing the guitar. If he was working on one of those things he'd simply ignore people. He has good intentions but he doesn't like it when people ruin his creative bubble.

"I'm working on something at the moment-" "I can watch you draw, your drawing is amazing!" The girl exclaimed. She sat down next to Cameron and fixed her skirt. Her eyes lit up as she looked over shoulders and awed at his skill. She curved her plump lips, which Cameron saw at the corner of his eye. That then caused him to smirk a well. "Do you have a name?" He asked. "Winona but people call me Winnie!" She responded with an eager tone. Cameron sat his sketchbook down and introduced himself in the most polite way possible. He stuck out his hand to her and waited for her to do the same. they shook hands and met eyes.

Winona and Cameron had a bonding moment, hours of talking, looking at each other while still being in the same sitting position until it was time to leave. "So we'll see each other again, right?" Winona asked sweetly. "I guess we will, Winnie." Cameron smiled and walked away while saying his goodbyes to Winona. H skipped and danced on the way home with a sunshine smile plastered on his face. His dimples upon his cheeks as so as warmth.

He walked into the house, seeing his blue-haired brother Keiran and hugged him tightly. Keiran was utterly confused about his cheery actions and decided to question it. Cameron simply shrugged and said: "I met a girl-" Keiran stopped him immediately as he mentioned a girl. "A girl?! I've always thought you were gay!" Keiran exclaimed. Kerian held him tight in his arms before letting go.

"G-gay? Why would you think that?!" "Don't worry about it, kid. All that matters is that I now know you don't have a crush on that James kid." Cameron took a long pause to think about why he say that about his best friend before speaking. He paced back and forth and back and forth until he spoke. "There's nothing wrong with him, Keiran!" He hissed softly, trying not to be too loud. Keiran scoffed, playfully punching the brown-haired boy in the arm and somewhat scaring him.

Cameron brushed his shoulder, turning to him with furrowed eyebrows and frown. "Noose boy is a psychopath and should be in jail and so should that dad of his!" "Jason Decker? He's the nicest parent in this town, what did he ever do to you?!" Cameron growled. He loved defending anything associated with James. His dad, sisters, and mother. He'd promise to stand by the Decker family no matter what happens with them. So hearing this talk about them from his own brother made him pissed off. "Was it because you think he hates you? I'd hate you too if I talk about someone's kid that way!" Cameron stormed up o his room and slammed the door, letting Kerian know that he was angry.

Cameron sits on his bed in his shared bedroom with his younger sister, May. As he sat down he saw her in the corner of the room, making out with her boyfriend. Cameron sighed loudly waiting for May to turn to him and pay attention. He kept trying until May finally took time to to get up off her boyfriend for one second.

Cameron shook his head, thinking as to why or how May ended up with such a sad loser like him. He would always go to the cliche books and movies for answers, but he couldn't put two and two together. He wasn't using her and she wasn't using him. or that's what May kept saying to Cameron everytime he talked to her about it. "Why do you come here just to make out with my sister? There are other things you could do here!" The boy complained.

He didn't get an answer from him but instead got a face full of a weird and gross tongue kiss from the couple. Cameron groans and gets a chill from the wind coming from the open window.

This gave Cam an idea. His dad was out, Keiran is watching T.V and May is making out with her boyfriend. He snuck out the window carefully and quietly. He looked down from the roof and gulps. He almost slips as he takes a step.

He then finds a better position to climb down. Cameron hears a familiar voice that calls out to help him. He gets distracted as he realizes who it is.

He slips, but he catches on the edge if the roof. "It's not that far just jump down!" James yells. Cameron hesitates, but James has his arms out knowing he will jump down anyway.

Cameron screams as he lets go and seems like never-ending screaming to James until Cameron opens his eyes and sees that he's in James' arms.

"You gonna carry me the whole way?" Cameron Jokes. A curve in James' lip forms, he tries to hide it but Cameron could see right through it. James put Cameron down on his feet and chuckled lightly. "Why are sneaking out tonight? Your dad isn't here." James says curiously. He smirks, making Cameron's heart flutter just a little bit. Cameron scratches his the back of his head and looks up.

He hums trying to come up with a simple answer. "I just want to make things fun," Cameron says with a slight smile. "Well, I can make things more fun," James says smugly. Cam tilted his head, furrowing his eyebrows questioning what he could mean by that. Cameron's anxious at this point, James can see that so he calms him down.

James extends his hand to Cameron and Cameron grabs James' hand. James walks him to his car and Cameron gasp as he sees what the car looks like. James had got a new car but it wasn't just any car. It was a 1963 Cadillac Hearse given to him by his dad. Usually, most kids his age would be mad at this vehicle but James was jumping with trill when he got it. I mean he got a car used for coffins! Cameron gets into the car and chuckles. "Why a hearse? There are other cars out there and you go and chose a hearse!?" Cameron whines. James stares blankly at Cameron, leaving a Cameron in a mild sweat and having his cheeks fill with the color of a rose. He quickly apologizes to James, making James laugh and poke fun at Cameron. Then both awkwardly chuckle before driving off. 

As James is driving, Cameron sits in silence, thinking of where they could be going. Cameron sighs breaking the awkward silence between the two. "What?" James groans. Cameron shakes his head. James smiles, watching Cameron's curls bounce and flow into the wind. James looks at the road again before he could get too focused on his hair. "where are we going, James?" Cameron's asks, looking out the window. James ignores him and keeps driving, causing another case of awkwardness.

Cameron wanted to break the silence but before he could James stops the car. He opens the car door on his side and then opens it for Cameron. Cameron looks up at the giant house and smiles brightly until he realized whose house it is. James takes a few steps up to the house with Cameron and pulls out a sharpened bobby pin. Cameron leans over James' shoulder and gasps as James picks the lock. Cameron took a step back when the door opens, hiding his face in fear. He softly squeals as he feels James' warm hand on his shoulder. James pushes him into the house and closes the door as he gets in himself. "What are we doing in our teacher's house?!" Cameron says with a slight panic in his tone. He stares at James, waiting for an answer but of course, James does not answer him and chose to ignore the boy. Cameron sighs loudly, receiving a low groan from James. James rolls his eyes at Cameron tells him why they're here in this house. Cameron can't believe his ears. He can't look at James at this moment and James understands why....