
Strangest Kind Of Love

{COMPLETED} The King of the almighty South Empire holds a ball in courtesy of his daughter's birthday as an avenue for her to find a young man to marry because, he felt like he was going to die soon and he wanted to fulfill all his wishes on his bucket list before he actually kicked it. Which getting his daughter (Princess Rosaline) married to an eligible bachelor was apart of. 23 year old Princess Rosaline meets a fine young man -whom she names Mr. Good Looks - at a bar in a drunken state the night of the ball. She had ran away with the help of her personal maid and best friend (Mira) and her fianceé (Fredrick) who was a palace guard. Princess Rosaline had lost track of time and ended up getting to the palace after it was cancelled because the King found out about his daughter's absence. Rosaline is then forced to marry Prince Rexford. Prince of the Wearlof Empire. A powerful neighbouring Empire to the South Empire. He's chivalrous and let's not forget about his looks but little did she know about his little agendas. She crosses paths with Mr. Good Looks again and falls in love with him. A guy who she only saw at night and would sneak into her room and she wouldn't even know how he got in but, she never questioned him because she trusted him and all she knew about him was his name! Mr. Good Looks finally uncovers all his secrets to her and her entire world shook. She was finally able to connect all the dots and discover all about Prince Rexford. In a feud between love and power, there is a thin line of hatred. At least, all is fair in love and war...right? * Check out my other book titled Empress Of The Netherlands also on Webnovel. Author IG : lovetheexplorer

author_love_ · Fantasie
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89 Chs

The Day - Part 2

After some moments, Mira answered as she chuckled "It still amazes me at how fast you talk. You're love or talking hasn't reduced a bit. Instead, it grows every day. And no! Not all men are the same...I mean, Fredrick's not scum and he's a good guy"

Rose who was wearing a bathrobe walked inside the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

She slowly pulled the bathrobe and soaked in the bathtub. She then sighed a sigh of comfort and replied saying "Ahhh...yes, that's true, I almost forgot about Fredrick. He's truly a charming guy. I guess all guys aren't the same then." she sighed again and continued saying "I hope one day, I meet a man just like Fredrick!" she said in such a determined voice, one would think she was going to war.

"Yes, yes, he is," Mira said wearing a ginormous grin on her face. "Oh! that reminds me. By the way, I have two birthday surprises for you" she continued.

"Tell me please!"

"Nope! Till u get dressed, I'm not spilling" Mira said as she wore a mischievous smile.

Without waiting for another second, Rose got out of the bathtub and took a quick shower.

She got out of the bathroom and picked up the hairdryer and sat by her dresser in front of a huge mirror.

The dresser was placed directly beside a window in her room. The water splashed all over her made her skin glitter in the morning sun.

She was about to dry her hair when Mira who had been sitting on the bed stood up, approached her, and attempted to take the dryer from her.

Rose refused her but, Mira insisted saying "Let me, please you know I love caring for your hair"

Mira then took the hand dryer from her and began to dry her hair gently. She treated her hair carefully like a fragile object. Mira gently slipped her hand into her hair until she reached her scalp and started to caress it gently.

They looked like mother and child with both of them beaming with so much happiness and love for one another, you could see it on their face.

Mira was focused on Rose's hair but still smiling. Rose watched her do it and adored Mira from head to toe. From her fiery red hair to her hazel eyes and her pink lips. To her good heart and practically everything about her.

She even compared Mira to those characters in TV shows that were pure of heart. She thought Mira was of a pure heart. Just like all of them.

When Rose was done adoring and praising Mira in her mind, she finally broke the silence between them saying "So, what are my two surprises?" Rose's eyes were really wide in awe. She couldn't wait any longer for the surprise.

"I'm done drying your hair. First, get dressed then, while I'm styling your hair, I'll tell -"

Rose who couldn't wait anymore didn't even let Mira finish talking before she suddenly dashed off to take the dress she had handpicked by herself which was sitting on her bed. She quickly slid into it and within a minute, she was back on the stool in front of her dresser.

"Now, tell me about the surprise," she said as her face was booming with anticipation and excitement.

"Ok, ok, Frederick and I are getting married in a month's time."