
strangers of Pharos

do you believe in monsters?

Couchbarbarian · Horror
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17 Chs

to mad to act smart part3

A cottage high in the mountains surrounded by wonderious views all around a little boy sat on a old log fiddling with a wooden puppet


"Aww dang it" pulling a thread connected to the puppet he tried various way to get the loose thread to reconnect sighing he placed it down

"Lucious would know what to do" as he watched the cloud's lost in thought


How long have I been fighting a day an hour maybe less dodging left a puppet with razor claws swiped at me

as I striked it with my elbow three more latched on to me forcing me to the ground in that moment of constriction the rest followed piling above me

"Aghh!!!"screaming in pain as they tore at me watching in glee the one above me gripped my throat as it opened its mouths a red light began forming

Trying to move I couldn't as anarchy tried his best to get to me but he too was facing a horde of puppets firing a barrage of beams left anarchy with a couple of seconds to fire at the growing pile of puppets and dolls stacking above me


As the pile got blown apart the one above me was ripped to shred as I gasped for air I moved to the sides as a wooden pike was thrown towards me

Glaring at the bastard who was rushing at me

"ANARCHY COME!" Zipping through the horde I outstretched my hand as anarchy came rushing to me

Grasping anarchy I lay hell on the bastards


Countless explosions occurred simultaneously as I weaved destroying everything in my path

A crazed expression was shown on my face as I killed and killed the only thing I thought of in that moment was razing hell

Throwing the explosives blessed salt behind me as a towering puppet wielding a wooden mallet was destroyed

Left down up behind all around the waves never ended yet in that moment I felt no fear but instead my blood boiled an inexplicable sensation ran through my very soul...….i was enjoying this

A wicked grin was permanently ensnared on my face as I put anarchy away in his holster with nothing but my two and a half hands

I entered a feral state running towards the oncoming hordes I grabbed the closest one before pulling his arm off and absolutely destroying him with it

I lost count on what happened after but when I came to I was crouched down on a mountain of broken dolls and puppets my clothes were torn to shreds as I was drowned in my on blood


Turning to the noise a figure appeared above me standing on the palm of a giant wooden puppet

"Wonderful, Exquisite glorious I can't put in to words the show I witnessed"glaring at the figure Francis borne stared at me with a deranged smile

"To think a huntsmen would appear in this day and age bravado all around a new era is approaching! quite Frankly this false age was boring but now with you showing up it's only a matter of time before our would is drowned with chaos and I can't wait for it"

Laughing loudly he spun around grabbing anarchy I fired only for three ginormous wooden hands to block them

"Hmm quite rude but you huntsmen will always be the same no matter what era we are in

But now I found a perfect candidate to house my perfection inside a vessel and what better then the Last Huntsmen!!!"suddenly cable like thread shot towards me swinging right I fired ahead not missing a beat the other one grasped my foot before dragging me up


Grabbing ahold of the cable I forcefully ripped it off hurling me to the ground

"Now now you don't see that everyday"

Shifting my weight I threw anarchy behind Francis as he raised a brow his eyes widen but it was to late as he was bonbarded

Narrowing my eyes the smoke began to clear up the skin of Francis face was burned but he seemed uneffected

"When was the last time I felt this sensation I almost forgot what pain felt like" as a wooden hand touched the exposed layer of skin on his face

"I'm done playing around" with a cold voice the room began to shake before every piece of broken doll rised up

With a flick of his wrist it was all launched towards me as my eyes widen I weaved through the projectiles as anarchy flew back to me

Doing my best not to die i saw the fustration on his face shooting at him the three hands appeared again but in doing so the projection slowed down smirking I kept dodging and firing to the point were the projectiles stopped

"You know many have tried to kill me but none have succeeded give up mortal your fate is all but decided"

Suddenly the hand dissappered and so did Francis


A wooden fist hit me straight in the jaw launching me as I crashed into a wall

Fuck touching it was definitely broken looking at the fully decked out Francis armed with wooden gauntlets alongside a sleek metal armor

Not giving me the chance to get in my feet he disappeared again only to reappear and deliver a devastating kick towards my chest


Holding back a howling scream he didn't stop

using what little strength I had I grabbed his foot just barely holding it back before pushing him back and launching a right hook only for him to grab my arm and twisting it to a deformed way

Bitting my cheek to stop myself from passing out from the pain as I jumped back and used anarchy to his maximum

"So Weak was I wrong about you?"

Swatting away the bullets a disinterested look appeared on his face

Weak weak weak weak weak weak weak weak weak weak weak weak weak weak...…..weak weak weak

In that moment it took to register his word pure primal rage clouded Logan mind as a dark miasma poured out of Logan a maddening sickness passed from huntsmen to huntsmen

As a dark look appeared on Logan face he grabbed his arm and twisted back in place