
strangers of Pharos

do you believe in monsters?

Couchbarbarian · Horror
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17 Chs

to lost to think straight part4

Long ago before the world entered the age of man a far more chaotic period existed the name of the Era is now long forgotten but it was known as...The Age of Entropy

The Age of Entropy where the strong ruled while the weak were at their mercy Gods being of power with their arrogance ignored the desperate pleas of their loyal followers until it was to late

Though their were some different from the masses it was still not enough for the calamitys of there age

Monsters evil creatures that roamed and reigned over this Era killed mercilessly the weaker races to extinction

But yet humanity survived the runt of the litter weaker then the dwarves who owned forges bigger then skyscrapers filled to the brim with magical artifacts and gold even the dragons desired

Less magically inept then the Elves who connected to nature in unimaginable scale and tended to the world tree now forever lost or so they say

Not as gifted hunter as the beast man who thrive at their craft and many others but yet the weakest survived why

Humanity had one thing the other races couldn't fathom ANGER pure primal rage flowed through their very souls

Tired were they of seeing their family's torn apart by those foul vermin so they took up arms and so it was said the first of the huntsmen were born

Victory after victory they pushed back the creature of evil soon other rose as well gathering the interest of gods willing to offer a olive branch

Humanity might traversed throughout the world yet it wasent all what it seemed soon the huntsmen found out a devastating horrid truth

The path they painstakingly layed would forever haunt them a curse beared fruit granting them the strength of the monster they slayed yet the cons outweighed the benefits a maddening sickness gripped their very souls

Whispers tearing at their minds nightmares plagueing their sleeps their need for constant battle intensified to the point were they resembled beast themselves

So it was said a vow was made and that was the last ever seen or recorded of the greatest warriors to grace the very soils of earth

Until Now...…..


It's cold...…where...who…..I...

A naked figure floated in a desolate dark river with hardly any strength to move the water guided him on the path to who knows where…..

Meanwhile a sickening dark miasma poured out of Logan the brisk sounds of chains were heard yet not seen

As Logan anger intensified his eyes glowed red with rage as his mind was clouded

Die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die die

"Hmm?"as Francis turned his head a bemused smile appeared

"Ah! so it has finally started should I welcome you now or later hmm whatever It doesn't matter anyways "

A feral growl came out of Logan as he rushed towards Francis within second he tore a peice of his shoulder off as Francis was too late to react he disappeared a few meter back as his eyes shook in disbelief never in his long life has he ever been this humiliated

As blood covered Logan's mouth he devoured the peice the sounds of woods crushing against his teeth

Infuriated Francis

"You-" raising his hands six figure surrounded the feral state of Logan one in particular jaw was hanging

"Dare-" clenching his fist it happened simultaneously they all changed a vulgur stench so repulsive it angered Logan

why well what was left of his sanity remembered his first kill….what he lost….how it started

As they grew bigger and bigger halting at a height of 6ft with bulging stomachs they attacked

The death of his friend Sasha he hasn't thought of her in ages hiding the grief behind a old pack of cigarettes

But….there is one thing he has never forgotten as the stench of axe body spray rekindled a familiar memory of a smiling Sasha standing on top of a hill

Whatever Francis was going to say was ignored by logan as he was drowned in anger dowsed by the sorrows of his past

A horrifying roar bellowed out of Logan shocking Francis as the veil slowly began to unravel



Unbeknownst of the epic battle ensued the guests enjoyed the festivities of the party

However one particular guest held a ashen face guarded by the cheif of police he swirled his glass

Sighing he chugged it causes the cheif to raise a brow

"I take it the meeting didn't go well" not bothering to answer he sighed again

"Brother listen I know you want to save violet but maybe you should start thinking about othe—"

"Don't you finish that sentence Wayne maybe if it was your daughter you would understand "clenching his fist he crushed the glass as he glared at his younger brother

"I-"not bothering to listen he stood up as he walked through the crowd he spotted Oswald an old friend paying for his actions just as he was about to go towards them he was stopped by the piercing glare of luan Oswald wife...his sister