
strangers of Pharos

do you believe in monsters?

Couchbarbarian · Horror
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17 Chs

to broke to act rich part 1

The mansion screamed rich with more than one hundred acres having a natural Forrest that reaches all the way toward a mountain

Driving by sculpture made of grass of multiple unique toys his main mansion outshined the other two

But as much as I would love to sight see I had a job to do diverting on the main driveway I took the one designated for staff

Stopping behind the staff building I loaded up anything that I could keep concealed

Which ended up having me to leave some of my arsenal behind

The short sword stayed in the car alongside my sniper but the daggers the explosive blessed salt and anarchy came with me all hidden in my blazer

As I headed for the main entrance I made sure not to bring any attention to myself

The people invited didn't pull any stops dressed in clothing that would no doubt cost more than a house and jewelry I wouldn't have seen in a lifetime

I joined the crowd with confident steps flashing a smile to anyone as a greeting

Once inside I may have overestimated just how many influential people would be here

The mayor of dayview was being greeted by a slowy built crowd while the cheif of police sat in the bar area eyeing everyone who entered the building that's when he saw me

Smiling toward him he ignored me but I still had the feeling I was being watched

As the president of toys r Us Oswald ruckus was seated alongside his family there was something off with him his skin was pale he looked down right ready to fall over and die

And I had feeling I knew what was going on looking towards his family his wife was greeting everyone in his place

While his two twin daughters had a sad look on their faces both being the ages over 21

one dressed in a gothic dress the other dressed in a bright pink dress none spoke to the oncoming individuals trying to greet them

I went on to spot lawyers judges and a certain person running for president in this election neo brandy as his group of political friends made their way to Oswald table

As I raised my eyebrow someone bumped into me then it came a familiar horrid stench so repulsive I almost brought out anarchy Axe Body spray

Then I saw him an extremely obese man with a torn tux as he hobbled away towards a group outcasted by the rest of the guests

It seemed the doll maker invited some of his "personal" friends

There were six in total as they drank and harassed the staff narrowing my eyes the obese "man" ran his hand through one of the female staff whispering things in her ears

Just as I was about to act I caught sight of my target

Francis was chatting up the mayor as he led them into the main corridor


With a deep sigh I rolled up my sleeves and calmly walked towards the "man" calmly

Tapping him on the shoulder he looked at me


I smiled before punching him across the face


As he lay splayed on the floor with a broken jaw unconscious the place went dead silent

So much for being inconspicuous all eyes were on me as the group the obese "man" was apart off stood up

All carrying that repulsive stench of Axe body spray as I got ready for them to reveal their true selves

Someone grabbed my shoulder Turning around Francis born was standing right behind me

"Gentleman why don't we all relax I can almost taste the tension" he laughed while the people around him started to as well

"Anyways it seemed Marcus here was abit too tipsy sorry friend for the mishap" with a snap of his finger the group that I was ready to throw down with grabbed Marcus body and left

"Let the festivities of tonight commnce!!"once he said that a marching band came in and the staff quickly swooped in and took the girl

"Enjoy the party stranger"as he whispered to me before tapping my shoulder and leaving to rejoin the mayor


Watching him leave my heart sped how did he get close to me without me noticing

"That was a ballsy move hope you know what your doing" the chief of police spoke as he walked with a beer in hand to me

"And why would you think that" I said watching him carefully

"The man you just knocked out holds grudges like no other he tends to make things disappear a head up if you know what good for you leave this devils house and get out of dayview before he wakes and just maybe you will have a chance to walk out of this alive"not bothering with my answer he left back towards the bar

He knows something I'll get to that later but for now I needed to catch up to Francis

But what I didn't account for was my actions had more weight then I imagined


The daughters of Oswald watched as the man punched the monsters dressed in human skin for a moment hope colored their lost eye

Meanwhile president elect neo brandy watched in interest as he whispered to his secretary
