
strangers of Pharos

do you believe in monsters?

Couchbarbarian · Horror
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17 Chs

battle of the old church

"This is the place"as I checked the address before folding the paper

The first address belonging to Kurt boomer led me to a church in the west side of dayview city

I don't know if I should be thankful for his religious views but that wasn't gonna change a thing on what I was gonna do

As I entered the church a sermon was taking place

"Brothers and sisters under the shared embrace of our Heavenly Father

Rejoice for today is going to be a blessed day"spoke a man dressed in clergy robes with one hand on his bible and the other raised high in the air

As everyone cheered they crowded the preacher as he shared words with each and everyone of them

Distracted by a pulling sensation I looked down and a little girl was there

"Mr what are you doing"

"Nothing for you to worry about now go on to your mama"shooing the little girl away she gave me one last look before disappearing with the crowd

As the preacher smiled at me he waved me over "ah a new face it wonderful to meet you stranger "

Grabbing my shoulders he nudged me towards the statue of Jesus Christ

"But strangers no longer after All under the embrace of our god we are all Family"

As he offered a prayer he clasped his hand together shutting his eyes

This was my chance but as I saw this act of kindness I didn't know what to do was he the monster or was he just a preacher praising the words of god

Still as I reached into my jacket gripping the revolver I stopped I needed to make sure

Finishing his prayer I accepted it "thank you pastor"

"It's no problem but am not pastor just a preacher"

My confusion most have showed as he explained he was a preacher spreading the gospel of the lord

Thanking myself for not just shooting him I nodded

"Then where is the pastor ?"

"Ah pastor Kurt will not be with us he has developed a cold and with his old age I fear for his health

But he did really wish to be here"


"And do you think it might be possible for me to meet him I know it's a sudden but" as I covered my face with my hand I faked a cry

"My mother has just recently passed and she knew the pastor I just wish to tell him of her passing"

I always was a good liar maybe even a bit too good as he grabbed a napkin and passed it towards me as I wiped my crocodile tears from eyes

"Thank you"

He nodded before he prayed for safe passage for my mother in heaven

This hurt not knowing if they were even alive I shook my dark thoughts away and focused

"Don't worry am sure the pastor could make time for you Mr am sorry I haven't asked for your name"

"Logan my names Logan"

"It nice to meet you Logan am victor"


"Watch your step the woods a bit weak around here" passing by a broken piece of floor he led me up towards the east section of the church

Still the closer we got towards the pastor room the odder it got the portraits hanging on the wall seemed to follow me

I wouldn't be surprised if I see a upside down cross around here

Am I regretting my actions of not bringing the club maybe

"Ah here we are let me go in first pastor kurt is a bit cranky when he gets up"

Opening the door he walked in there I saw the pastor laying in bed he was a old white man his skin was unusually pale his finger nail were long and pointy as a towel covered his forehead

Before I could reach into my jacket he awoke with a coughing fit

"Cough—cough-hmm? victor is it time for my medication" his words sounded smooth if he would ask me to jump from the window I would have——wait a minute

Clenching my fist to the point were blood trickled down I snapped out of it but victor didn't even seemed affected as he chatted with Kurt unbothered by his voice

Was he a monster after all before I could think more about It I met eyes with pastor Kurt he was blind yet he knew where I was"are you the one that wished to speak with this humble old man"

Humble my ass I thought now it was time to hunt

Smiling lightly I pulled out my revolver and aimed it at his head

"I see *sigh* I thought the huntsman died out..well…...it matters not"the old man that looked like he could pass any day now

Changed his bones shifted cracked and made anew his skin grew more durable as long hairs grew around his body his face was morphing into a animalistic monster

Victor face was pale as he watched the man he grew to know change into a beast

Firing twice at his head I grabbed victor and rushed out of the room before I arrived here I dove into folk lore on what monstrosity could live in churches

And now I knew which one I was dealing with[The Blasphemous Hertic]

Not much was known about these monster but it was known that a holy man must fall from the graces of the lord

And commit such a sacrilegious act that even god had no choice but to punish the hertic with such a awful curse befitting the holder

Dodging a clawed fist I swung victor to the side and into a empty room

"Shit out of all the monster I had to get this one couldn't I have you known got a evil spirit or something "

Crouching down to the floor a tail swung at me as I shot forward at the beast it hardly did any damage

Tch think think think! the blasphemous hertic had many known weakness caused by the curse

Insatiable hunger, constant bloodloss,

Feral state ,cursed immortality ,constant plague ,blindness, salt,holy water,fire and weakness of a holy man

Dodging a bite I shot him at the side of his head as he whimpered he swung at me

Weakness of a holy man

That's it as I slided over his arm and under him I unloaded everything at him temporarily stunning him

It was the most effective at least that what the lore said rushing into the room I threw victor in he was praying nonstop

"Snap out of it" slapping him made him stop as he looked at me fearfully

"Listen I need your help to stop this monster I'll draw his attention while you grab whatever salt matches and holy water you have Go!!!"

Stuttering audibly I didn't give him the chance to back out as I reloaded my revolver and went to face the hertic

He caught me off guard as he tackled me through the side of the building making both of us crash through the walls

He then Bit me in the shoulder and was ready to tear it off but I shot him in a place he didn't expect

As he realesed his grip on me and howled loudly

I slipped out and kicked him in his maw making him fall to the side

Unloading another barrage of bullets at him he got up from his daze

As his claws slashed through the walls of the church I barely dodge but not fast enough as he ripped through my carrhart jacket and into my flesh

It felt like molten lava was poured on me holding back the pain I glared at him

As he Licked his claws he stared at me with a devilish smile

Before he could go any closer

A barrel of salt was dropped on him

As he whailed in pain victor was above him standing from a scaffold chanting a holy prayer loudly that seemed to affect him

"Unholy beast cursed by god a holy man turned impious from the sin he brought onto himself"

Screeching horribly he fell to the ground hard as he changed back but this time he did not look the same

There lay a malnourished barely breathing old man before victor could finished I stopped him

"Before I send you to hell tell me do you know Carol Logan and Rick Logan"

As I stood above the living corpse he laughed and laughed and laughed

"Was that the name of my breakfast or was it lunch hahahaha!"

[Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!click!]

Rage that all I felt when I emptied everything I had on that bastard as victor continued his prayer a dreadful black miasma was pulled from the hertic body but if you listen closely the sound of chains were heard and the screams of Kurt followed


The fire burned clensing the atmosphere of the vile monster as I stood next to victor we watched as the corpse turned to ash

As the bandages from my chest were starting soak Victor spoke

"To think he was The blasphemous hertic never in my life would I have thought I would be face to face with such a monster"as he shivered when he spoke that word

"But now my faith is strong as steel it's all thanks to you Logan if you weren't here I wouldn't imagine when I would become the next to preacher to vanish from this church"

"There where others before you?"

As tears fell from his eyes he wiped it "yes many other"

As the last of the fires burned we stood In silence

Victor accompanied me to the front of the church

"Your gonna stay"I asked as he stood infront of the broken church he nodded

"You are a good man Victor"as I patted his shoulder

"I hope you find peace with what you're looking for Logan

Here this may not be much but take it please"

There he handed my his bible with a glass of holy water

"May it help you in your time of need and if you need anymore my doors are always open"