
Stranger Things: Elements of Change

A boy is reincarnated in the 1980's. After 13 years of hard rigorous training from his grandfather and father he moves to the strange small town of Hawkins to start his life anew. But what no one else knows is he didn't come from this world.

Blankio · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs

Great Surprise

"You have 2 wishes, child."

"Power to control the elements from including the ability to create elements that have some logic behind them. And boosted potential in my physical capabilities including my brain."

"Alright. The world you are going to is in great danger child. Whether you save it or save yourself is up to you. Enjoy your journey, the transfer will start soon. Don't be afraid, and try to stay very still, it'll all be over soon."


The boy in the darkness of the void felt immense pain in his soul as the very fabric of his being was being changed and intertwined with new power, and an immense amount of energy that almost seemed infinite.


"It seems that the understanding of your power being transferred into your being is being executed properly. You will not have to go through some training arc with your powers like an anime/isekai MC. I'm a god and I will give you the power you asked for. The power to control and create elements from nothing. Chi is from another world that you may or may have not witnessed and it should give you an energy source to use. Also, there will be a simple status bar that you can call out at all times. That is my only gift to you. Since you did not wish for your memories you will have none. But you will experience flashes of some like Deja Vu."


"Stranger Things, child. Your future is in your hands. Choose wisely. The process is over. Begone out of my territory. I need my tranquility."


A crack in the void appeared and sucked in the soul of the boy like a black hole. Soon the boy was traveling through endless lights of different colors, like the bifrost, and as he finally calmed down from the pain he had just experienced he felt himself land in a...cage?


'Ouch, hey who did that?"


'Wait why can't I talk? Am I a baby? Why am I forgetting words? When he said memories did he mean all of them? Even talking? And poddy training? Am I going to poop my pants? NOO...Waaaaaaa?'

-Back In The Void-

Please don't make me regret this, child. The last one who I gave my blessing to was indeed...a disturbed child. I thought he was the one. Turns out he was just one of my many errors.

-Back on Earth-

-10 Years Later-

-1st POV-

I'm a genius. No genius doesn't explain what I am. I'm a one-in-a-billion-year prodigy. No one can compare. Why, you ask? Well let me recap my life.

1st Year

Walked at 9 months. I've always been stronger than everyone since I could remember.

Spoke at 11 months. I've always been faster to learn than everyone since I could remember.

2nd Year.

Mastered reading and writing all the way up to the 5th grade level.

Got a private tutor because my parents apparently have money, and went into private studies.

3rd Year

Finished all of my academics all the way up to the end of highschool.

4th Year

Got into martial arts with my grandfather. He's apparently a very renowned figure in the martial circle.

5th-9th Years

Mastered every martial art given to me.

Invented an improved version of an electrically powered car. Top speed of 160 mph. 500 horsepower. Full charge lasts a week. And more details that I don't want to get into. I had my parents sell the blueprint to Chevrolet and made $3,000,000. I was pretty much loaded after that. And I became famous as some kid genius. So my parents made me start studying more.

10th Year/Current Year

I've made a nigh-infinite energy source. The reason I say close to infinite is that, if it was powering the United States it would last 1,000,000 years before it even ran out. This isn't a lot compared to infinite but in human history, no one has ever lived for 1,000,000 years so that's close enough to infinite if you ask me.

I was planning on making some connections with smaller inventions for war because of the whole country of idiots being focused on the commies, to make connections and sell it to the government. But then I decided to check who I was selling this to, and man did it open my eyes to this world. The dirt this government has on itself is so nasty you would mistake it as horse shit. Oops, forgot I wasn't supposed to swear. Mom will have my hide.

Well after seeing all that I said fuck that, and just decided to make a company and have my dad run it so I wouldn't have to worry about the country trying to steal this from me. I call it the Arc Reactor by the way. I don't know why it came to my head. It was like Deja Vu. Like I've been in this place before. Like I've seen this thing before. Well anyway, I am also currently physically past any human being I've ever met. I can lift 5 tons with one hand, and toss it like a ball. My limit is ten though. I can run as fast as 85 mph. Accelerating to that in 2 seconds. I have a vertical of 120 inches. My hand-eye coordination is off the charts. My grip is off the charts. My brain operates on a higher level than humans in general. Basically, I'm like the improved version of a human.

So now that I info dumped the less important stu-



Never mind I'll tell you when I have time. But until then, bye journal.

-3rd POV-

As James left the room the journal sunk into a hole that opened up in a whole in his floor, that lead to a biometric safe that would explode with the power of 10 sticks of dynamite if anyone without his DNA touched it. It wouldn't open if his parents did it just wouldn't explode.

-1st POV-

3 Years Later

Back to what I was saying 3 years prior. Sorry for the wait by the way. I had to get my business in order which is now a multi-million dollar business. Ever since I was 4 I've had these memories of these powers and this energy. I can use it to manipulate elements, and even create some. I've never had to train it before. It's always just seemed at it's peak, and the only way to further it was my imagination. So far I could control, Earth, Fire, Water, Air, Lightning, Sound Waves, Microwaves, and Metal. Microwaves were the least flashy element I controlled. I could use them to send out a kind of electromagnetic pulse, or just manipulate them to jam any radios in the vicinity. I also have this weird panel that shows all my stats.

Name: Stephen James Williams

Age: 13

Birthday: October 31st, 1970.

Strength: 10 tons

Speed and Agility: 85-90 Mph

Dexterity: Superhuman

Intelligence: Superhuman

Chi: Infinite

Endurance: Can take a shot to the head from a .50 BMG, but will be put in critical condition if not treated within 3 minutes.

Yeah, those are my stats.

Another thing. We just moved to Hawkins because I finally finished my training with my grandfather in California. I'm going to miss my friend Max, but it's okay. I can always go back and visit her sometimes.

We finished unpacking today so I went out to explore the town, but it was already dark so I started heading home. I saw 3 kids ride past me on their bikes. One of them said something about the others mom and that kid split from the 2 and flipped one kid off. It was an interesting interaction for kids that looked my age but it wasn't my business so I kept walking. At least I was going to. Until I felt a disruption in the electromagnetic field in the area from the direction they went off in. So I decided to run behind them and follow. As I did I saw them start racing down a hill, and once one got down he kept going and shouted something about X-Men. So I kept following him because the disruption started to feel stronger the longer I followed. The other kid didn't notice me run past as I blended into the darkness. After a few seconds...I saw something that would change my whole life.


Was this good? Please let me know where I can improve. I do not know if I'll be continuing my marvel fic I started. I honestly just lost inspiration for it. I've lost inspiration for all my other works tbh and I've been trying to find something I'll want to write about for a while. Hopefully this lasts.

If you're reading this I love you, and I hope you have a blessed day. Peace out.