
Strange short stories

Bedtime stories, fantasy, fiction, and more ... Just a warning ... none of them are normal.

abibia_berri · Fantasie
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42 Chs

Two people, one day

It was a wonderful day!

-Please... It was raining!

But that was a very beautiful city.

-They were ruins. Just a bunch of stones.

Well, the food was delicious, you can't deny it.

- I am still hungry. . .

Stop interrupting me!

-you started it.

This was the best day of my life.

- The worst I would say.


- Are you really asking? You know I hate travels.

Then why did you came along?

- I didn't "came" all the way. You dragged me until here.

Really? I don't remember doing such a thing!

- Yes, you did. You said, " If you really love me, you have to come!" And here am I.

Do you love me so much?

- Of course.

Me too!

-I already know, can we go home now?

Well, for someone who is in love with me, you are really a party Popper!

-Look who is saying! In your only holiday together, you want us to go to Greece?

And where do YOU want to go then?


Hum... Ahh. All righty, we have done enough for today. You are not going to stop complaining if we don't go home now, right?

- What? Seriously? You really do not want to visit the castle over there?

We can do it tomorrow.

-Oh, please no.... My lovely flower. . .

Hey? Why the sweet worlds out of the blue?

- Do you really love me?


-If you really love me, we have to go home right now.


- Do you love me?

Ok, I was already getting tired of temples anyway.

- Finally!!

But then...

- Yes, my sweet?

Do you know we're we are?

-Of course not! You made us walk a mile away from the original rote. I thought you had a map or something. . . You DO have a map, don't you?


-Why are you smiling! Ah, forget it. Do you at least remember how to ask directions in Greek, right?

Also, no.

-What were you thinking! What if it begins to rain! Or if we meet... a wild animal... or a robber...

Oh, don't be overdramatic, we have a last adventure ahead!

-No! Everything but that, please! I can't walk anymore!!

No problem! I will carry you! It is for those reasons that you have a strong partner!

-Please, no! It is dangerous, and you are tired... hey, this is not bad.

Told you we would have fun together. And I am not exhausted, I am sure can walk you one more mile like this.

-Well, I can accept it. . .

Then. Let's go!