
Strange short stories

Bedtime stories, fantasy, fiction, and more ... Just a warning ... none of them are normal.

abibia_berri · Fantasie
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42 Chs

Train of thought

An Artist. . .

Does Arts help humanity to evolve and survive?

We have only one life to life, how can we contribute?

Why contribute?

Because life is too good to not make it last longer and be better.

Not everybody knows how good life is.

They are losing too much.

Do it.

Why me

Because I love and want to love more and be loved.

Love is . . .

Definitely not only sexual and physical things.

It is when you want the best for someone as ah entire.

Why do you want that person to be good?

Because she makes you feel good and protected? So, that you want to protect her too?

I do not know it, yet.

Back to Art.

How important is Art?

Someone once told Art and science were the same.

Science help humanity and is important.

But how can Art help us?

Darwin and Alexander von Humboldt used Arts to discover and document Plants, animals and insects.

Da Vinci, Einstein and other genius were musicians ad artists too.

What is Art?

To express yourself

To do beautifully things

What is beautiful?

To me?


This is useless, I can't do everything to contribute.

Everything is already there, people only do not see it.

Can I make people see everything?

We have only one life and body to use, how?

Influence live to live more a better.

Save life.

Discover things about life and share.

Art can only help with number one and two.

But how?

With more talent and effort than I will ever have.

Why does it have to be art?

Because ah promise I made when little.

Because I love Art.


Because it is beautiful.

. . . And everything is beautiful. . .

Then I can be and use Anything to contribute.

No, remember the promise.

. . .

Is art that important?

I found this answer in internet:

1. it is a natural behavior of expressing yourself just like language.

2. You might not understand a particular language. But art everyone can understand.

3. Art is a form of preserving culture. It reflects a society's beliefs, cultural values, etc.

4. Attracts tourism

Not helpful at all.

Once I had an idea of making Biolight. So, that we would reduce the energies consume.

But it would not have an off button.

A big problem that I can't solve, yet.

Humans need to learn to live in the dark without killing, stealing etc, or being killed, stole etc.

How improve it? Not with art, or not?

I want to learn. . . What?

Everything, impossible I know

So, one last time. What is art?

Art is to do things with love.

Love is. . .

Beautiful. . .

Is everything so, it is. . .

To live consciously of our surroundings.


Can you prove you are not in matrix?

Can you prove reality?

Can you prove others are alive?

I am alive, anything false would say that.

But I am thinking, so, only for me, I can prove, I exist.

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