
Strange short stories

Bedtime stories, fantasy, fiction, and more ... Just a warning ... none of them are normal.

abibia_berri · Fantasie
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42 Chs

The two princes

Um ... What should I tell you? Something interesting and with many adventures? Or a drama full of mystery? Good! I have the perfect story full of all that and more! Listen carefully.

A long time ago, a story was told about two princes who knew nothing about their origins. That is why they had no real names. One had orange eyes like the sunset and yellow hair like the rays of the sun. The other prince was completely white, only his pupils were red.

The two princes traveled together through the fields, looking for someone who had all the answers. What they were looking for was the most famous prophet of the Seven Kingdoms, who worked for most kings, but never made a prophecy with 100 percent certainty and, when asked why, replied that if he did, it would turn to dust.

It was rumored that the Prophet loved to walk in the fields of cities going to war in search of someone who needed prophecy. That was the princes' last hope. One day, when crossing the border of the Holy Roman Empire, the princes met a boy on the way, the boy asked: Can I travel with you? I'm looking for the prophet, aren't you? With the same goals in mind, the three began to travel together searching for the Prophet. The new boy was very curious and amused.

The night came, and the three talked for a long time about their goals, dreams, and hopes. They saw the infinite stars in the sky, while the new boy talked. Even the snow prince remained very silent in the new boy speeches.

In the morning they tried to refuel. In the afternoon they left, and at night they found shelter. The new boy did all this twice as fast, he said that he had been used to it for a long time, the princes learned more and more. The boy also had great stories of adventures, romances, and fantasies, but, strangely, almost none of them were his own. The princes, who also did not reveal their identity, did not care.

So, it was eight months long. The three already felt like brothers who spent their entire lives together, but the fact that they did not find the prophet made all them sad. In the ninth month, when they rested in Banat of the Ottoman Empire, the boy said:

- What would you ask the prophet when meeting him?

- How to know who we are. - The princes answer unanimously. The boy asked again:

- Why is this so mysterious?

- To find our goal it is difficult to live without it, to ask ourselves every day if we are useful to the world or just a burden. We would do anything to know who we are.

Unexpectedly, the boy asks another question:

- Even if this question hurts the Prophet?

At that time the princes agreed, but the boy said:

-So be careful what I say is crucial - The white prince, who used to watch, understood the situation and started to cry and interrupt the boy.

- And you are not? The prophet who turned to dust when he said a true prophecy! Why? Do you even know your own life? We don't need prophecies, stop it!

The boy was moved by the prince's words, but even so, he said:

- You can change the world, but you have to sacrifice a lot for it and tell you that now is my new life goal! So promise me that you followed the prophecy!

The princes, crying too much to protest, agreed and nod. The boy said the prophecy slowly and calmly.

"You, who shine as brightly as the sun. Climb the highest mountain, and you will reach the sky! And you, who are white as snow, go to the largest and deepest lake you can find."

The princes exchanged looks; they did not want to travel separately. The boy noticed her hesitation and said:

"if you don't want to be complete without the other, use these earrings on and if you feel alone, just touch the earrings and think about each other then you will feel connected".

With these words, the boy threw the jewels in a high arc and when the princes picked them up and looked in his direction again, he was gone. The prince of the sun then moved to the mountains and the prince of snow went to the lakes. After two days of uninterrupted travel, Prince Sun was very exhausted, especially as the mountains did not approach, but only seemed to be further away. His travel destination seemed small and lost in the immense landscape, although he was surrounded only by a few trees. But when the mountain looked small, the prince felt smaller. Weariness made his mind spin and he sat on the floor, frustrated. Looking for help, he touched the earrings and thought

"why am I here? What is my job under this great sky? How can I reach it?"

He meditated but had no answer. Not a friend of his, so he approached the problem in his own way. He would probably have to deal with many other things, big or small, to clarify his identity. Prince Sun looked at the mountains again, and this time they were big enough to reach the sky. He got up and ran to the mountains.

The snow prince also felt tired after two days, after all the landscape was much bigger than him, but on the other hand, what did tiredness mean? What did that chill do? It was just ridiculous feelings that unnecessarily demotivated him. If he was so easy to find, why did he come to this place in the first place? Why was he in the world? He touched his earrings and thought of his mate, He liked to feel it, he didn't ask why he felt it. And he acquired knowledge in his own way. He was probably so unmotivated and tired that he was going to get carried away by those feelings.

" Idiot," he thought, "giving up triviality like feelings aren't worth it. That's no excuse to throw it away!"

The fields were huge and the forest looked as dense and large as the mountains, and to make matters worse, the creatures that lived in it made scary noises when it got dark. Besides, there was not a drop of water in the area, he was getting far away from it, but it wasn't his fault, it didn't make sense. Well, that's why she went to the lake to find out the meaning.

After two more days, the Prince Sun finally reached the foot of the mountain, the mountain covered the entire sky without leaving a ray of sunshine. The sky seemed impossible to reach again. And it was like a small, weak little frog at the feet of a strong, huge, and frightening giant. But he started to climb the mountain. It was snowing and the wind was strong.

"Funny! I never had that feeling!" He thought ...The rocks slid and every muscle in his body burned in pain, his body wanted to succumb to exhaustion.

"But that's good!" He said. "I'm stronger! When I'm strong, I go up faster! I just need to sleep and eat something!" When he looked down, he felt as free as a bird over the field and the forest, the cold and the pain were no longer as strong. He tightened his earrings and looked at the stars with the Snow Prince

"This adventure journey is very good!" thought the prince of the sun.

"Well, I'm dead tired and hungry every day!" The Snow Prince answered.

" But look! We're almost there and the view is worth it, isn't it ?!" The Snow Prince thought that would be his friend's answer. They smile and face the starry infinity of the same sky.

"Yes, perhaps," thought the Snow Prince.

The next day he was tired as usual ... hungry ... and thirsty ... but he didn't feel it, he just knew it was him. The friend asked him to sit down and look for food and water, he was worried about his poor health, and only then would he feel tired and hungry. The Snow Prince climbed the last hill and, looking ahead, euphoria spread through his body before reaching a large lake that extended as far as he could see just because the huge mountain behind the lake did not seem infinite. His friend is somewhere away from the mountain, but when he thought about it, it was like being next to him, jumping for joy and congratulating him, so he went down the hill and fell into the huge lake.

The snow star breathed deeper than he had already inhaled and submerged, his friend was somewhere far from the mountain, but when he thought about it, it was as if he were besides him, jumping for joy and congratulating him, so the prince of the sun rose down the hill and plunged into the huge lake.

The water fell on his stomach as The Snow Prince breathed deeper than before. And dipped. The water was very clean, even underwater you could see clearly when looking down, it was just darkness, the torrent started to pull him down, and he swam without hesitation. The prince of snow swam in one direction because of this. In the dark, it was difficult to distinguish between up and down. He didn't notice when his muscles started to slow down or when his fingers started to freeze, not even when his air was out, only when his lungs filled with water the oxygen in his brain ceased. His thoughts were passed out from the throbbing pain in his head. He was not afraid. If he died, he would be looking for his identity. He felt his conscience slowly fade. Suddenly, warmth and joy spread through his body and brought him back to life. He was at the top of the mountain, his friend laughed, he reached the sky! The prince of snow applauded and laughed together, contained the great vision, a deserved prize, the prince of the sun raised his hands, the prince of snow imitated him and felt a warm, soft cloud in his hand, from the sky he had reached. Suddenly, the prince of the sun slips and disappears from his sight in the colossal fall. The panic and fear that dominate him allow him to return to his reality while suffocating with a little air in his lungs. He had to help his friend, with or without air, alive or dead. His legs didn't move, he just couldn't breathe, his conscience grew weaker and weaker and was replaced by hellish pain. It hurts a lot, is it worth it? It couldn't be easier to give up as usual ... No, Prince Sun would not comfort him if he gave up. What a mess! he thought.

Somehow, he swam down. He was already used to having a headache when he saw something, he lit it! He swam faster. He was no longer in the water.

"It can't be! I should have expected this."

It was all he could think of between his long fall and hitting the hard floor. The first thing he felt was an unbearable and unbearable pain to take care of his mind and the terrible metallic taste of blood in his mouth. In short: his ribs pierced his lungs and he (probably) died of hypothermia. The second was the instinct to go out and help your friend. The third was the strange sensation of not feeling your arms, legs, or fingers as well. In the next second, when he leans on his feet, the muscles in his arms and legs contract in pain and bring him down again. Without a pause, his lungs and stomach expelled any water and blood that was inside. He vomited what was burning from his throat and nose, leaving a terrible smell and a taste of rotten fish and muddy water with fresh blood.

Dizzy, weak, tired and aching (not that it means anything to him), he got up, the pain in his lungs was stronger than the pain in his head, and as he can think again, he remembered his friend. He would go on! Even if meteorites were hurled at him! Something in his head laughed as he tried to calm him down. He was the damn Prince of the Sun! He was fine and in the end, he laughed too, right ?! He would take revenge on his suffering. As soon as he could leave this place. He looked to the side, he was in a kind of cave under the lake, which was lit up by little shiny mushrooms. He looked up, he should have waited, the lake floated over his head with a light current, drawing endless black water. He took a step forward in the dark. He still had a headache, but he didn't need to breathe, and he didn't breathe because he still had broken ribs, which hurt more than an oxygen-free brain (and he worked anyway). He stops and thinks:

"This place and I are out of this world"

When he looks ahead, he faced a lake the size of a house (much smaller than the one that floats over his head). The lake consisted of a liquid, a gas, or a solid (not identifiable) the color of the night sky with spotted stars, like the sky from another world. Below, a small placard spoke of others, but he could read "Slot for Thea's world" He laughed, he didn't have to go, there were all his answers are.

Did you like the story and want more? Then see my other books The Heirs of Thea to learn more.

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