
Strange short stories

Bedtime stories, fantasy, fiction, and more ... Just a warning ... none of them are normal.

abibia_berri · Fantasie
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42 Chs

The antics of Bia's crew -More about Bia

Upon a time, there was a very small and happy girl named Bia.

She was adventurous, curious, kind, and lovely.

She loved to go to the doctor. She ate all her vegetables as they were candy and never was mean to anyone. ( or so she thought) And she had a big kitten she took care of very well.

But she was also not perfect. She had an incredibly big fear when she needed to go far from her house (the ship) because she thought she would get lost.

She also hated to eat in restaurants or any place that was not her house because she always had a stomach ache afterward. She never liked kids or adults that she did not know for more than 3 months and was very rude to them.

Also, she liked to plan everything. She would spend hours thinking about hypothetical scenarios. When something got out of the plan she became very anxious and could not do anything more.

Every time one of those things happened, she had a very strong stomach ache and her mother had to stay behind to take care of her. At some point, her father got very tired of it and yelled to her: It is all on your head! Those words did not help Bia to do not have a stomach ache. Her mother told her father to do not to yell or say things that Bia would not understand.

The father did not mean that she was lying or just acting. Bia knew it, But then, what did he mean? She had those stomach aches since she could remember, so she never really thought why did she had it. She was a very healthy little girl, stronger and faster than most boys she had met.

So why?

" It is all in your head" She could not stop thinking about what her father said.

" It is all in my head, then I can control it and do not throw up!" She thought because she really hated to throw up but every time she got sick she did it.

She kept those world in mind and on that same day she ate a strange fruit and the stomach ache started again. 

Then she kept saying to herself:

"I will not throw up! I hate throwing up!" and most important "It is all in my head!" But then her mother said in that sweet one mothers have: " Please Bia, forget what your father said, sometimes we do need to throw up because something we ate is not doing good to us" But Bia was already convinced she would not throw up, she was just sad her mother wanted her to do it. So she started to cry and yell louder: I do not want to throw up!

 And do you know what happened after it? She did not throwed up! After some time nausea got away and she was completely fine again.

Bia was not so happy at all. She had no idea what just happened! She was so confused she started to do some "experiments" with the boys on the port. She made a juice from ananas, then colored it with blackberries. She made two cups and found two boys to drink them. To one boy she said it was an adult juice that made kids throw up and dared him to drink it to see if he was an adult. The boy drank and threw up afterward.

To the second boy, she said it was a delicious juice she made herself. The boy drank it and did not threw up!

Bia was amazed. 

She did not know but she had just learned the basics from witchcraft for magic spells and psychology. The power of words. 

Even so, she still could not make herself stop being sick. To not throw up was very good indeed, but feeling sick was also not cool. 

So, she kept doing experiments with the boys on the port, older and younger than her.

You may think it is a very dangerous thing for a young lady to do, but you need to remember she had a very big and loyal kitten that protected her and scared even the adults.

Back to the experiments. She started first to ask the boys if they had or have had the same problem as her. And the boys usually said things like: " I am afraid of the dark" or " I have a stomach ache just by thinking about the sea monsters" and other things. The first thing Bia noticed was that the word "fear" always appeared with the word "ache". So she discovered why her belly hurt and why her father said, it was all in her head. It hurts when you are too afraid of something, and not just your belly, it can be your head or even knees! About the "all in your head thing", it was literally what it means. The fear was not in her belly, just in her head!

But it still did not help so much, because Bia knew that when she got stomach ache she got just more scared and the ache would improve! She also did not know how to do not get afraid! So she went experimenting more on the boys.

The experiments were being every time more difficult. Most because the oy already had an idea of what she would do to then and that it was never pleasant things since the experiments were about things like throwing up, fear, rage, and stomach aches.

To Bia's luck that same week Bia's mother taught her how to read. The books were a great help at getting information in the place of the boys. For the rest of the experiments, she could just do it herself. 

As result Bia did not learned how to do not be afraid, but she learned something even more amazing. How to transfirm fear in excitiment. She became a very nergic girl, then every time she fellt fear ah rish of adrenaline take over and she jumped right into action, without thinking twice.

It was also with the books that Bia learned about her parent's history. But that is material for the next chapter.