
Strange short stories

Bedtime stories, fantasy, fiction, and more ... Just a warning ... none of them are normal.

abibia_berri · Fantasie
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42 Chs

Once upon a time, there was a magician

Once upon a time, a feeble boy lived in the streets of a huge city.

To eat, he worked doing favors for slaves who would give him food in the place of money.

To sleep in the cold nights, he would search for nearby farms who let the doors opens and snuggle up among the animals.

He did not remember his mother or father faces, the only thing he thought about where food, shelter and water.

One day saw a very scary woman beating a slave, just a normal day, he thought.

But them, the old woman, she fainted still with the beating stick in her hand.

The slave flee for his life.

The boy stared the old woman, and the woman remained laid down in the dirty street.

The boy did not know what "help" was, nobody never helped him because he was something poorer than a commoner, a street orphan.

And the woman on the floor was no different, an old woman dying.

Nobody would help her, it would be even better if a bad woman like her just stayed there forever.

The boy kept staring.

He remembered how he disliked lying on dirty floors.

He then piked up the old woman from the floor and carried her to a clear place in the sidewalk.

He then took a bit of horse water from a nearby bucket and gave the woman to drink.

Then, he noticed fragrant cookies in the woman's pockets.

He took it.

In the pocket where coins too.

He looked around, nobody was paying attention, so he slowly took them too.

The woman suddenly woke up with a devil slime.

The scared boy was about to yell when the woman covered his mouth.

-Silent, little brat, it is for a boy exactly like you that I have been looking for!-

The boy began to silently cry.

-Do you want warm food and bed?-

The boy nodded.

-I can give you even more, follow me.-

And so, the woman got up as nothing had happen and the boy followed her.

Later she would teach that sloppy boy how to speak and lie, how to write and curse, how to fight and kill, and train he as one of the most dangerous wizards alive.

Of course, this boy grew and became independent.

And now, he was a healthy mage in his 30ths, carrying a fainted pale girl under his arms.

He leaped like a giant frog, from tree to the floor and then to a montain and continued jumping up the mountain.

He shook the girl so much as he jumped that one hour, in the middle of the mountain, she woke up. Still too weak to try to free herself from the mage's grip all she could do was try to locate herself in vain.

A cold tear ran down her face. Her mind was filled with thoughts like, why did he cheat on me? Why did I fall in love with an idiot like him? How are mama and papa?

But most important of course:

-Where are you taking me? -This last question escaped her thoughts, being said in a weak and wet voice, but the sharpened senses of the magician managed to hear clearly.

-A girl as ignorant as you would never know her own worth. A princess of snow, with immeasurable beauty and that guarantees immortality for those who choose to stay by her side. I will make you my bride. - Honesty, the princess waited to her those last words from someone's else mouth. It was usually a great time to dwell on such words, but all she felt now was disgust.

Unfazed by the girl's tears or low murmurs, the wizard continued to jump inhumanly high. Until he reached the top of the mountain, where his snow-covered stone palace awaited him.

When he arrived, giant wood doors opened themself for him.

- Here, be it winter or summer, you will never melt or be bored.- Said the mage with pride.

The girl could already feel her strength coming back with the cold that came from the castle.

Upon entering the palace, the wood doors slammed behind them and the mage finally let the girl down. The girl stayed where she was, like a puppet, in fear the mage would do something if she moved. But on the contrary, the mage relatedly took off his coats and threw them into an armchair while flopping into a rocking chair like a tired old man.

- Don't you fear I will try to escape? - Asked the girl.

The mage looked at her puzzled, but when he saw her frightened face, he laughed.

- I wish you could try! My days alone in the mansion would be less boring!

This was the girl turn to look puzzled at the mage. Seeing him swinging in the chair with his closed eyes made her relax a little bit, enough to dare to make another question.

-Are you not cold? - The mage replayed still with his eyes closed, only bothered enough to make hands gestures.

-Magic, my lady, it is all magic. - He pointed to the whole giant living room where there were and all the stairs and doors. Letting the girls have a time to look amazed to it all before continuing. - How I clean this place, how it is always cold and there is always food in the tables, it is all magic. -

The girl was truly amazed, so amazed that she forgot everything that just happened and asked in a cheerful tone.

-Can you teach me magic? - The magician laughs again, this time in a very mocking way, also responding with a sarcastic tone.

-Do you think I would to teach my prisoner how to escape? What is your name, funny magic girl?- The girl became ashamed and sad again, but still replied in a low tone.

-My name is snow. -

-Snow? Like, because you are made from snow?-

-yes?- Snow answered confused.

-Sight, commoners, its simplicity still impresses me. I will go and have a good night of rest, feel free to explore the castle.- As the Mage said that, he took a hat hung on the wall and put on his head, disappearing immediately.

Innocent Snow was sure he had used some magic to teleport to his room, and began desperately looking for an exit from the castle, forcing doors and trying to climb windows.

The truth, however, was that the hat only made the magician invisible, he stayed right there in the rocking chair. Watching his new guest despair with a devious smile on his face.

This chapter will be edited soon.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. ( Or write a rewien, even one star is better than none star.)

abibia_berricreators' thoughts