
Strange short stories

Bedtime stories, fantasy, fiction, and more ... Just a warning ... none of them are normal.

abibia_berri · Fantasie
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42 Chs

Fanatic Part 2 of 2

The next day a sailor who also worked in the port, beside the old sailor, knocked on the door. This time, the boy didn't open it. The sailor appealed: Open the door, boy! But the boy only answered on the other side: I will not open! You just want to get me out of here! When I don't even want to raise! If you have anything to say tell me!

And so did the sailor. He sat in front of the door and started talking:

Your sailor is not from here boy. He comes from a land of barbarians. They refuse the words of God and kill without mercy. For this reason, they are deformed. They have completely destroyed their own lands and now seek to take that of others.

LOOK AT THE SAILOR'S SKIN my boy. It is black as night, like everything that is bad, it is ugly. LOOK AT HIS HAIR my boy! They are also black like those who once came here and murdered many!

One of the victims was my daughter, you know? She was your age. Every time I see the black eyes of that horrible being that his sailor is, I tremble with fear that I will be his next victim. I'm sorry to tell you, but he probably took you out of your parents' arms to bring you here and convince you to work for him. The world is just like that, full of cruel people.

Your skin glows with the sun and your hair is the color of a beautiful flower. Don't be on his side. I know where he comes from. I know what he has done, the sins he has committed. He doesn't love you, his race doesn't even know what love is. He comes from afar and never stays in one place for long. You think you know him, but you don't even know half the truth. Let we help you! We are adults, and we know what is best for you. Your sailor must be punished for the crimes he has committed, but not you! You are a free and beautiful child. Come and play with the other children! We will give you a home, a mother, a father, and many brothers! You will be much happier than you are now. Believe us, we are adults, and we know things.

I am not as patient as the priest and madame. Tomorrow I'll be back, and I'll take you even though I haven't changed your mind yet. Keep in mind that I am not doing this for bad, but for your sake, I know that one day you will understand.

And then the sailor got up and left the entrance to the cave, not knowing that on the other side of the door, the boy was crying.

That same afternoon the old sailor returned from one of his trips and went to visit the boy. He knocked on the door and asked: Open the door dear Remus, I bring you books to read, food to eat and new clothes for you to wear. Still in tears the boy opens the door and runs to hug the old sailor. In tears, he says:

Oh! Sailor Rafael! You will not believe what happened to me. Calm down boy. I'm here and it's okay now. Let's go in, so tell me what happened to you? Said the sailor in a sweet tone. The boy enters the cave and sits at a small table. The sailor sits down too. Then the boy begins:

First came a lady from the village who felt sorry for me for living in a cave and was convinced that you were using me to earn money! Just because of a rumor she heard at the village!

Then the priest came saying that you were unworthy of God and corrupted families and wanted to hurt me! Probably just because you are dating that new sailor.

A bunch of crazy people! They made judgments without even knowing your name!

But then a sailor came who claimed to know you! He said you were an assassin and a deformed thief! It was horrible. All because of your skin tone, origin and opinions old sailor!

They didn't even know that it was one of them who abandoned me in this cave! That it was you who fed me and keeps me warm when my parents trowed me away! I'm so sad sailor Rafael! The sailor said he will come to pick me up tomorrow. He will take me out of here by force!

The sailor smiled and declared: Finally! I thought I could never get you out of this cave! How many times did I tell you to go out and play with the other kids? Part of it is your fault that they never saw you out of here, and then thought I was keeping you in captivity!

The boy looked at him and I waited and complained: Oh! Sailor Rafael is getting mad from so many trips there is no cure for those crazy people! There is no hypothetical situation that runs this! No argument will change them!

The sailor remained calm and happy:

Everything is possible, Remus. Until the world ends tomorrow morning. How would you like your relationship is with the villagers to be if the world ended today?

That's not that important !: shouted the boy.

So what is it? How different are you from the villagers ?: Questioned the sailor

Much! I see the truth! I fight for good !: The sailor laughed again at the boy's statement: Everyone fights for the good, in fact only the most selfish ones fight for themselves, but never for the bad. Everyone has ideals. Have you tried to meet them?

But the boy insisted:

I would never meet someone who wants you bad!

And the old sailor continued to reiterate:

The priest would also never meet anyone who was a potential danger to his villagers.

The boy could not fight back.

Satisfied, the sailor looked the boy in the eye and said:

Remus, the trick of not being a fanatic is to be open-minded to all possibilities and see the whole picture from every point of view of all villagers. Even fanatics! But that is impossible, because people have ideals. They are unique and seek to fight only for good even if the line between good and bad is thinner than hair.

As for the other rumors, you know that none is true, so why are you bored so much? Cheer up boy! You missed a big chance to make the priest a fool! With your intelligence, I am sure you could have turned his head upside down. Instead of having lost your chill, you could put yourself in the priest's place and asked him why God said that. As for the sailor, you must know that he was not completely wrong. Many people who come from my hometown think that any other person who loves another God other than theirs, should be killed. The poor marine suffered a lot at the hands of my people, so he was always too scared to ask me if I was like the rest! Here's my advice, stay a curious child and always try to see the story from both sides. Use that little head of yours to have fun and not get bored. Now let's party! My boy will finally get out of this cave, willing or not!

Quiz answers;

a)You are a very influential and easily manipulated person. The preferred target of selfish people. But he always regrets his acts when he realizes he has been manipulated.

Always trying to see the history of both sides before taking sides is a good way to avoid these awkward situations.

b)You tend to be suspicious of everyone and everything. You don't stick to an idea or think it is the truth. It is not a good thing, it prevents you from doing many things, and you should try to get rid of this habit, but it is a good armor against fanaticism.

c)Seeing people being manipulated or trying to manipulate others makes you crazy. It makes you reject any argument that comes from them. You usually tend to be anti-fanatic. Trying to develop a more neutral opinion and not taking fanatics seriously can help you to reduce your fanaticism of Anti-fanaticism. It's hard, but seeing things from the fanatic's point of view and listening to their arguments one by one, always questioning them more deeply (but as if you agree with him) is the only way not to keep headbanging and getting the fanatic to understand your side too.

d)You are loyal to your values and this can lead you to refuse any new point of view. Not that it's a bad thing, but you should try to open up to new points of view, so you can get to know yourself better and learn new things more easily. Traveling and meeting new people helps to exercise an open mind.

The story was inspired by the book of Amos Oz "How to cure a fanatic" a book that I highly recommend for anyone interested in the subject.

Have fun, even on hard times!

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