
Strange short stories

Bedtime stories, fantasy, fiction, and more ... Just a warning ... none of them are normal.

abibia_berri · Fantasie
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42 Chs

Delicious sausage

Story written with a randomly generated story as the base.

Street Dog looked at the delicious sausage in his hands and felt hungry.

He walked over to the hole in his cardboard box where the snow-wet street reflected his dangerous surroundings. He had always hated the dark Slum with its disturbed, dull dirty. It was a place that encouraged his tendency to violence and always let him hungry as if no amount of sausage would ever fill the hole in his belly. He was a mut, he was street dog.

Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the dark and thin figure of Street Cat. Cat was a gracious demon with a dirty snout and skinny pawns.

Dog gulped and hide his sausage in his secret place. Fear and hunger had thought him always to be cautious. Hiding a mere cold sausage, what have I become? He thinks to himself. He glanced at his reflection outside the cardboard box. He had once been an admirable, gold Retriever with a long snout. His once golden fur was now brown but it did not bother him. His friends saw him as a funny guy and adorable big puppy. Once, he had even revived a dying, hungry, kitty.

But not even a modest dog who had once revived a dying, hungry kitty, was prepared for what Cat had in store today.

The snow began to flurry like rampaging cicadas, making Cat hard to see, and the night even colder.

As Dog stepped outside the box and Cat came closer, he could see the villainous glint in her only good eye.

"I am here because I want to eat," Cat bellowed, in a hopeful tone.

" I-I... don't have anything cat" Lied Dog, he hated to lie, but it just came out. She slammed her pawn full of painful claws in Street dog's chest, slamming him against the wet, cold and dirty street. "Nothing personal. Everyone loves you, I love you, Street Dog. But, I know when I looking to sack meat and bones. "

Dog looked back, even more frightened, but stayed still. "Cat, I AM not FOOD," he replied firmly with a bark.

"Oh, but you are. The street boys said I was food when they hung me upside down and brought me to their place."

" How horrible must it have been cat! " Dog said those words with watery eyes and such sincere words that made cat freeze in place.

" The human's boys were never good boys, but I never thought that-that..." The Dog began crying, but Cat suddenly sank his nails more firmly into Dog's chest, causing him to let out a low yep.

" It was not you! who they tie cans in the tailor throw rocks for fun! If I hadn't escaped I would have turned to stew! "

She looks to the dog's eyes, they are sad, his chest is bleeding, but he does not react.

Cat begins to cry to, amid yeps she means:

"And the— This morning, I saw... The cooker giving you treats in exchange for tricks. . . like you were his Dog!"

Dog feels something pressing his heart like he had been a bad boy, but it could have been just Cat's claw.

" Cat, do you miss having an owner?"

Cat smirks at the questions and Dog immediately regret saying it loud.

" I have never had an owner you spoiled dog. " Growls Cat as he opens his maw to bite Dog.

Suddenly, Dog feels like he had to say his last words.

" Do you want to be my pet?"

Cat closes his maw in confusion.

"Would, you feed me?" She asks.

"And teach tricks, pet your belly, lick your fur every day..."

"Why...?" Cat interrupts.

They looked at each other with mixed feelings, like two fluttering, frail fruity flies shouting at a grateful cold night, which had rock music from near nightclub playing in the background.

Dog observed Street cat's dirty snout and skinny pawns. He held out her paw and bowed to reach her eye level, even though it wet his belly fur in the snow. "Let's not fight," he whispered, gently.

"Hmph," pondered Street cat.

"Please?" begged Street with puppy dog eyes.

The street cat looked empathic, her body blushing and shivering in the cold.

"yes" miwans cat softly.

"Yes what?" asks Dog while surely leaning his head to the side, a true sing of confusion.

"Yes, I will be your pet, stupid dog. Don't make me regret it, you have to feed me every day!"

Dog starts jumping around happily and barking

"Oh! Oh yes! Oh, yea! And next time I see those boys, ... I am gonna bark at them"

" Let's speak about it inside, out of this cold." complains cat.

Then the two came inside the cardboard box for a nice drink of fresh water and cold sausage.


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