
Strange short stories

Bedtime stories, fantasy, fiction, and more ... Just a warning ... none of them are normal.

abibia_berri · Fantasie
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42 Chs

Bia's Antics - The big plan- Part 1 of 4

Now let's speak about hidden treasures and pirates.

For Bia, her parents were. . .Traders of a different type, but there was a time, when her thoughts on her family business changed completely.

Let's tell a story to make the explanation easier.

It all started with a desperate:

-I swear! I don't have any money on me now! -

Bia's parents cast a disgusted look at the moribund pirate.

The pirate gives a poor look at the Bia that hides behind the legs of his parents, trying to earn pity. From her protected place, she had the courage to ask:

-So why did you buy from us and say you'll pay later?

-They took everything I had! They killed my men. Only I managed to escape. Little, you have no idea about how cruel the navy is.-

Bia's father picks her up and tells the pirate:

-It's the first day we've taken her together, couldn't you set a better example?- As he finishes the sentence, he draws the sword with his free hand and places it against the pirate's neck.

The wrinkled old man swallows hard.

- Maybe I have something that interests you.- The pirate puts his scrawny hand in his pocket while looking for something.

- Better be so. - Bia's father says, still holding the sword against his neck.

- I am sure it is here. . .- He is sweating cold as he nervously moves his hands, searching all seven of his coat and pants pockets.

Bia's mother draws her sword as well and places it beside her husband's. Adjusting the hat she says:

- Do not try anything, smart ass.-

-Here! This one! Don't kill me please!- The pirate screamed in despair, showing an old piece of parchment.

-That's not worth a hundred horses. . .- Said bia frowning confused, as she bent down from her father's lap to examine the parchment in the old man's hand.

Bia's Father sheaths the sword and takes the paper to examines it himself.

-Very well said, Bia. This is a letter of permission to trade, in your name, with your goods. What would it serve us? - Bia's mother presses the sword to the man's throat, making him grunt in despair.

-I can give you everything! The goods are still waiting at the port. Since I don't have any more ships, what use would it be? He-he. -The old man laughed nervously.

-Are you telling us to sell on your behalf? What if someone who knows you recognizes us?-Bia's father firmly continues the interrogation, pushing his round glasses over his face.

his ponytail and thin face gave them the traits of a mad scientist.

-Don't worry, there's nothing to worry about! - stammered the crazy old man. - I'm sure no one knows me there, by the way! I'm sure with your Magic that would be like taking candy from a child!- he stated. Bia's mother embeds her sword too, she liked to be complimented.

She stared at nothing thoughtfully.

-You know, dear, he's right. It would be effortless for someone like us!- she says enthusiastically as if she's come up with a brilliant idea.

The father scans the parchment again, looks at the old man, and then from his wife's bright eyes.

-Very well, the load looks promising, let's go. -With such words, Bia's family left the old pirate in peace to leave for another adventure.

Bia's family boat left that afternoon. Not towards the port where the old pirate's cargoes were, but to Nassau, the Pirate Capital of the Caribbean.