
Story: Fate/ Against Fight

A person died and reincarnated the medieval era of Arthurian legend with Chastiefol. Note: If you are looking for a super action-packed and op mc, please leave immediately. This fic will be story-oriented than action or adventure. English is not my mother language and I don’t own anything. Constructive criticism is welcomed but you start BS like pushing your own logic of fate verse or other BS then I will delete any kind of review. Last, just enjoy this story. I may or may not add harem or 18+ scenes. For more advanced chapters, must visit: https://www.patreon.com/J_Titan Discord: https://discord.gg/vfWgNbskJt

J_Titan · Anime und Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter 86: A Fairy God

(Einar's POV)

"Gate of Skye!"

Just as the lady pronounced the name of her noble phantasm, all the towers in the sky began glowing congealing the entire wasteland into purplish frozen land.

The beast and its mutts also turned into ice in no time. I sensed that her ice was even draining, although little, energy from all those mutts and the beast.

The lady landed in front of me. She was my Scáthach.

"What terrible sight my disciple is showing." She put a finger on her cheek and smiled.

"Shishou…" I called her with tears in my eyes. Only I know how happy I was seeing her arrival on time.

I then stood up and turned my head down.

"I am sorry, Shishou…"

Even though my tone was apologetic and my head was down, my eyes were constantly ogling her fine thighs.

She was wearing a moderated skin-tight suit similar to her usual attire with her cleavage exposed and a long skirt on her waist with the front bottom being exposed. It was the outfit that I made for her but never got the chance to see her that attire.

(AN: Skadi's second ascension.)

"Cut the act, disciple. I know you are secretly ogling on my body."

"Ops busted."

She knew that even in battle, my eyes can't help but ogle her body even though I never admitted it before.

I smiled with tears in my eyes, "Thank you, Shishou."

She came near me and wiped my eyes. "Idiot, look how strong and handsome you have become in the blink of an eye. Be a little proud that you are still fighting." Well, it has been 10 years but for her, those years could only be called a second in her world.

I nodded with a smile for those words of encouragement.

"By the way, I am only here to provide little assistance. Tell me how much time you need?" As a teacher, she knew that I had a plan but the only requirement was time.


I was a little ashamed since it would be quite hard even for me to make it on time given.

"4 hours is all I could provide at my best limit. You think you can make it on time?"

"Yeah." I smiled and nodded. I knew that she was using noble phantasm a little different from her usual Gate of Skye where she summons a giant gate that sucks all life forms before dematerializing itself. It was powerful NP but weak against someone with high magic resistance and non-human trait.

Then without wasting more time, I flew away, found a good spot that was not destroyed or frozen, and landed on one.

I then sat crossed legs and closed my eyes.

"Open the real Avalon." Just as I said that I felt my surrounding changed and when I opened my eyes, I was again in a different reality.

It was a real Avalon instead of the artificial one that my Book of Chastiefol provides.

"Welcome to Avalon, Einar Sirius." I turned my head and saw a familiar figure with a smiling face.

"Elaine, no, mother." I instantly recognized her.

She was not the AI but a real fairy who I remembered from my memories.

"Wow~. To think you would call me a mother who left you as soon as you regain your original memories of the previous life." Elaine, no my real mother smiled.

"Of course, although it was hard, it was nothing compared to the blessing you have granted to this poor soul. I will always be grateful for the person who has given me a new life."

I bowed my head gracefully. Though I was in great danger right then as I was facing the will of the world itself, the life I lived so far was nothing but a blessing in disguise.

I never have an attachment to my previous world except for my parents and my siblings but this life provided me everything a helpless man ever desired.

A love, affection of noble people and teachers such as Vivian, Merlin, and Scáthach who never question my goals and desires for acquiring power, all of this was enough for me to be grateful for the key person even though she never appeared in person.

Without saying a single word, she gently hugged me.

"I am so glad~" Those were her words.

I also put my hands around her shoulders gently. It would be a great union if fairies not being perverts.

"Mother Elaine, your hand is slipping." I noticed that her hands were roaming my ass, something I was familiar with after living with Vivian.

"Well, you see… Fairies have very little fertility rate and I heard from Vivian that you have, oh dear~, way long-"

"Okay, time's up," I said and then put some distance between ourselves.

"What a bummer…" Elaine sighed then a serious expression appeared on her face. "Einar, let me ask you again, are you positive about your decision since you finally opened the gate of real Avalon?"

"…Yes, I am. I can't risk the lives of those my beloveds and delay any more time."

Even though I was strong, it was finally time to leave my human side if I have to face that beast. Losing humanity means losing my chance to live with her but… it's okay.

"Then sit down and relax. It will take time."

I nodded at her instructions and sat down with crossed legs and closed my eyes. She placed her hands n my back and then new energy entered my body.


(3rd Person's POV)


With an explosion, Scáthach flew meters away and crashed on the ground.

Though she gave Einar 4 hours, the beast only lasted for half and an hour in the ice barrier before tearing it apart.

Now she was facing him for quite some time. It was hard to stop it from reaching Einar but she still managed to stop the beast.

"Why are you helping a foreign entity? You know that he will harm our universe." Alaya appeared and spoke to grounded Scahatch.

"There is nothing to lose. It would be more reason to help him to destroy the world if it means death for me. Besides, I am sick to follow this predetermined fate of ours. Why should we even suffer?" Scáthach said and spat on Alaya's face.

"Very well then. I will grant you a temporary death." Alaya said and then signaled the White Beast that came near her and began to charge an energy beam to kill Queen of shadows.

Scáthach gritted her teeth and began to cast a Primordial Rune to escape from the beast but she knew that it was too late. She closed her eyes and smiled, "Forgive this weak Shishou for not buying enough time."

She was then engulfed in white light and waited for her death but nothing happened.

"No need to apologize Shishou."

Scáthach opened her eyes when she heard that voice.

She was in a beautiful transparent round cage dressed with green vines adding more beauty to the cage.

In front of her was a person, no, a real fairy.

He had neck long blond hair tied with a single braid and was wearing a three-piece lavish silver suit. What was more enthralling were his pair of golden glowing wings enchanted with beautiful colors and a full crown on his head.

Scáthach was so thrilled by the sight of the fairy that she forgot she was about to vanish.

When he turned his head and finally show his face, Scáthach witnessed the sight of the most beautiful person she has ever seen.

Scáthach, the unrivaled beauty herself, got petrified and her heart began to pound like a drum.

The boy chuckled and spoke, "I am back Shishou~."

He was her disciple in full fairy form, Einar Sirius du lac.


The reason divine beings moved from human order is because decreasing amount of magic in the atmosphere. Just look at the divine servants like Ishtar or Quetzalcoatl, one was summoned in human body leaving most of her power as a goddess behind while other came not even with half of her power.

The main reason I didn't create full fledged fairy was because it conflicts the original laws of Nasuverse so just like Merlin I made MC a half fairy.

Another thing i noticed was that I kinda rushed the story. I nerfed MC a little since I wanted to end the fight as soon as possible but it left many plot holes.

Forgive me for that but I hope you enjoy rest of the fic.

Poll is still open for Q&A so ask me anything.

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