
Chapter 670: A Blood-Red Valentine (Part 2)

Jaina's exquisite face was frozen in surprise and apprehension.

Just by Duke's aura and gaze alone, Jaina knew that standing before her was Duke as a teacher, not as a husband.

Damn it! Is Duke serious?

As clever as Jaina was, she had considered the possibility that Duke might be earnest, but in her calculations, the chances were less than one percent.

Even though she was aware that her beauty might not surpass that of Duke's rumored lover, the Windrunner sisters, Jaina, nurtured in a royal household and steeped in nobility since childhood, still held a firm belief that she would be Duke's only choice in marriage.

Now, it seemed she was mistaken.

She didn't understand why there was such resistance in Duke's eyes when he looked at her, nor did she know what she had done wrong. But at this moment, Duke fully embodied the role of a stern teacher.

A princess's title is meaningless?

Jaina almost wanted to retort on the spot, but then she remembered the recent Dark Portal War, where Alterac was destroyed, Silvermoon nearly lost its capital, and both Stormwind and Stromgarde were on the brink of annihilation, only to be restored.

Jaina immediately understood what Duke meant—if there's no nation backing you, a princess is nothing more than a princess of a fallen kingdom.

Jaina's expression turned solemn.

Duke was right.

Since ancient times, royal kinship had no place for affection; the path of kingship was always cruel.

Others saw only the glory of her princess status, but without reaching her level, who could know her bitterness and helplessness? As intelligent as she was, she already knew that her seemingly perfect marriage was actually her father's way of pushing her out of the Kul Tiran power core.

Jaina fell silent, and for a fleeting moment, she contemplated retreat. The princesses of the seven human kingdoms rarely ended up anything but miserable. If she returned to Kul Tiras...


Going back, even with seemingly rational excuses, would be a disgrace to Kul Tiras.

Look at Princess Calia. It was fortunate that she met her demise, otherwise, being known as Deathwing's once betrothed would have been enough to have King Terenas condemn her for life.

Yes, if she went back, Kul Tiras would not protect her.

Despite her high magical aptitude and potential achievements, compared to Duke, who was almost destined to become a mage of the radiant sun, she fell far short.

After much deliberation, Jaina made her decision.

With her staff in hand, Jaina bowed respectfully.

"Teacher Marcus, my surname means nothing here. Before you stands Jaina, simply a student eager to learn the arcane mysteries."

A perfect and utterly impeccable response.

Duke squinted his eyes, inwardly marvelling at the astonishing inertia of history. Jaina's mental acuity and talent were truly remarkable; in a mere three seconds, she grasped her situation and quickly found her footing.

By imposing his teacher status given by Dalin, Duke had forced Jaina into the role of a student, resolved to first master magic for self-preservation.

Damn it, she's only 13!

For Rhonin, who had been through numerous battles but lacked a foundation of knowledge, Duke could afford to let him soar through the vast ocean of knowledge in Karazhan's great library.

For Jaina, Duke decided to educate her in a way that might alter the trajectory of her life.

"Alright, since you understand, I won't stress it further." Duke's face grew serious, "I'm different from Master Antonidas**. He's strictly academic, but I consider myself a typical combat mage. I've refined over a hundred spells, all adjusted in combat. The orcs that have died directly by my hand number in the tens of thousands."

Duke wasn't boasting. To this day, he had mastered countless super-magic specialties. However, not every super-magic specialty was suitable for him, nor appropriate at every moment.

For example, those specialties that increased mana consumption to enhance spell power had to be used judiciously when his mana pool was small and mana regeneration slow. Now, as a mage of the radiant moon, he could use them as he pleased.

The system was constantly adjusting Duke's magic.

This was the source of Duke's invincibility on the battlefield.

Killing many leads naturally to a killing aura.

It's not that the spirits of the wronged necessarily cling to a person, but rather an indifference to life, even cruelty.

Just standing there, under the pressure of his aura, Jaina couldn't help but take a half step back.

Duke stepped forward decisively, his firm footsteps weakening Jaina's pride.

Duke suddenly asked, "Actually, King Wrynn wouldn't mind if I were crowned. Do you know why I refuse the crown?"

Jaina found herself scarcely able to breathe, "I don't know."

"The Burning Legion has already begun to move against the world of Azeroth. From Sargeras controlling Medivh to open the Dark Portal, to the recent assault on Karazhan by Kil'jaeden's lieutenant. In just three years, Azeroth has faced two major extinction crises."

Jaina, clutching her [Jordan Staff], nodded silently.

"I've foreseen that an evil power beyond the mortal plane is descending rapidly. Under the terrifying might of demons, worldly power is utterly meaningless. How mighty is Lordaeron? Who's to say it won't become history in ten years, its grand city turned to ruins."

As Duke spoke, Jaina shivered, goosebumps rising. She couldn't bear to imagine the beautiful city of Lordaeron in ruins.

She wanted to dispute Duke, to call it a ludicrous rumor.

But Stormwind had fallen, the cities of Stromgarde and Alterac were destroyed. Even the palace of Lordaeron had been dismantled by Deathwing. Unthinkable a century ago, or even five years prior.

Jaina could only nod.

Duke, the charlatan, continued, "Only power beyond the mortal realm can protect Azeroth from demons. What can give you a sense of security is not a man, not a powerful grand duke, nor any prince of a great nation! Remember, the only thing you can rely on is magic!"

Jaina was astounded. Even now, she could hardly believe that these were the words of the man who was meant to be her husband. Yet she had to admit, if even kingdoms were unreliable, then indeed only magic could save her.

At that moment, Duke suddenly grasped Jaina's wrist, a strange magic enveloping them both.


When Jaina's senses returned after the disorienting effects of the long-distance teleport, she found herself in a world of ice and snow.