
Storming Reality With My Loot Box System

[>∆ Alternative Title: Smoking So Much Mary Jane...The World Ended!? And Became A Isekai?!>∆] ~~ Due to smoking so much Mary Jane, Murphy Archer Ambrosius, greened out. He then woke up to his world overrun with fantasy creatures and much-much more, which made no fucking sense to him, at all! The world has changed without him even knowing. Monsters and Demons appear, this is now a game-like world where levels, skills, and status exist. This is an adventure where the modern world becomes fantasy and where the lazy(crazy) otaku Murphy has to strive 'hard' for his survival, with only the thing helping him is a strange System, like the ones from those fanfics he reads about In his free time. " Let me kill you fuckers! You made me pause Jojo and no one makes me pause Jojo!" Murphy yelled at the monster and demon army approaching him. He then pointed to the back of the army and yelled out," And don't you think I forgot what you did, you slut! This Murphy here, holds grudges for long as time! So get your pretty ass here and take this whopping like a grown woman!" With this mindset, let's see how long he can last~ //////////// [>∆ Disclaimer: I own nothing In this Fanfic, except for the things I have created myself, so please don't sue me, I'm broke... Also, this is my first time writing, other than for school, so don't expect much from me, I ain't no genius, I only get C's In school~>∆]

RealitySenpaiEro · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter - 2: New World & Magic

[ Quote/Story of the day: I was once so high, I stopped at a stoplight that only changed when a car was there and triggered it. I waited and waited. I thought, Omg what the fuck is wrong with this stoplight. I scooted forward a bit, and nothing. WTF? Until I realized that I was walking home, and I was also on the sidewalk standing next to a stop sign a block away. I was waiting for a stoplight, on foot, a block away from me.]


" Ugh... Why do I always dream of that dream..." Waking up, Murphy asked himself, In annoyance.

[≪―――Earned experience value. Murphy Archer Ambrosius level rose to 1. ≫]

" Eh?" Hearing that otherworldly beautiful clear female voice in his head, Murphy sat up fast.

[≪―――First suppression in Chaos・Frontier confirmed. ≫] Now it's a female synthetic voice, a machine-like voice.

[≪Class『Ancient Caster』Acquired.≫]

' This sounds like something, just like a game announcement...'

" Fuck... Did I smoke too much again? Am I having hallucinations?"

"... Yeah, let's go with that." Dragging his body off his soft and Inviting bed, Murphy stepped forward towards the light that leaks from a gap in his black curtains, telling him Its already daytime.

" Way too fucking bright..." Opening his curtains, his lazy still a little high expression transformed Itself into confusion.

" Hm?" Murphy is puzzled, to say the least. His high-In apartment is on the tallest floor, remaining on the 20th floor. From there, you can see most of the city and the rising sun, creating a beautiful view.

" What's with this view? Did Mother Earth finally give the humans a, fuck you?" The first thing that jumped into Murphy's eyes is a mysterious green big tree. The huge tree looks to be about 30-40 feet in height. This tree looks straight out from a fantasy world. It grew and broke all over through concrete and houses.

Furthermore, the part where the ground is paved and the part where it is exposed overlap like a patchwork.

It seems to be forced with different colors, just like a jigsaw puzzle.

Smokes rise here and there. Sirens are ringing incessantly. The sound of claxons coming from cars is heard all the time. Screams mixed with roars that you can't think of them coming from humans.

" ROAR!!!"


They're giving different feelings. Yes, like a monster….. But that's impossible, why would-

" Orc?" A pig head with a corpulent body. This monster is a classic in fantasy. Orcs are walking on the road.

" Heh..." That's laughable! Really laughable!

Once again, Murphy takes a look at the pig-like creature. It's real. There's no way it looks like an artifice. There is no zipper on the back. It's too much for a costume. In Its hand is a huge kitchen knife and it is definitely moving towards a person's head… If you look closely it's full of blood.

Likewise, It seems that Orc has something inside of Its other hand. It's dripping blood... it's a ball of something, red.

Furthermore, there seem to be others monsters than Orcs such as Zombies, Goblins, human-sized bugs, Trolls, Gnolls, Lizardfolk, Manticores wandering around. Basically, the fantasy package deal.

" Well...shit. Who turned on the Isekai settings?" The World seems to be old, Ancient even. Similarly, the world seemed to have survived a few too many World-Wars.

Suddenly coming up with a possibility. The world where monsters appear. And the mysterious announcement. With "That" should be there as well.

In such a case, let's hope It doesn't show him anything too pathetic.

' Stats.' Saying the magic word In his mind, his eyes winded seeing a Sci-fi hologram blue RPG-Game screen with white letters, appear In front of his eyes.

「―――Status Open. 」

' Shit, It worked!'

[>Name: Murphy Archer Ambrosius.

Title: Pot-Head | Lover Of Mary Jane.

Class: Ancient Caster.

Level: 1(0/1,000).

HP: 10 | MP: 30.

Strength : 10 | Endurance : 10 | Agility : 10 |Dexterity : 10 | Magic : 30 | Magic resistance : 30.

SP(Stat Points): 0.

Unique Skills: Admin{Allows Murphy to ask questions to the World-System} | Magic Of Old{Allows Murphy to use Ancient Magic, only observed In the Age Of Gods}.

Skill: None>]

'...What's normal for a human?' Seeing the [ Unique skill: Admin ], Murphy asked In his head.

[―――Answer: 10 stats points for every stat―――]

' So I'm... normal?'

[―――Answer: Affirmative――]

'... Normal, once again huh?' Truly it seems, even In this new world of his, he's still 'normal'. He's a Game Game-Designer and a lazy otaku, with a unique mind that works a different database than the 'norm'. Furthermore, normal is just a reference to a statistic. If we where to broaden our deffinition of normal to all attributes of humans, nobody would be normal. It isn't an insult or bad to not be normal, when creatures aren't normal, they can start the next generation of their species, we wouldn't have evolved to be humans if everyone was normal.

He wants to be... different. Not special. No, just different.

' I guess In a sense, I'm not normal anymore. Being a Caster or Magus and all.' Now possessing Magic, Murphy hummed out with a simple smile.

' Oi, how do I use Magic?'

[―――Answer: Magic Book―――]

' Eh? Magic book? What magic-'


" Book...?" He halted his talking, seeing a purple and black book appear on his waist, In a book-holder, that looks like a Gun-Holder.

' Nevermind...found It.' Taking the book from his waist, he opened It to the first page.

' Hm?' Looking at the letters, he sighed seeing there are multiple languages mixed In together, making a whole new language. And oddly enough, he fully understands It.

' This is giving me a fucking headache!' Feeling his head is hurting, he closed the book and put It back on his waist.

In the few seconds, the book was opened to him, he only came out with one word and their meaning: Ansuz.

' At least I know what this means and what It does.' Ansuz is generally used for "Combustion", but normally the rune that represents flame is kaunaz. Ansuz is only chosen out of respect to a Mystery as this rune sometimes symbolizes "words", and sometimes symbolizes the Gods themselves, meaning it can take any form depending on the Caster's interpretation of the Gods. If they imagine a God Of Thunder, it becomes Thunder. If they imagine a God Of Fire, it becomes Fire. The maximum effect of Ansuz is actually "to make known".

' So I just write down the word In the air and poof, magic? Sounds easy enough.' Even though he knows It might be not that easy, a man can at least, hope.

' But first, let's find a better testing ground.'


" Hm?" Hearing someone knocking on his door, Murphy hummed.

Walking to the door, he looks through the peephole seeing one of his very few friends In this world.


Unlocking the door, his eyes widened...






[ Ending of Chapter. Please wait for the next chapter~! Have a great day to whoever is reading this~ ]