
Stories In Another World: Making Peace

The story follows two people first, 20 year old Asher Lee Graham and second 15 year old James Arthur Bell. They try to make the world a more peaceful place. But not always by the most peaceful of means.They will have to overcome great obstacles and try to stick together through it all. This is the first story I'm writing so please be patient with me as I work it out. Have a great day or evening or night.

Be_ll · Fantasie
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34 Chs

29: Safe (Asher)

Thursday, December 14th, 7 Years Before The Sacrifice

Asher runs through the forest as fast as he can but eventually, he has to stop and catch his breath, he drops the girls down and begins to pant heavily.

"Fucking hell," Asher says in-between breaths

"Are you ok Asher?" Astrid asks

"We should go back, there's no way they can beat that thing by themselves" Vivian states

"Don't worry about it, James has a few tricks up his sleeve," Asher says

"He's going to need more than tricks to win," Vivian says

A howl can be heard throughout the forest.

"Yep, didn't have a doubt in my mind," Asher says

(I totally did but I'm not telling them that) Asher thinks

"They're done already?" Astrid asks

"Should be, that thing sounded like it was in some serious pain" Asher says

"I hope you're right," Vivian says

The crunching of leaves can be heard a small distance away from the group.

"I hope that's them," Astrid says

The group waits in silence for a minute trying to attract unnecessary attention.

"How much farther could they be?" A voice asks

"How should I know you're the one with magic," Another voice says

"Hey dumbass you wanna maybe not say that out loud," The first voice says

(You must be joking) Asher thinks

"We're over here!" Asher yells

The two men meet up with the group of three.

"You guys didn't hear anything we said, did you?" Nolan asks

"Of course they did, Ash called out to us," James says

"You can use magic can't you James?" Vivian asks

"I guess the cat's out of the bag," James says

(Why was a cat in a bag? Why does he keep saying this stuff!?) Asher thinks

"What?" Astrid asks

James looks taken aback just like every other time he said something crazy.

"Yes I can use magic," James says slightly frustrated

"Can't believe we got exposed because of some idiot who can't keep his mouth shut!" Asher says angrily

"I'm so sorry James," Nolan says

"You really know magic? Astrid asks excitedly

"Lighting bolt," James says

A bolt of lightning comes out of James's hand and hits a tree. James gives them a bow while Asher claps.

"You've been a lovely audience," James says

"You gotta teach me," Astrid says

"Um… maybe some other time," James says

"Before anything, we need to get the hell outta here first," Asher says

"I couldn't agree more," Vivian says

"Alright then let's go," Nolan says

The group walks back to the wagon in the hope of leaving Moonbright.