This novel has changed its link address. You can check my profile > original works. This novel won't be updated as I rewrite in another link.
Two little boat sailing on the sea, each of the boat has 2 person in it. They are izumi with nami, and zoro with luffy. Nami is the new navigator for luffy crew.
"Woah, I see the island." luffy stood up as he raised his hand happily.
After luffy beat buggy by punch to nowhere to be seen, they got bunch of gift given by mayor of that town, and among them was material for making jet ski, so izumi just accepted it right away. Since it packed in huge sack, izumi could store them as one item slot in his storage space. Moreover izumi also got all treasure from buggy and some materials. Since izumi come to the world with vast of blue sea, he already decided to make jet ski by himself.
"That is Syrup Village, we can buy or let someone to make a ship." said nami while looking at izumi.
"Don't worry, money is not the problem. Isn't it safe with me guarding it?" said izumi with smile.
Of course it safe, but nami was uncomfortable. because she thought that was her treasure. Nami immediately understood that there was no treasure left at buggy base when izumi took out a grand line map.
Izumi coming forward nami and wishper in her ear. "I know that you has a problem with your village because of.. mmmm. maybe powerful Pirate invasion. But can you just believe us a little bit? We gladly help you."
Nami's body trembled from shock. She couldn't believe that someone she just know out of nowhere can see through her. Well, though izumi only know it from the plotline. Nami tried to hide, but she couldn't.
"I know, you must be need a lot of money to reclaim your village isn't it? Well, I can tell you. it's impossible. I can tell you why." izumi said seriously as he looking at nami.
"Why?" nami decided to ask with slight tears on her eyes.
"Because that pirate has been working together with marine till now. so unless you take care of that pirate and marine, it's impossible to free your village."
"Lie, lie, lie. you are pirate yourself, so you must be lying." nami shouted with tears in her eyes.
"What's up, what's up?" asked luffy.
"Izumi, you made a girl cry?" zoro ask with plain.
"Hey hey, its not my fault okay. Also young lady, I'm not pirate you know. I only got into the sea was not long ago when someone throw me to the sea. Even luffy and zoro witness me when I fell down from the sky." Izumi explained to her while his hand pointing toward luffy and zoro afterward. both of them nodded.
"Well, I invite him to join my crew though." said luffy.
Nami almost couldn't believe, but then she calm down. she feel someone pat her head.
"Sorry, it just that I can't stand if my friend got bullied. So you should be more open to us, we're friends aren't we?" said izumi.
"That's right nami, if you need help. just ask me, I will beat the crap of him." said luffy while his hand move like beating someone.
"Yeah, you should trust your friend!" said zoro.
"But, arlong is too strong. stronger than buggy a while ago." said nami with sobbing.
"Hehehe, he is just little fish out of nowhere. Do you know this?" said izumi as he gathering his lightning chakra to his fingertips, the lightning spark surround izumi finger.
"Ah, I also want to ask, how did you have that lightning power but you still can swim?" Asked luffy.
"Aren't you devil fruit user? you can even sent me to different place in flash" asked zoro.
"You can make the treasure and the gift from that town disappear too." said nami with her red eyes.
All of them look at izumi curiously. so he say to them. "Well, I'm a ninja. do you know that?"
"Ahhh" three of them react at the same time with surprise expression.
"Ninja is specialize in infiltration, espionage, and assassination. Infiltration and espionage is easy for me, but as for assassination, still not possible. Even yesterday was my first time kill. As for my ability, I can use bunch of technique from lightning, wind, and water element."
"Ummm, I don't understand" luffy said with scratching his head.
"So you are a ninja, no wonder your techniques were unique." said zoro.
"But why your ninja thing related with arlong?"
asked nami.
"He is fishman you know, so he is stronger in the water. but when he dive into water." after he said that, izumi release little lightning spark in his fingertips.
"You want to electrode him when he dive in the water?" asked nami
"Precisely. I can use more powerful lightning technique too. So believe us okay!"
Nami nodded, and luffy told her to rely on his friend more.
"Also I have power to store item in my dimension, like this." he took out the pack of cigarette out of nowhere. he lit his cigarette with lighter which also he took out from storage space. Then store the lighter and cigarette pack back to the storage space. Then izumi say.
"So, just leave the most valuable thing to me." said izumi.
Then izumi talking about the plan.
"For the battle, luffy will take care of arlong on the ground, while zoro will take care of his minion along with me. When those fishmen dive into the water, leave everything to me. You must never allowed to fell down in the water. Otherwise you are done for. How about it?"
"Nice strategy." said zoro.
"I'm not quite understand, more importantly as long as I'm on the ground, it's fine, right?" luffy asked with scratching his head.
Nami look at them worriedly, but izumi calm her down "It's okay nami, they are strong."
Before long, they arrive at the shore. The four of them were greeted by several pirate flags. Izumi know this was usopp prank, so he step forward and shout.
"Stop the prank if you don't wanna get hurt kid!" Izumi said with haughtiness like certain villain he had read in the novel, as his right hand releasing concentrate lightning with chirping birds.
Usopp gulped looking at izumi hand with fearful expression. He want to shot with his slingshot, but his hand is trembling. He is obviously afraid of izumi and the other.
"My slingshot can shot like a gun you know." Said usopp with trembling.
"If you said a gun, then your life will be at stake. That's not the weapon to scare people carelessly." said luffy with holding his straw hat. his expression is surprisingly serious thus time. while zoro just grinning holding his katana.
He didn't expect that four of them really pirate. His limb become languid and he can't even stand up now. He try so hard to ask.
"Wh-wha-wha-what you w-w-want by co-coming here?"
Izumi look at the others. And then they laughed together. Then luffy told him about what he said was usually used by shanks. And luffy know that usopp is the son of yasopp, the sniper from red haired pirate, shanks.
"Let's go somewhere first, we gonna cook something. I got a lot of meat." Said izumi as he lit up his cigarette he took out.
"Meal!!!!" luffy shout happily heard meat.
"I'm hungry." said zoro.
"can you cook?" nami asking izumi.
"Well, just a little. I just need to borrow the tool for cooking. or we just roasting the meat."
After that they go to certain direction and look the place to cook.