
chapter 12 culprit or victim

At this time Sanjana was having the worst day of her life when she was accused of something which she had never thought of even in her nightmare . She knew from childhood that her uncle's family hated her from their hearts and right now when they got this opportunity they are not going to miss that but still she decided to clear this misunderstanding at least for her nanima sake .

On the other hand darsh was enjoying his last day of his trip in his cottage only ,as he has to leave for mumbai tomorrow so he decided to spend the last day in the cottage only .

Darsh knew he had to handle a lot of pending work when he returned to New York but before reaching there he was going to meet his family .

Again his grandparents, his chote papa and chotima will request him to get settled , to marry some nice girl but he is not interested .

Darsh was watching some hollywood movies in the cottage , it was the last day of his desertion trip .Tomorrow he is going to leave for mumbai .He suddenly got a unexpected news from the private investigator that some intimate pictures of him with the jacket thief got viral at the engagement venue .Darsh asked for the location of the girl ,as soon as he got the address of a temple .Darsh left alone in his suv for the temple ,he was fuming in anger .

" How dare that girl to do such shameful deed,i helped her that day and in return she is trapping me .That Gold digger girl must have known about my real identity ,thats why she plotted that rape scene that day .ooh my god who will believe that a girl with such a innocent face will do something like this .Just wait and watch girl what happens if someone tries to mess with me or my family name ".he murmured on the way to temple .After a hour drive he reached the temple .He marched in anger inside the temple .But the scene going on there made him numb .A well built man near fifties slapped the girl so hard ,that she fall down on the floor ,than a lady started cursing her ,the girl was trying to say something but again a boy some years elder than her manhandled her asking about the man with her .

What kind of family is this? Nobody is ready to listen to the girl .Everyone has already started assuming about an affair which never happened.

" Poor sanjana, her parents died on the day she was born ,her nani did so much effort in her upbringing .uncle and aunt never liked her .I don't know what kind of fate she is having. "Some ladies whispered which darsh heard.

"You are saying so right ,now see na such a nice alliance has come for her ,but after seeing the pictures the engagement is broken. " some other lady supported the idea.

" I am telling you this sanjana is really inauspicious,born with bad luck only .see na first parents are dead and now engagement is also broken .Now who will marry this girl" some other women stated .

"I am telling you the batra family had been saved from this girl .she would have been a bad luck for them also after getting married to their son."Another opinion came .All these conversations were heard by darsh .He was here to give the girl and her family a piece of mind but after watching and listening to this gossip ,he decided to help the girl by telling her family the actual incident happened.

Darsh interrupted the conversation," i am the one "

The whole chaos got silent, darsh then moved towards the family and spoke in a calm tone " I am sorry for the inconvenience. But these photos are not ......"

Suddenly nitin marched towards darsh and grabbed him by his collar ,

" Sorry ,sorry really my sister's life is ruined because of you .Tell me who the hell are you ?From how many days is this going on? Tell me you're a rascal ."

Sanjana got up and tried to free darsh's collar ."Bhai leave him please it was not his mistake he just helped me ...."

Nandini again cut her off " Helped you ,yes he helped you in becoming a black spot in the family .Hey you who are you ? Call your parents right now and we want to talk to them about your so-called help to sanjana " .

Darsh was trying hard to control his anger . He again stated in a composed tone " My parents are no more ,they died ..."

" Ooh ! See this girl is following her mother 's footsteps .Both have chosen orphan men in the whole world to love ." Nandini was deliberately not letting darsh or sanjana to explain the real situation to the family.

She then went to neil and whispered him getting frustrated

"Where is the boy"

"I don't know mom ,i am trying to contact him from the evening, but he is not picking up the phone "

" Useless piece of shit ,must have done an overdose of drugs and laying on some gutter .Such a moron." She started in anger .

Actually when sanjana escaped from the goons .The goons send a video of their attempt to nandini .The goons were actually started recording to get some nude video of sanjana for their later fun .But when sanjana escaped from them ,they cropped the video and only send the video where she collided with darsh and later got saved .They wanted to show nandini that they really tried hard to kill her .Nandini only ordered to kill nandini ,the rape thing was the goons idea.

when nitin saw the video he captured some still images from the video.Those images were cleàrly showing sanjana in darsh's arms in an intimate way .In the second one the eyelock was clearly seen which was actually happened for only some seconds.In the third one sanjana was hugging darsh from his shoulders.Nandini 's evil mind again made a full proof plan .Her sons are going to send the pictures to each and every person present in the engagement ,as to get the contact numbers was avery task for them .

Nandini was starting again and again. Who will marry her ? .she planned her nephew's entry in this situation ,who will ask sanjana's hand in this situation .so that her in laws have no option left and in relatives pressure they will allow this marriage .After that they will be always debted in nandini's maternal family .And sanjana 's life will become a living hell . At last, after years of waiting, all the properties of Chauhan will be in his husband's name.

But there was trouble in her paradise, when the stranger boy made his appearance in the temple. Now nandini 's first priority was not to let darsh or sanjana speak.

Sanjana again tried to say "Nanaji ,naniji please listen to me once,on that day when i was returning from the resort after attending the birthday ....."

Mr parmesh chauhan asked angrily "who the hell gave you permission to roam around with your stupid friends "

" Papaji please don't get angry with mummy ji she was just trying to ..." Nandini again played her card.

" Very well done dhani ,see what do you have done now ?How did you trust this girl don't you know she has naira and sandeep 's blood in her veins ?.All of them are backstabbers ,first naira and now this ungrateful brat.It would have been better if we had send her to the orphanage after her parents death."

Dhani chauhan held her son after listening to such awful words from her husband.but she knew now that it was her mistake to hide about the sanjana trip .And now the whole family has to bear the consequences

Darsh was stunned listening to this kind of statement. Again nandini started cursing." God knows what does this boy do for his living ?.Even He is doing something or not .Sanjana don't you know how these kind of boys are they just plays with the girl's innocence and than they dumped them .He is a orphan above all only god knows what kind of upbringing he would have got ?".

Darsh was on the edge of losing his temper .Suddenly Nitin pulled sanjana by her hair and started slapping her continuously.

" Stop it "

" Don't beat her,'' Darsh shouted at nitin.

Listening to darsh nitin started beating her more harshly " who are you to stop me " ?

Darsh at last lost his calm and stepped towards sanjana and pulled her with him to the idol of goddess .He went near the puja thali that was placed near the goddess and took a pinch of vermilion then he filled sanjana's hair partition with it .

Then he came where her family was standing dumbfounded, he declared in a strong vo

" Now she is my wife ,I am warning you if whosoever will try to harm my wife ,will not be able to see another sunrise of his life and that i will make sure of ".

The whole chaos went silent