

 Megan is a successful professional who only prioritized her career above all else. She is not just any lawyer but a renowned and very intelligent one.  She is among the best in the country and has never lost a lawsuit. But what happened when he met Timothy White? One of the wealthiest bachelors in the city and is thought to be the third richest bachelor in the entire city of New York.  He's used to girls chasing after him. He is recognized for being the city's best playboy and for being ruthless and vicious. He dumped the females after using them as playthings.

Yenc · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Chapter 16. Sending Her a Gifts

Tammy had intended to prevent Megan from going to work, but Megan surprised her by showing up so energized. She volunteered to make breakfast for Tammy and herself when she got up early. Megan's best friend Tammy made sure to take her vitamins and finished everything on her plate. They readied for work, cleaned up, and then drove away from Megan's apartment.

At 8:00 a.m., Megan arrived at her workplace. She sat down in her chair after setting her handbag on the wooden desk in a golden brown finish. She pulled out her journal and went over her schedule for the day. Someone knocking on the door distracted her as she was ready to complete some paperwork.

Megan answered absently, without glancing at the person who knocked, "Come in."

Maria grinned as she placed a large bouquet of red roses and a box of truffles on Megan's table, saying, "Someone sent this for you ma'am."

Megan first glanced at the stuff on her table before turning to gaze at her secretary, Maria.

She inquired, "Are you certain they're for me?" Maria gave a nod.

"From whom?"

"A delivery man delivered it here and he mentioned it was for Megan Heard," Megan reached for the card in the center of the roses.

"I'm truly sorry for everything, Megan. Please give me a chance to prove to you and our child that I'm worthy of being part of your lives," Timothy White.

Megan shook her head incredulously. She put back the message in the center of the roses. Maria was about to depart when Megan stopped her.

Megan quickly typed a few words on her laptop and printed them. She tucked the printed document into a white envelope bearing the emblem of her company. 'MCKENZIE SANS & CO.'

"Send them all back to White's AI Company." She handed the envelope to Maria and said, "Make sure they are given to Timothy White along with this." After grabbing the items from Megan's desk, Maria left the room.


When Timothy's secretary entered his office with the items he sent to be delivered to Megan this morning, the word 'Heartbroken' was insufficient to convey how he felt. The secretary placed the items on his desk and muttered, "She sent them back."

She gave her Boss an envelope and said, "This was sent too."

He opened the letter right away. Timothy read the letter carefully. He needed to deliver the documents Megan sent to him by noon today, according to the formal reminder. She specified in the letter that the documents had to be returned with his signature already on them. And gifts were covered under the restraining order that was obtained against him. He shouldn't have anything delivered to her home or company as a result.

Timothy sighed in resignation. He told his secretary, "You can go now," and she immediately left.

This morning, Timothy was tempted to personally deliver the gifts, but he decided against it because he was certain she would not appreciate them. She probably didn't want to see him at all.

The remorse Timothy felt was beyond words, yet he was determined to set things right. He was going to give everything even though he knew it would be hard for Megan to forgive and accept him. Timothy stood up, fumbled for his wallet and car keys, and then left his desk. On his way to the elevator, he ran into his secretary, Sarah.

"Sir, I was here to remind you of the meeting you have in 15 minutes," Sarah said.

"Apologize on my behalf and postpone the meeting for later or tomorrow," He didn't even glance at Sarah when he said.

Pondering about what he would say to Megan when they finally met, Timothy kept thinking as he approached McKenzie Sans & Co. That was, of course, if she is going to see him.

When Timothy arrived in front of the law office, he entered the building. He went up to the front desk and asked to see Megan.

Megan was having a meeting with the paralegals and interns that were appointed to her in the conference room. She pondered why she had never realized that Lucia was Timothy's younger sister. In the firm, there were a lot of interns, and there was a lot of work to be done. There wasn't enough time to look at everyone to see if they resembled anyone she recognized.

She had intended to terminate Lucia's employment with her, but she was unable to do so. She wasn't that mean to treat her baby's aunt in that manner.

The interns occupied the remaining seats at the large round table, with Megan seated at the head. She gave them an overview of the case and assigned each of them a responsibility. Where they questioned her necessary questions, and she responded.

The meeting was almost over when Megan's phone buzzed. It was vibrating.

She muttered, "Excuse me," to her group before answering the phone.

"Yes, Linda." Linda worked as the firm's receptionist.

"Timothy White is here and wants to meet you," Linda answered.

"I'm in a meeting, but he has to deliver certain documents to me. Please check them over to make sure his signature is already affixed to the documents."

"Ma'am, he didn't come with any documents. He said he wants to see you and that it's urgent."

"Please do tell him I have no dealings with him but with his lawyer," Megan hung up the phone after saying.


David said from the other side, "What's up, bro?"

"I went to her office to see her but she wouldn't see me. She sent the gifts back to me along with a note stating that I needed to return the documents by noon today along with my proffered signature."

While on the phone, David sighed. "There's nothing for you but to keep trying, but don't be so insistent that you might upset her. Maybe you should phone Tammy and see if she can help you."

Timothy sighed, already anticipating the taunts Tammy would direct at him. For Megan and his unborn baby, though, he was willing to do anything.

"Alright David, I'll phone you later," Timothy hung up the phone and contacted Tammy.

Timothy's heartbeat quickened as soon as Tammy's phone call was connected.

Tammy said from the other side, "This is Tammy on the line, how may I assist you?"

Timothy made a difficult swallow. "Ta..mmy, this is Timothy."

He instantly added as he heard her faintly curse, "Please, don't cancel the call."

"How did you find my number and why are you contacting me," She exclaimed.

"Tammy, I made a mistake and I truly need your help."

Tammy burst into laughter. She knew what he needed assistance for.

"She surrendered herself to you, she trusted you, and the next morning you started acting like an asshole. If Megan hadn't forced me to make a promise not to do anything, I would have dealt with you, Timothy."

"She opted to tell you about the baby since she is so kind-hearted, and you inadvertently referred to your child as a bastard."

"I sincerely regret what I said and promise I did not mean to say any of it, I regret everything."

"I'm sitting in my car that is parked in front of McKenzie Sans & Co. I went in earlier, but Megan did not want to see me. I acknowledge that my foolish actions are the reason we have never been friends, but I'm willing to accept responsibility and make amends."

"Only David and my mother know everything. My mother advised me to fight for Megan and never give up on her. I regret letting my experience and my fear make me look down on my present."

"You're Megan's best friend and the doorway to her heart, I'm not asking you to apologize to her on my behalf, but I do want you to help me beg her to see me. I realize I've done a lot of harm, but I'm determined to do whatever it takes to get Megan and my baby back."

"I want to apologize to her face-to-face, seek her forgiveness, share with her my true feelings, and give an explanation for my actions."

"Please speak with her for me, Tammy."

Tammy groaned. "It is quite difficult for Megan to change her decision once she has made up her mind about something. In addition, I don't have confidence in you, Timothy. What if you wind up hurting her again?"

"I swear I won't ever hurt her again, I promise you."

"You know what Timothy, this is truly between you and Megan. I am not interested in getting involved. Good luck in doing whatever you need to do to win her back. I must return to my work." Tammy cut off the conversation before Timothy could respond.

Timothy leaned back against the headrest, ruffled his hair with his fingers, and sighed.

Although he didn't want to take drastic measures, he had no choice but to act immediately since he had run out of direct options.

He called Jacob, who answered right away.

Jacob replied from the other side, "Yes Boss." He didn't get many calls from Timothy, and when he did, he knew it was for work.

"Jacob, I need you to find out some information about Megan Heard, who works at McKenzie Sans & Co. I need her home address and her cell phone number, and I'm hoping I can have them before the end of the day."

"Yes, Sir. I'll see to it that you get them right away," Jacob answered.