
Stone in the shoe

When you were a kid, you lived with your grandmother in the small town of Silvertree, on the edge of a magical forest. Grandma is a witch, and she taught you how to use your magic to affect the natural world, too. “Magic is a part of you,” she always told you. “Learning how to use it means figuring out who you are.” Now you’re 19 and on your own. After years of living in the forest while you perfected your witchcraft, you’ve returned to take care of your grandmother’s house and crow-familiar while she’s gone. Figuring out who you are feels more important than ever - not to mention, figuring out what Silvertree is. A lot is just as you remembered: the friendly generous next-door neighbors with a kid just your age, the proud town council, the quaint little shops with quirky punny names, the gentle shadowy forest full of magic.

PlayerOliver · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
443 Chs


"Ah, really?" Nic grimaces. "Sounds about right. I heard some people say how even though all those plans might not even happen, that big company has still put a bunch of blueprints on display. I guess it's to help people understand what could happen—but I heard they're only showing the stuff they're going to build, and not whatever they're gonna pull down. And, sure, maybe they're bringing in cash, but I don't think they're going to be the ones fixing all the stuff that already needs fixing."

She shrugs. For a second, you see a far-off look in her eye.

"To be honest, I don't know much about what's going on. I don't think I've lived here long enough to really understand it. I've had it in my head for a while that I might leave at some point anyway—like, go off and explore the world in my van or something. But that would probably be a little more difficult than it seems in my head. Anyway, don't let me trap you here any longer than you have to be. Have a good day."

She gives you a wave, and at last, you head back towards the automatic doors. Vada is standing there as you exit; she gives you a slightly more confident smile as you leave.
