
Our Love:

The question is how much did you love someone? Do you really own love to someone? Were you really loved by some or many people? Did you never receive love? To answer these questions, you actually need to define love in its essence. In realm of subjectivity, I would define it as sacrifice. It's not just my sacrifice but is ours's sacrifice. It's the top priority when it comes to loving someone. The greater the sacrifice, the purer your love.

Let's start with the last question that is whether or not you received love. I believe everyone living on this planet received love. The difference is some were aware while others were unaware of this love (which is the synonym of sacrifice). Would you believe if I tell you that you received tons of unconditional and undiscriminated love in this life. Whether to believe or not is up to you but I believe that it is the reality. As mentioned in Plato's allegory of cavemen, that it is the choice of the caveman that whether he chooses to accept the reality which is temporarily unpleasant to eye or go back to the world of shadows. The things or objects you can say that support you (chair etc.), protect you (like clothes, doors etc), shelter you (like any roof or ceiling), feed you (spoon etc), treat you (like medicine) or that help you reach your destination (like stairs, elevators etc) which are often hurt by you but still offer you the best of their functions. Don't they love you or is your selfishness, ignorance or your ego making you unaware of their love. Do you think that the love they are giving you or that you are receiving despite your harshness and for grantedness is unworthy and small to you. If you think that way, then you really don't deserve this awareness.

Let's move the next question about you receiving the love of the people. You received tons of love from people and that love also falls into the category of the unconditional love. The love of carpenter who made the chair for you or the love of the spoon maker or curtain maker(not the ones made on request fall in this category) since they were unaware of the receiver.This argument can receive several contradictions;

>They made it for money.

>These things don't have the ability to choose.

and so on.

That's true but still what you are receiving is love (an unconditional and an undiscriminated one).

The third last question is about whether you own love to someone or not. You own it and a lot of it. This statement is made in the light of above statements. And the last question is for you to answer.

The most important existence in your life is that of Allah (the creator of the universe) and the love you own to him can never be returned by you and the love you received is for you to think. Take a look in your life and give it some deep thinking 💭. Your brain deserves this much exercise.

Don't take your life or yourself for granted and not others as well. Since most of the love they receieved is equal to you.

Bing_Shancreators' thoughts