

Our heart is made of four chambers that keep the blood flowing but when one vein in that chamber gets blocked for a while, it dies. In other words, leading to the death of the entire system, and the person gets deprived of life. That is the importance of a vein to that heart. And that is the importance of my parents to me. They are my lifeline and a very important vein in my heart that keeps it going. Your heart doesn't just need wishes to keep it running, it needs love. Love is sacrifice, and sacrifices define the so-called word 'love'. Sometimes your heart feels symptoms telling you that something in your heart is rotting. But like always you ignore that feeling and go on as if you have more important things to do and your priority is to compete with the world as its running so fast and maybe you will be left behind and thus lose your pride and won't be left with anything to show off. I feel that the world is much slower than you think it is and the time is I believe what you should grasp. What happens is that the vein that connects you to your lifeline (parents not Wi-Fi) gets a clot that blocks the most precious bond that can endanger your mere existence. This clot doesn't develop at once. It takes time (slowly and stealthily) to make its way to your doom. The reasons for this clot can be wickedness, envy, greed, and most important is your selfishness. Your necessitation is not an excuse for your carelessness or your selfishness. And wickedness, greed, and selfishness can never be justified. These are the pioneers of those crimes that can push civilization on the verge of chaos and destruction. So, make sure your veins are not clotted, and if they are, then contact your parents as early as possible. Your satisfaction is measured by how much your parents are satisfied with you. Love (not the time pass or physical affection) comes from the heart, and it contains such power that can bring the so-called powerful class to their knees. What I am talking about is the spiritual power that comes along with this word. The love that expects nothing in return. A pure emotion (not the one tainted by us) that is beyond our little thoughts and intelligence. The weight of this word love is quite heavy, and no one can love you more than your parents, not even you. For a smooth life, you need a clot-free lifeline and for that to happen you need patience and tolerance. Tolerance (silence and smile) can be an adequate present solution to your problems. Understanding and spending time with your family can give you a realization that " BRO! they are nice people." Sometimes the case may be different but, in most cases, this outcome would be more common. A beautiful house and life can be established in your heart over the graves of billion wishes.