
Chapter 9 : Destined Mates


Mae held her knees close to her chest as she watched the ants crawl along the sidewalk back to their hidden place within the grass. She wasn’t sure how long she had been outside, waiting, but she was grateful no one had come to disturb her.

She hadn’t been able to even look at her father since their fight about going to war. As helpful as April had been, she couldn’t listen to her repetitive, reassuring words any longer.

Finally, she saw Samuel in the distance, walking along the path. Despite all she had been feeling, she was happy to see her cousin. She stood and ran to him and smiled as he opened his arms to her. Samuel caught her early as she jumped into his arms for a hug.

“Well, I’m happy to see you too,” he muttered. “Where’s April and Uncle Keith?”

Mae pulled out of his arms and did her best to keep smiling.

“They are inside. April is making a nice dinner for us,” Mae answered. Samuel held an arm out for her. She took it, and the two of them walked together towards the house.

“Was the journey okay?” Mae asked, keeping her eyes forward. Samuel smirked with a slight chuckle.

“Ah, so we are small talking instead of talking about what’s really on your mind,” he started with another chuckle and a shrug. “Well, that’s fine. It was nice. It’s been a while since I got to run through the trees like that. I’m glad to be here. It’s been too long.”

Mae nodded. Part of her wanted to just come right out and tell him all that had been going on. She was certain he had questions, but she was glad he didn’t push her.

“Well, I’m glad. I like having you here,” Mae replied as they walked up the steps of her family home. She pushed open the door, and a wave of something delicious flew into their faces. “It seems April is making her famous stew….”

Samuel and Mae both followed their noses into the kitchen. April stood on a small stool with her nose peering into a large pot. It was clear it was boiling, and the rising steam kept the aroma plentiful.

“Hey little cousin, that smells mighty good,” Samuel stated as he walked into the room. April turned with bright eyes and smiled at him.

“Oh, good! You’re here!” she cried out. “Grab a bowl and come get some stew.”

Samuel and Mae wasted no time moving to grab bowls from the cupboard and waiting for April to scoop them a generous helping.

“Where’s Uncle Keith?” Samuel asked once they were all seated with their dinners. Both Mae and April’s faces turned sour.

“He said he had business to attend to, but he’d be back later tonight. I suppose you can see him then,” April answered. Samuel glanced back and forth between the two girls before abruptly putting his spoon down.

“Alright, enough with the small talk. I know you had the mating ritual. Something must have happened. Where’s Henry? What is wrong?” Samuel asked. Mae was always impressed how Samuel could sound so caring and demanding at the same time. Mae looked at her sister before finally taking a deep breath. “Come on, talk to me. This is why I’m here,” Samuel insisted.

Mae started to talk, keeping her voice low, and explained the entire night of the mating ritual. She told him how she’d mated with someone else, as did Henry. They were certain this was a mistake, but they didn’t know what to do.

She explained that Henry’s father was keeping them apart, and her father was thinking of war. The tears flowed forcefully, but silently, as Mae continued to talk and explain.

Samuel continued to listen intently as a wave of sorrow crossed his face.

“I don’t understand. You two were so in love, so perfect for each other. Why would the Moon Goddess deny your love? No, I agree with Henry. Something has to be wrong.”

“Will you talk to him for me? Will you talk to Henry?“ Mae pleaded. Samuel looked at her with sorrow and frustrating confusion.

“Of course, I will go. I’ll speak to your father tonight. See if I can get him to stay or at least delay his plans, and tomorrow, I will go to the Mountain Pack,” Samuel answered with a nod.

“Thank you!” Mae reached over and touched her cousin’s arm as he smiled weakly at her.


Mae tossed and turned in her bed listening to Samuel argue with her father. She hoped that her cousin might be able to make some kind of breakthrough. Her father sounded as angry as he had when she had fought with him only days before.

Her whole body was shaking and sweating from the anxiety and stress of it all. Their mumbled voices seeped through the walls and floorboards like a toxic trigger to her nervous feelings.

Mae tried to force her body to lay flat against the mattress, and she kept her eyes on the ceiling. She tried to convince herself that it would all be alright, that Samuel would be able to get through to her father, and then he would help fix things with Henry.

But Mae couldn’t help but remember the last time she had tried to convince herself that the unknown would turn in her favor. Things had ended horribly, and she still worried that she lost Henry forever.

Mae hadn’t noticed that the arguing stopped until it was quiet for several seconds. She sat up, startled, when her door burst open. Samuel looked at her with a crooked smile before closing the door and moving to sit on the edge of her bed with her.

“How did it go?” she questioned, not sure she wanted to hear the answer. Samuel kept smiling and started nodding at her.

“I convinced him that he was acting too impulsively, and it might be better to use me as a representative to the Mountain Pack. I also convinced him to keep his plans for war on hold until I can speak with Alpha Frederick and Henry,” Samuel explained. Mae let the feeling of relief take over her as she reached her arms out to hug her cousin.

“So you’ll go tomorrow to talk to Henry?” she asked, pulling away to see his face. Samuel’s smile turned a bit more mischievous.

“Yes, I’m going tomorrow to talk to Henry… and you’re going with me.”

“What? How did you possibly convince my father to let me come with you?” she questioned with a gasp. Samuel chuckled.

“Now, get some sleep. It’s going to be a big day tomorrow.”

* * *

Mae awoke early with some panic and excitement. She was going to be able to see Henry face to face. She knew it wouldn’t solve everything or fix what had happened in the mating ritual. But at least she could put some of her fears to rest and talk to him about where they went from here.

She walked outside in the crisp morning air without bothering to see who else might be awake or grab breakfast from the kitchen. For the first time in a while, she finally felt like she might be able to help fix things and move things in a better direction.

Mae turned when she heard the front door again and smiled at Samuel as he walked up to greet her.

“Morning,” he said in a playful tone. Mae held back and smugly smiled.

“Good morning.”

“Are you ready?” Samuel asked, keeping his eyes on the road ahead of them.

“Very much so.”

Samuel gave a quick nod of acknowledgment and started walking. Mae moved her feet quickly to keep pace with her cousin. It wasn’t that far, maybe a 15-minute walk, to the Mountain Pack. But the road ahead of them seemed to stretch out beyond her line of sight.

She took a deep breath and tried to think about what they would do when they arrived and how they might handle it. Would the guards arrest her? Or try to keep her from seeing Henry? Would he want to see her at all? Would Alpha Frederick accept Samuel as an ambassador for the Forest Pack? All of these questions swirled around in Mae’s mind, making her feel a bit lightheaded.

“Try not to think on it so much,” Samuel suggested. Mae glanced at him and saw that he was still looking forward. She hadn’t realized she was showing any signs of how wild her mind was.

“What do you mean?”

Samuel chuckled as they walked.

“My mother has the same habit. I’ll bet yours did too. You think too much. Wonder about every little thing, every possible outcome. That’s only going to drive you mad and leave you with an unclear head when we get there. I know it’s difficult, given all that’s going on, but try to relax. Think about something unrelated.”

Mae did her best to push the troubling thoughts from her mind. She tried not to let the questions in and tried to think about something more pleasant. It was a hard task, and she found herself constantly needing to redirect her mind. Samuel laughed at her again. She shot a look at him from the corner of her eye.

“It’s okay, it takes practice. Now is probably a much more difficult time to try, as well,” Samuel replied to her unspoken glare.

Before Mae had a chance to respond, Samuel’s face darkened. She turned to see what he was seeing: the border of Mountain Pack. It looked the same as it always had. There were a few guards lining the path but nothing out of the ordinary. Everything seemed… normal.

When they reached the border, the guards made no attempt to even acknowledge them. Samuel practically towered over them with his intimidating height.

“Excuse me, we are here to speak with Alpha Frederick and his son, Henry,” Samuel stated in a deep and professional tone. The guards still didn't move or acknowledge him. “I’m here on behalf of Alpha Keith and the Forest Pack.” No response.

Mae glanced back and forth between her cousin and the soldiers. She recognized one of them as a man who let her pass regularly before the mating ritual.

“Please,” she begged, not caring how pitiful she might sound. “Please let me see him. I just need to talk to him.”

The guard glanced at her and stared at her for a long moment before finally stepping aside. The second soldier copied his partner's actions.

“Thank you,” Mae whispered, and she slipped past the guards with Samuel by her side.

“Well, that was kind of strange,” he muttered as they walked straight ahead towards Henry’s house. Mae knew exactly where she was going and walked with a new sense of purpose.

“What are you going to say?” Mae couldn’t help but ask. Samuel glanced at her out of the side of his eye and frowned.

“I told you not to worry about that or think on it. I’m going to be the one doing the talking. I don’t want you losing it in there, okay?”

Mae grunted a bit but nodded anyway. All she wanted was to talk to Henry, so she would listen to her cousin who had finally given her a chance to do so.

Samuel knocked hard on the front door, and it swung open quickly to reveal one of the many servants to the Alpha’s home. Mae recognized him instantly but kept her mouth shut.

“Hello, we are here on behalf of Alpha Keith of the Forest Pack. We request a meeting with Alpha Frederick and his son, Henry.”

“Alpha Frederick is not here at the moment, but his son is in the study with his new mate. You are welcome to speak with him.” The man stepped aside allowing Samuel and Mae to come inside. Mae smiled at him and did her best to silently let him know she was grateful. In response, he respectfully nodded at her.

Mae led the way to the study, knowing every inch of Henry’s home very well. She imagined him sitting against the window sill reading one of his wild adventure stories. Instead, as she turned and opened the door she found him sitting behind the desk with his head in his hands, looking aggravated and full of despair.

She was also surprised to see Circe was sitting by the window with an expression that matched Henry’s. Clearly, this was still a less than happy matching.

“Mae,” Henry whispered as he lifted his head to the sound of the door. She smiled weakly at him.

Suddenly, Mae noticed Samuel stiffen next to her and cock his head to the side with what looked like panic and confusion. Mae followed his gaze that was locked at Circe. She was staring hard now at Samuel looking equally horrified and stiff.

“Sam, what’s wrong?” Mae whispered. Samuel didn’t answer but instead walked out of the room and started to pace in the hall. Mae gave one last look to Henry before following her cousin.

“Samuel what’s wrong?” Mae questioned again. Samuel didn’t slow down or stop his pacing, and he kept his voice barely above a whisper.

“You are certain that is the woman Henry mated with?” Samuel demanded. Mae glanced back to the room where Henry was now whispering quietly with Circe and turned back to Samuel.

“Yes, I’m certain.”

“Then Henry is very correct: something is wrong.”

“What do you mean?” Mae asked in a pressing tone.

“I felt it as I looked at her, Mae. She can’t possibly be destined to be Henry’s mate. ”

Mae’s brow furrowed as she asked, “Samuel, how do you know that?”

“Because,” he replied, “that woman is destined to be my mate.”