
Chapter 50 : What Circe Did


“What are you talking about?” Ivy questioned, looking hard at Circe. She felt now like she had more questions and even more concern for her friend. “Where is this coming from?”

Circe started to cry a bit harder, and Ivy pulled her over to a small bench on the side of the path.

“After we talked the first time, and I went to see her, to ask her to reverse the spell… she wasn’t happy. She refused and said one way or another she would get what she wanted. I didn’t even think about i., I drank the tea she gave me. She mumbled some words I didn’t understand…”

“Oh, Circe,” Ivy hugged her again, wishing she could take away Circe’s fears. “Spells and curses only have power because of the witch. She’s dead now. Anything she might have done or planned is over. You are safe,” Ivy whispered calmly. Circe clung to her shirt and continued to cry.