
Chapter 24 : What Comes Next


The morning light poured quickly and quietly into the small room. Mae lay stretched across the bed with her left arm and leg still wrapped tightly around Henry. Her eyes fluttered open with the warmth of the morning. With an inhale, she formed a wide smile.

It was everything she’d ever dreamed to wake up beside Henry. She watched his chest slowly rise and fall. Mae brushed a piece of his light hair from his face and watched as it changed color like fire through her hands. His slight freckles across his cheeks were more prominent in the light. Henry had never seemed so beautiful to her.

Mae turned over onto her back but kept herself tangled with Henry. She listened to the sound of her own breathing, the rapid beating of her heart. Instinctively, she reached a hand up and touched the delicate spot where Henry had marked her. It gave off almost a tingling sensation. It sent something like a spark shooting through her body. She could feel something was different.