
Chapter 22 : Determination


Henry found himself constantly turning his attention back to his hands like he expected them to be shaking or holding some sort of answer for him. But they were the same as they had always been–still and smooth. He noticed one of his fingernails had chipped to the skin on his left hand. Now that he noticed it, it started to sting a bit. Henry sighed.

He had no reason to assume anyone would go through the traditional send-off steps with him for this marking ceremony, so he was surprised when he turned to see Levi knocking on the door. Henry couldn’t help but smile. He was grateful not to be alone.

“Hey, man, what are you doing here?” Henry asked, pushing the second chair out from his desk to offer Levi the seat.

“Tonight is your big night, man. I figured someone should be here to celebrate with you.” Levi walked with confidence into the room and took the seat that Henry offered him.