
Chapter 12 : Fix It!


Circe sat in the backyard moping and worrying about things. She wished so badly she could go back and change what she had done.

She stood up and started to walk in large circles around the grassy area. So many thoughts were rambling on in Circe’s mind. So many troubles. She tried to imagine a solution that wouldn’t completely drive Samuel away. She could think of nothing.

Circe glanced around momentarily before letting the tears fall freely down her face. She cursed her past self for being so rash and impulsive.

“What am I going to do?” Circe found herself muttering out loud. “How could I have been so stupid and messed things up so badly?”

Circe groaned and grunted in her panic, angry with herself most of all.

“Maybe I should tell Henry,” she thought. She knew he was desperate to be with Mae again. She no longer cared if he stayed mad at her as long as she could be with Samuel.

“Maybe you should tell Henry what?”