
Stoic Hunter

A story of a reincarnated man which is stoic in a world of unusual creatures entering earth; step by step. Watch him as he enjoys things, even the current crisis his world has gone and will go through.

S0HW3aK_Ez · Fantasie
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1 Chs


Chapter 1:

"What is this?"



"Why am I breathing so hard?"

He looks at his hands full of colors; unable to see his usual brown color.


He looked ahead and there it is. An unusual amount of creatures charging right straight at him.

° = Thoughts

°I see. I'm just numb.°

At his viewpoint, looking straight ahead, under that; it's not a dirt, it's dead bodies.

Right now, he is standing atop of it. No ground can be seen.

"Hehe... if this is where I die, I might atleast enjoy this shit."




Otherworldly monsters; undeads, dragons, giants, demons and others. Their goal is only one thing: to kill the last human.

°All vital points, just enough power for them to die and be technical. I know and I believe I can do this. I can.°

Suddenly, two swords is at its disposal.



At the neck, the heart, their source, all weaknesses that he knows and noticed is targeted by him.



His weapon changes for every kinds including giant types. Change, change and change. This process is repeated for an uncountable amount of times.




He continued the unending battle: slashing, kicking, punching, throwing, and aiming. He keeps doing it until he realized himself, he was now hitting the air.

°I'm the best.°



He laughed like it is his last laugh.

°My body...°

(Checks body)


With a battle of that scale, it's impossible for him to have just minor scratches.

"With this amount of cuts and holes, I got twenty minutes less to live."

(Looks at the sky)

"Ohh... beautiful."

"Cain, you've really done it."

"Stop, let me enjoy the view."

"You are sitting on a corpse, you know that."

"Heh... everything is beautiful in nature."

"...Cain, your death is certain and to be honest, I am sad... Is there any wish you wish to be fulfilled?"

"You look like you're about to cry, Irene. I really am a ladies man."

"Stop making jokes!"


"Hmm... give me a soda full of ice."



"Status window."


"This lifetime is enjoyable."

After two minutes, Irene came back with a big mug soda full of ice.


"Let me enjoy this. Go cry over there."




(Looks up)


"I really am the best."

°I'll kill you when I get back.°

At the atmosphere, a huge red eye can be seen looking at one person; Cain.

[System Detected That You've Died.]

[Passive Skill: [Beginning Of The End] is Activated.]

[Passive Skill: [Beginning Of The End] - Dying is just the beginning. You can come back to your desired past.]

- You can choose one skill you can go back with.

- One time use

[What skill do you want to pick? You can't choose this skill as it will disappear forever.]

[Confirmed... You are now going back to your desired time.]

The clock is reversing and the universe followed as if this timeline didn't existed.



"Woah... so this is the infamous 'Devil of Northstar Highschool'."

"Yeah, how many did he knock out now?"

At the rooftop of a school, people are ganging up on a boy.

"This is too easy! Bring me more!"

Who would've thought that the past of the regressor is so different from his future.

"Hahaha...! Bring it on—

He was about to perform a sidekick when he suddenly stopped from his movements.

"Hey! Why did he stop?"

"I don't know, but this is a chance! Let's all attack together!"



On their perspective, he is like a true devil welcoming them from hell.


He glances from every direction and grasped the situation straightway.

"Sleep good."

Everybody attacked from every direction but all got countered a clean punch from the chin making them instantly fall.

"The sun is rising."



In his view, he is just simply smiling, but from what the spectators is seeing and witnessed, they mistook him smiling from the bodies he knocked unconscious.

Simultaneously they thought, "Crazy bastard!"

°I got four hours.°

He immediately left at the scene and proceeded to go outside the school and walk to his destination.

He arrived twenty minutes by foot and ended up in a small building and continued to go upstairs.



(Door Opens)

When he entered the door, right away, a steam came out revealing the people who is eating a lot of meat.

All You Can Eat Buffet! 3$ Only!


"Welcome sir. A table for one?"

"Prepare to go bankrupt."


He was dumbfounded to what he said but then a lot of time has passed and he was still eating.

"Fuck... we really are gonna get bankrupt!"

"Damn! I should be out already, but this guy is making me stay because of his gluttuny !"


(Stand up)

(Gets coffee)

He's drinking his coffee standing and enjoying the view.


He casually put down his money and leaves.

°Its time.°

By the time he goes down, a sudden earthquake trembles, followed by a three instantaneous night and day time. Now, a ten seconds of pure silence in earth.

[System Creation... Success.]

[Say "Status" And Find It Out How It Works.]

[You Have Three Minutes Before Monsters Will Appear To KILL YOU. You must quickly ADAPT. Goodluck everyone!]

[Note: Everyone will have one skill to help them out.]




HP: 100


MP: 5













(A) [DARK BLAZING DANCE] (NEW!) - A martial art of the driven Fire Blazing clan from the world of murim.

(1st Technique) [DANCE OF LIBERATION]: A passive martial art movement that doesn't require mana or internal energy.

(2nd Technique) [???] - Condition Unfulfilled

(3rd Technique) [???] - Condition Unfulfilled

(4th Technique) [???] - Condition Unfulfilled

(5th Technique) [???] - Condition Unfulfilled

(SSS) [FUSION] (NEW!) - A skill solely dedicated on synthesizing skills to create the best possible results.

- Needs 30 MP to activate.

- Any type of skill is possible.

°I got this skill before I died.°

The skill he chose when the one-time use [The Beginning Of The End] demanded him to pick one skill before regressing is the active skill [FUSION] which also he gains right after killing the endless swarming monsters.

[Three Minutes Ended.]

[This world you know now will never be the same again; be careful, monsters will now appear and their primary goal is to kill every human on this planet. Kill or be killed!]

After the announcement on the system, silence ensues but only for a brief moment.




(People Running)

"It has begun."

In his hands, two knives comes in sight.

°How sharp is this knife?°

Somehow, he is able to swiftly steal two knives without the servants and guests noticing.

"Help me!!"

(Trips Over)


Before the goblin violently pounce him with his hand-held axe, a kitchen knife flied to the monster's head killing him instantly.

"Wait, before you ran away, give me your jacket."


While holding the other knife in his left hand he nonchalantly said, "Be careful, okay?"


(Gives jacket)

(Man runs away)

"As I thought, I look great in black."


In front of him, a batch of different kind of goblins arrives.





°What food should I eat tonight?°

(Picks up Axe)

"Come little shits!"

As if the goblins understand what he said, they all have angered responses and they charges to him.

The appearing old goblin suddenly changed to a level four goblin.


"Oh? Is anger the secret to youth?"

The former old goblin takes the lead while the rest follows.

"Krrr...!" (I'll kill you!)

With someone leading them, their group deleted their sense of fear specially seeing their leader enthusiastically perform sword movements they haven't seen before.



They attacked in all directions using their weapons: spear, axe, dagger and sword. They swung at him angrily with the full intent of killing him.

°An unexpected movement should break their rhythm.°

(Backs off)

"Kgr...?"(What is he doing?)

"Krrr–"(I don't kno–) *Shieek*

Another kitchen knife got thrown again killing the level one goblin straightly.


Turns out he has stolen more than one.

(Throws multiple knives)

They either blocked it or parried it but this gave him some time to close the range from the closest goblin which is the tall goblin.

"Kuh?"(What?) *Sheik!*



The two goblin realized what just happened and together readied their stance holding their sword and dagger.

(Drops axe)

The two is puzzled why he dropped his weapon.

He made a hand gesture tempting them to come coupled with his arrogant smug.

"Krrgrrr...!"(Let's kill him and avenge them!)

"Kgggr...!"(Yeah, we can do this!)

They went for an attack disregarding their tactics because of their anger.

°I'll try this.°

(A) [DARK BLAZING DANCE] (NEW!) - A martial art of the driven Fire Blazing clan from the world of murim.

(1st Technique) [DANCE OF LIBERATION]: A passive martial art movement of freedom style that doesn't require mana or internal energy.

(2nd Technique) [???] - Condition Unfulfilled

(3rd Technique) [???] - Condition Unfulfilled

(4th Technique) [???] - Condition Unfulfilled

(5th Technique) [???] - Condition Unfulfilled

As if he's the most freeist person in the world; parrying, dodging and counterattacking whilst making it look an art.

"Kggggrrrr...?!"(What is this?! I can't hit him!)

"Bye-bye to you two."

He accelerated to the confused black goblin, got in his back, and breaks his neck.


"You can't."

Cain raised his axe attempting to one shot the last one.


The goblin sees this and raised his sword to blocked it.


It's not the sound of two metal clanging but rather just one metal piercing a flesh.


"It's that black things dagger."

By the time he killed the black goblin, it seems he briskly put the dagger in his inventory and timed it to take it out at the right range resulting him to get stabbed. This is all possible because the retired goblin completely focuses on blocking the axe even though it's just a fake strike.



"Now, where is that good thing?"

He jogged to there while also helping out some people along the way.

"G-Gard... Help..."

(Closes eyes)


"...Huh? Is that you Gard...?!"

"No, but you can call me your guard, hehe... Get up."

(Stretched hand)

(Notices ring)

"Oh, you're married. I'll clean monsters along the way so save yourself. Bye~bye~."

While he was leaving, the woman is strangely staring at a blank space.

"Huh? Wh-what did I just see...?!"

(Looks back)

"Wait! I have to tell you something!"

He is nowhere to be seen.

°He's gone...°


Northstar Highschool


"H-Hey, dude... Stop shouting... You're gonna attract those things..."

"Oh, fuck you! How about you get your arm broken too by that steroid bastard."

"I-I know you saved me but..."

°Fuck! After going to this high school, a lot of unlucky things happened to me; getting knocked out by that monster, and now this! Why did I act like a hero?"

"Huff... That big monster, is it still in the gym?"

"He is. I didn't take out my eyes even for a whole second," said by a guy who is wearing glasses and observing the outside.

"Anthony, you're surprisingly calm out of all of us."

"Ah... Is that so? Don't worry, John. I am scared inside."

He said that but his expression said otherwise. He is smiling.

"Huh? Isn't that the 'Devil'?"


(Stands up)

"H-Hey... He's going straight to that gym!"

(Opens window)


As soon as John shouted, Anthony closed the window while holding his chest through his arm.

"Are you crazy? That shout can cost us our life."


"He's right John... Please just stay down..."


"Hey, he may litted our fire amazingly and fast, but he is still a human."

(Stares Deeply)

"I know, but he can atleast survive a little bit longer."

"Then why..."

"I have a plan."




°Huh? He shouted while there's multiple creatures.°

"That face... He's one of those dude who I punched."


*Teeth Grinding*

"That's my treasure."

A big three meter human-like figure, with one protruding arm compared to the rest of his body.




°He charged by the time he seen me.°

"You do this to everyone, huh?"

There are other corpses; humans and other creatures alike.


Cain slipped to his side and avoided it making the monster collide with the door.


°A barrier, huh?°

Instead of the door breaking, a barrier of some kind prevented him from smashing the door and him getting out.

[You have discovered the trapped charger!]

[Defeat him or he will get out and cause a trouble both to monsters and humans.]

[29/30 for him to kill!]

[One left is remaining!]