
Usual treatment

She woke up earlier than usual that day, as she could not take it anymore.

The incident of the previous night kept replaying in her head.

"I can't stay in this marriage anymore, I will end up killing myself, if I stay".

Camen Cole said to herself.

She looked around her, and prince Duncan was not sleeping on the same bed with her as usual.

Why would she even expect him to be on the same bed with her?

She looked down, and she made the sign of the cross, at least, she did not wet the bed today.

She must have been too angry because of the previous days event, that she didn't get any sleep, let alone to wet the bed.

She is going to be thirty five in few months and she cannot sleep without bed wetting.

How can she be an adult, a beautiful one for that matter, but cannot control her bladder.

Prince Duncan must feel he is doing her a favour, by marrying her, for he talks to her, like she doesn't belong to any family.

Camen dressed up in a pink robe, after checking herself out in the mirror, she went to look for him.

She found him in the hall way with one of the maids.

He was making out with her.

She stood watching them for a while, and after a while, Duncan pushed the maid aside.

"Leave us".

He tells the maid, and she fled immediately.

Camen is not surprised at what she saw, she is used to seeing things like that, all she wants, is to be free from the insult, and perpetual suffering.

Yes what do you want?

He asked her rudely, and she, in her usual nature, she knelt down and spoke calmly to him.

"This is not working, we are not a couple, people think we are, but we are not.

We are not even room mate, because you don't stay in the same room with me.


"Shut up!

He got up from the floor, where he had been sitting.

Don't tell me, you woke up so early, to tell me trash.

How do you expect me to sleep in the same room with you, when you wet the bed all the time".

"But I am working on it"....

She says, but he raised his hands to stop her.

You said this is not working, and you are right.

I was only helping your parents by marrying you.

If you cannot stay anymore, you can use the door, I will be glad you are out of my life.

We don't have babies yet, and the maids take out the bed almost every night.

My room smells like toilet.

You are shit, I guess your pussy is too open that it cannot hold, and that is why I cannot even think of sleeping with you".

Camen broke down in tears.

She have heard all that before, but hearing it all over again just made her feel like jumping into the lagoon and drowning.

He didn't stop there, he laughed hysterically and asked.

"Where will you go?

Tell me!

You want to go to your parents?

Be my guest, but there is no way in hell I am refunding their groom prize".

Camen was shocked, she opened her eyes wide, she have never heard that before.

She had been very pleased when Duncan came to their house to ask for her hand in marriage, and though it was more like a secret marriage, she was glad to be getting married to a handsome man.

She had so many wonderful dreams, but she never experienced any of those dreams, because after the first night, her worse fear, still found a way to taunt her, she was so wet the next morning.

Maybe Duncan didn't know about it, or he didn't know it was that bad, she expected him to act nice, but the way he acted, showed her that he would never be a friend to her.

"Why do you look so shocked?

wait! you didn't know?

Off course your parents refunded me my money and even paid me extra for my silence.

I have kept my part of the bargain, I kept your secret, but if you leave this house, I don't think I owe them any more loyalty".

With that he walked away.

Camen kept crying on the floor.

She cannot believe her ears.

All the while, she had thought that Duncan came for her, because he was inlove with her.

She was really hoping to make him fall for her again, but she never knew that her parents planned it all along.

They just wanted her out of the house.

She is going to go back to them , she will tell them all that she is going through in the hands of Duncan, she plans to show them bruises on her skin, sustained, anytime she tries to talk to him, she is even surprised, he didn't hit her this morning, maybe it is a sign, that she really needed to go.

She believes that if her parents, get to know what she is passing through, they will prefer she stays in the house with them.

She got up, wipes her tears, and went back to her room.

She grabbed a few dresses in a small backpack and walked out.

Duncan kept watching her from the window of another room, and he wouldn't stop laughing, even though somehow, within him, he feels he should stop her, but pride would not let him.

He couldn't take her out, or show her off to the world as his wife.

He couldn't allow her travel for their family reunion, because she might wet the bed in the room they would stay, and that would be too embarrassing to him.

"She will be back, I know she will be back".

He consoles himself.

He quietly went back into the room he shared with her.

He touched the bed, and discovered that the bed was all dry.

Maybe if you can stop bed wetting, we can live, as a couple, but with that flaw you have, I cannot be your husband".

He sat down on the bed, and kept looking at her image on the wall.

The room was quiet, though they have workers around the house, it felt too quiet.

Duncan doesn't know why he feels suddenly empty.

He got up and looked out, she was slowly walking towards the palace gate.

She isn't sure if she would be accepted where she is going, and that kind of made Duncan happy, for he would love to have her back.