
Deep Suspicions

Chapter 30 


The land certainly wasn't vast. It was a tiny village nestled at the edge of the surrounding forest with a large ornate mansion that rose above everyone else's house. The villagers milled about their day. Slowly walking and going about their days. Honestly the village itself looks better than the individuals walking about. 

Their eyes were weary and downcast. Clothes torn and tattered. It felt like a ball of stress hovered over the village. And it was a few months ago that the Barn over this region had his lands and assets seized. The place looks as if it has gone through a drought. 

It isn't the place for Zarracen to judge this. The regional Alcalde should be stepping in to increase the value of the village by lowering the taxes allowing the citizens to be able to afford life itself. Whether that happens or not will be seen in the next audit for this village. But that'll be about a year from now.