
Stepping on the Demoness to become the strongest

In my previous life, I was half a move short and ultimately failed to reach the summit. Having traveled back to the past, this time... I want to become the strongest in this world! To become the strongest in this world, one only needs three simple steps: 1. Pick up a newly-transferred Demonic Sect Enchantress off the streets. 2. Subdue and vanquish the demon. 3. Take her cultivation technique for myself. Awesome! I'm already invincible! ———————— Years later, Yan Yu, who had earned the title of "the strongest," was interviewed on television: Host: To whom do you want to give thanks for your success today? Yan Yu: I'd like to thank a very important woman to me. Host (eyes lighting up): Oh, is she your wise and virtuous wife? Yan Yu: No, consider her a stepping stone, I suppose. Host (wiping sweat): Then... what about the other members of your team? They must have helped you as well, right? Yan Yu: ... How could there possibly be only one stepping stone on the path to godhood?

Ghostly Blessing · Urban
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374 Chs

Chapter 23 The Torture Temporarily Ends

The puppet warrior emerged, and everyone was stunned.

"Isn't this one of Sister Zhao's moves?"

Of course, there was no time to ask Zhao Yuanzhen at this moment, otherwise it would have been possible to get a detailed explanation after defeating the fourth copy just now.

The current urgent matter was to quickly defeat the captain's copy, all else were illusions, pushed aside for later!

As soon as the puppet warrior came out, it attacked Lin Ning. Its left hand blade parried the sword light while the right hand blade slashed swiftly several times, each strike holding the force of a thousand jun, throwing Lin Ning into disarray, unable to steady the sword light.

From behind, Xie Ruoxi unleashed another thunder orb, forcing the puppet warrior to retreat quickly, and Lin Ning was able to break free.

The swordsman called back his sword light and the puppet warrior in front of him, saying with a smile,