
Stellar:Edge of the Dark Blade

Magical beast upon appearing started creating portals called ''abyss of darkness''. Beast with rankings from Bronze to Grandmaster ranks just as humans. With beast causing havoc everywhere something had to be done, that was when the first person was able to awaken a weapon that was fatal enough to cause damages to beast unlike any other ordinary weapon. The ones who were able to awaken weapons were called Nimrods. A teenager of age fifteen had joined the ranks of the Nimrods to take on beast. Being the youngest to have taken up the job, people started making fun of him saying he was too proud of himself. ____ Once during a mission that had gone wrong, he found a rusted sword accidentally in an attempt to escape from a powerful beast that was attack him near an exit of abyss upon picking it up he passed out. What happened after he passed out? What power did the sword possess? Was he going to get stronger? What happens next? Find out as we dive into the mysterious era of weapons and magic, where humans rise against beast to claim what they once had called peace and happiness. Find more in "Stellar:Edge of the Dark Blade".

GenScorp · Fantasie
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15 Chs

3 Chapter 3


It was bright morning the sun scorched gently upon the surface of the universe. The breeze was lukewarm also cold sometimes, making it even difficult to wake up.

Axel had forced himself out of bed this early morning and was getting ready for his mission today. They were going to one of the spotted abyss on the outskirt of the town. Abysses were created by the beasts when they first appeared and that is where they breed.

The beast always created new abysses whenever they migrated to. Today Axel's team are to eliminate the less stronger beast in that abyss on the outskirt of the town.

"Julian I'm heading out with Lord Akira." Axel told Julian his little brother before heading out. "How was your night today?" Akira asked Axel. "It was good" answered Axel. "Then,good luck on your mission. Don't push yourself too hard" Akira told him." Yeah" he said not knowing what was going to happen today on his mission.

**The Guild**

"Axel,Gold ranked. I'm taking the mission of the abyss on the outskirt of the town." Axel said to the attendant. " Yes, Mr.Axel. You're going to the abyss with two more Gold ranked, three Silver ranked and two Iron ranked." the attendant said back almost immediately. "Ok" before he turn away from the attendant. "Don't push yourself too much" the attendant said to him. In the attendant thought "why am l even telling him this?"

Ba-dum,Ba-dum, Ba-dum.

His heart started beating faster, this was the second time he had heard this instead of a "good luck". "How was this day going to end, a joyful one or a painful one?" he thought to himself. " Please,where were they going to await my arrival?"he asked the attendant. " They insisted on going first so you have to go and meet them at the mission point." the attendant replied.

"Oh,ok" but this had never occurred before. Now his heartbeat increased even more. He felt as if the was a big storm drawing in on him. He swallowed saliva and bid goodbye to the attendant running at of the building.

Axel started running towards the direction of the abyss. After a thirty minutes run, he arrived at the location with the others sitting quietly a few distance from the entrance of the new abyss. Every one was unusually quiet, he didn't want to spoil the mood so he just introduced himself as the others stood up and started approaching the entrance of the abyss.

The Abyss was a seemingly bottomless pit, its depths shrouded in an impenetrable darkness that appeared to writhe and twist like a living entity. The air was heavy with the stench of damp earth, decay, and the faint tang of malevolent intent. As one peered into the abyss, the silence was broken by the distant growls, snarls, and unsettling whispers of unseen creatures, their eyes glowing like lanterns in the darkness.

The walls of the abyss are slick with moisture, and the ground was treacherous with hidden pitfalls and jagged rock formations. The farther one descended, the more oppressive the atmosphere became, as if the weight of the beasts' collective malevolence pressed down upon the brave Nimrods.

Upon entering the abyss no goblins were found,this was a very suspicious situations. Because almost every low ranking abyss that was explored the guards were goblins. But they had ignored the situation and moved on as if nothing was supposed to happen.

Crack!,BUM! BUM! BUM!

This was a sound that you had to be cautious about when in an abyss. And this one was too loud to be heard in an Iron ranked abyss. Everyone became cautious of the surroundings creating a circle with the Iron ranked and magician Nimrods in the middle. This was something the stronger Nimrods always did to keep the lower ranked and magicians safe from any incoming attack.

The Gold ranked were very cautious because there was only on entry to the abyss but upon looking around,there were actually four exit. They couldn't believe what was happening. Thinking it was an illusion they asked the Gold ranked magician to dispel it.

"Maho,Gnosis:Mind's eye" a skill of the magician that was supposed to clear off any illusion wasn't working. He tried again and again but the results were the same. Magicians were more powerful according to the more information they had about anything they could control "Maho" signifying magic and "gnosis" signifying knowledge.

This was becoming more troublesome. Axel suggested that they retreat and report the case to the guild. This was the best idea because they would add more powerful nimrods to the mission making it more easier.

But the arrogant Gold ranked a man of age about twenty four years had insisted they faced he incoming threat which they actually knew not even it rank. In spite of the situation, Axel insisted that at least the Iron ranked and one of the he magicians leave to call for help from the guild. The Iron ranked ones immediately heeded the advice and left with one of the magicians, the Gold ranked one who actually tried to dispel the illusion but couldn't.

They run out through the first exit they came through because they didn't know what could be in the other ones. Right after hey had left the abyss, Axel felt like he was able to save two people. But why was he thinking this way,were his comrades really going to die today too.

He felt like death was knocking on the door. Was this what they really called fear. "Yeah,let try our best" he thought.


The sound came out louder than before but had stopped before the second and third one could be heard like before.


They could feel the presence of quite a powerful beast with killing intent strong enough to make them pass out. Everyone froze in their tracks as they feel the presence of a being behind them but turning around was a different story.


Blood was flowing from the lifeless body of he arrogant Gold ranked. How could this happen? In split of seconds, one Gold ranked was killed without effort. How did this day become this bad?

The rest of the Nimrods were left in awe at what had just happened. This was something that had once happened in the presence of Axel once before.

It was as if it was being replayed in his head. When he went on a mission with his best friends and other nimrods at the time. A stronger beast they had underestimated. A baby cheetah tainted by the beastly aura of the real beast. At first sight they thought it wasn't harmful.

Until, it charged in at great speed,pounced on Axel's friend and ripped of his throat. Axel filled with rage went on rampage the moment he realized the death of his one and only friend at the time.

His Japanese katana was one of the swords to be never tainted with the evil Kyokai at all. The beast,dralion was the beast of his Japanese katana. The Dralion had a majestic mane and regal demeanor of a lion, the vibrant stripes and agile physique of a tiger, and the scales, wings, and fiery breath of a dragon.

Its fur was a tawny golden color with dark stripes, and its scales glint like polished bronze. Its eyes burn with a fierce inner fire, and its roar could shake the earth.

The Dralion possessed the strength and courage of a lion, the agility and stealth of a tiger, and the wings and fiery breath of a dragon. It could soar through the skies giving Axel the ability to levitate. It could breathe fire to scorch its enemies, and strike with its razor-sharp claws.

The Dralion had the power to control the elements, summoning wind, water, and earth to do its bidding. It could also communicate telepathically with other creatures, and its presence inspired awe and reverence in all who beheld it.

The Dralion was a noble and just creature, fiercely protective of its territory and those it cared about. It was wise and intelligent, with a deep understanding of the natural world and the balance of the elements. Despite its fearsome appearance, it was a gentle and compassionate soul, and will only unleash its fury when provoked or threatened.

But being a Silver ranked Axel couldn't still bring out the full potential of his dralion. But corruption of the blade with anger turned things around as the dralion became a dralionix an evil version of the dralion.

The Dralionix the twisted and corrupted version of the Dralion. Its fur was a dark, mottled grey, and its scales were dull, rusty red. Its eyes glowed with an eerie, malevolent light, and its wings were tattered and worn. Its mane was long and unkempt, and its claws were razor-sharp and stained with the blood as if it had already murdered someone.

The Dralionix possessed the same physical abilities as the Dralion, but used them for evil purposes. It could breathe fire to destroy and terrorize, and its strength and agility were honed for cruelty and domination.

The Dralionix was a malevolent and sadistic creature, delighting in the suffering and terror of others, a complete opposite of Axel's nature. It was cunning and manipulative, using its intelligence and charm to lure its victims into its clutches. It had no qualms about using its powers for evil, and will stop at nothing to achieve its twisted goals.

This made Axel himself look like a beasts with the dark aura emanating from his body. This scared his colleagues but he turned away from them and faced the beast. This time he never mentioned the Kyokai techniques he was using. It was as if the katana controlled itself with just the thought of Axel.

This was a power that could only be earn after being able to level up to an Elite Grandmaster rank. Which is said that no one had ever been able to attain. Within a few minutes Axel had finished off the beast. But it seemed he was now more thirsty for violence.

The mere sight of him could make his poor colleagues pass out. The Platinum ranked magician who just arrived upon receiving a telepathic message from one of Axel's colleagues had just walked into the abyss to find Axel rampaging. This time the magician had no choice than to knock him out.

"Magikai: Sleep" this magic incantation he had created by himself. Just after the word "sleep" came out of his mouth Axel had fallen to the ground fast asleep. But he knew he was lucky that the word had worked because it wouldn't have worked on someone more powerful or with stronger resolve.

He thought he would have never had the chance to defeat Axel in that form but Axel's resolve was weaker since he was blaming himself for being weak.

*Back to the present time*

The Nimrods were captured by fear just by the mere image of the beast they had encountered. An ogre,beast that were known for their speed. They could be classified as assassins. They were beast of ranks Platinum, that was a whole new level when you watched them from below as a Gold ranked nimrod. "How is this possible?" a mere iron class abyss couldn't contain such beasts.

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