
Stellar:Edge of Dark Blade

Magical beast upon appearing started creating portals called ''abyss of darkness''. Beast with rankings from Bronze to Grandmaster ranks just as humans. With beast causing havoc everywhere something had to be done, that was when the first person was able to awaken a weapon that fatal damages to beast unlike any other ordinary weapon. The ones who were able to awaken weapons were called Nimrods. A teenager of age fifteen had joined the ranks of the Nimrods to take on beast. Being the youngest to have taken up the job, people started making fun of him saying he was too proud of himself. ____ Once during a mission that had gone wrong, he found a rusted sword accidentally in an attempt to escape from a powerful beast that was attack him near an exit of abyss upon picking it up he passed out. What happened after he passed out? What power did the sword possess? Was he going to get stronger? What happens next? find out as we dive into the mysterious era of weapons and magic, where humans rise against beast to claim what they once had called peace and happiness. Find more in "Stellar:Edge of Dark Blade".

GenScorp · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 5: The Evolution: The Unknown Power, Stellar.

Akira dashed towards the town at full speed without restraint. All that could be seen after he passed by was destruction,the flames were unquenchable until he settled down. Just after a few seconds he was already at the entrance of his house where he was going to place Axel's evolving body.

He had settled down which quenched the blue flames from his body so that he wouldn't destroy the place for Axel's evolution.

Akira went into Axel's room and placed him down on his bed. He wanted to go out to call a magician to heal but when he rechecked the injuries of Axel, it had all healed back but there was no sign of him waking up yet.

*In the realm of subconsciousness"

" Where am I?" this was the first question the boy asked upon opening his eyes. "I was sure the ogre had killed so is this the afterlife. No,I couldn't save my friends I'm not sure I can fit here."

But upon close inspection of the place, the boy said "What are those big stars? and that one is as big as the sun but it is blue." So you were able to recognize them as stars? But those will one day be a part of your body." The unknown person spoke once again. "This wasn't supposed to take long but it seems someone was strong enough to touch an awakening star." the unknown being said.

" What do you mean by 'wasn't supposed to take long' " Axel had asked clearly in shocked. " You still do not recognize where you are?" my lord. " Where is your Lord, w-wait I'm the one you just asked the question which means you meant I was your Lord." Axel was now confused than ever.

What was going on?

How did he become a Lord of a place and a person he never knew?

How was he going to escape from a place where there was no where for his foot to even touch?

What was this place called?

Who was this unknown person he has been talking with the whole time?

The questions had now flooded his head and were looking for crevices to overflow from. "First of all my lord,I actually don't have a name yet. I'm the one who possess the katana you had contracted to make you stronger. Right now you're in an evolution process to make you stronger. There is no way to escape from a subconsciousness. This is the stellar dimension a place of mystery and celestial power, the only stellar world present at the moment and none to be ever created. And the last thing is anyone who gets approved by my past wielder to also wield me becomes the Lord of this dimension."

"How was he able to know what I was thinking about?" Axel asked himself. "As long as we are in the stellar dimension your thoughts are our thoughts" the katana had replied back. " What do you mean by we" Axel asked. "I and your awakened beast spirit" it answered him. "But I can't see my dralion" Axel said a little bit confused. "You might want to look around very well,my lord"

After saying this Axel started looking around until he saw the blue sun disappear and come back in a moment. That was when it dawned on him, all this while what he saw as a blue sun was actually the eyes of dralion. "So this is the true form of dralion" Axel was amazed at what he just saw. "No my lord, that is his weakened form,from the day you went on that rampage. Sorry to say my lord,but your body was weak at that time to control dralionix. That had an bad impact on him and your body since that day."

"So you mean that is why I got stuck in the Gold rank." Axel said with sorrow in his voice for harming dralion. " But stay calm my lord, that is why you're here. The power from the stars are going to bring back the normal power you once had and even make it stronger as long as you train well."

"So what is the duration for this evolution" he asked with a serious look on his face as he didn't want to hear anything as weeks,months or years. Actually centuries were out of the question. "It will take two days in the stellar dimension,my lord." the possessor of the katana said.

"Two is actually he best I'll ask for actually,so thank you." " You're welcomes my Lord." "So shall we start this is going to be a painful journey"

the possessor of the katana said. " The energy of the stars are going to be stored in your body to be able to balance the power of dralion too."

*In the normal world*

"It has already been three months since I brought him back he is still showing no sib of waking up.I think we'll have to train a group of assassin style nimrods to protect his body from harm." Lord Akira was explaining to the other Grandmasters."But bringing him back in your inferno rebirth form was a very risky move" Kenzo said with a worried face. "Yeah,I think so" Renzo also said in favour of his brother.

"Have you forgotten he said that the power of Axel at that time was more powerful than his." Sora suggested. "That only reminds me of one person now,his grandfather,Kenji Ito was an elite Grandmaster of the katana but he still hadn't awakened the weapon fully when he reached that rank and now Axel was able to reawaken it." Kaito proclaimed.

"Yeah,after entrusting his bloodline to us for protection he died leaving katana to the blood for someone worthy of it to awaken it. Well Axel was able to awaken it at a young age." Sora also said wanting to involve himself in the conversation.

"So about the assassin class nimrods you wanted to create, how is it going to be like." Rylan asked with curiousity shown on his face. "Yeah,I think we personally train speed type nimrods whether magicians and weapon users." Akira answered in a very serious manner.

Now the whole room was a quiet as a cemetery,no one had uttered a word after Akira had spoken. It seemed as if they were all lost in a world of theirs. They were all thinking of how they'd start the training.

"What about we call the nimrods with enough speed for the training to a meeting and ask hose who were willing to do the work." the silence had was broken when Renzo asked the question.

"Good idea,we don't have time. Let's make the meeting tomorrow. Send out the messengers" Akira commanded.

*Stellar dimension*

"Let evolution begin." the one who possessed the katana said. Slowly the energy emanating from the stars was absorbed by Axel's body he started gritting his teeth at the pain his body was feeling. It was as if the stars were trying to burn him to death but that was the only way to get stronger in his condition.

He had to endure it no matter the cost. He looked at dralion from the position he was in and saw dralion was was also suffering from the heat felt from the stars. "Why was dralion shrinking instead of growing" were his thoughts.

" The more the dralion can shrink into the size of dragon the more stronger he will become, my Lord" said the possessor of the katana. "So that is how it actually works." Axel said to himself.

After what seemed like a day. Axel was able to endure the pain for much longer. It now felt as if he was sitting by a bonfire. The same went for dralion, they thought they could now endure the rest of the pain for an additional day. But that wasn't the case.



The real evolution had now started. This time Axel felt as if someone was tearing his intestines in his body. His body couldn't hold on any longer. Just as Axel, dralion couldn't hold up with the power of the stars. Axel felt like already quitting this evolution but there was no stop to it until it was done. Axel kept on yelling at himself in his head.

"It was better to be dead than to gain this power" this was the only thing he could say now. The more he regretted his actions the more the pain was.

This time,it seemed he was more prepared to die than to endure the pain. He tried to summon his katana forgetting that dralion was the soul of his weapon. The katana wasn't responding to his call. That was when it struck him that only awakened weapons could be summoned and dralion was also in the process of his evolution.

This was he reason why the katana couldn't be summoned. He regretted asking to become stronger and wanted death itself to come pick him up. But it was impossible for even death to enter this dimension in a nowhere. This made him very broken.

*In the normal world*

"What's happening,his body is overflowing from a very strong power. But this has never happened before. Tell all magicians to create a barrier around the house right now." A man commanded a troop of magician who did as he said immediately.

From the looks of the aura he emanated he was quite strong and the other ones who heeded his instructions were his comrades. But he was in charge here.