
Stellar:Edge of the Dark Blade

Magical beast upon appearing started creating portals called ''abyss of darkness''. Beast with rankings from Bronze to Grandmaster ranks just as humans. With beast causing havoc everywhere something had to be done, that was when the first person was able to awaken a weapon that was fatal enough to cause damages to beast unlike any other ordinary weapon. The ones who were able to awaken weapons were called Nimrods. A teenager of age fifteen had joined the ranks of the Nimrods to take on beast. Being the youngest to have taken up the job, people started making fun of him saying he was too proud of himself. ____ Once during a mission that had gone wrong, he found a rusted sword accidentally in an attempt to escape from a powerful beast that was attack him near an exit of abyss upon picking it up he passed out. What happened after he passed out? What power did the sword possess? Was he going to get stronger? What happens next? Find out as we dive into the mysterious era of weapons and magic, where humans rise against beast to claim what they once had called peace and happiness. Find more in "Stellar:Edge of the Dark Blade".

GenScorp · Fantasy
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15 Chs

4 Chapter 4

*Back to the present time*

The Nimrods were captured by fear just by the mere image of the beast they had encountered. An ogre,beast that were known for their speed. They could be classified as assassins. They were beast of ranks Platinum, that was a whole new level when you watched them from below as a Gold ranked nimrod. "How is this possible?" a mere iron class abyss couldn't contain such a beast.

The ogre smiled at them and moved forward, this time it walked slowly towards them as if taunting them to run. But the killing intent of the ogre was to much that none of them could move.

"Why is it as if my legs are locked up. Move!,move!,move!,move!!!!" Axel shouted at himself within a few seconds he had gain back his composure and charged towards the ogre. But it was as if the ogre was having fun with his uninvited guest.

With one punch to the side of his rib cage, Axel was sent flying to one end of the abyss. As he tried to stand up again the ogre was already in front of him with another punch to his thigh.

Crack! Aaaarrrgggghhhh!!!

A thigh bone had been broken but it was that of Axel. Axel felt like dying already but he couldn't just watch as his were going to be murdered just like that. He tried standing up on the broken leg but this only made the ogre angry.

Crash! Crash! Crash! Crash!

"Sit quietly and watch the show unfold" the ogre whispered to him as he was in pain from the crashed arms and the remaining leg. The pain from this attacks had made it impossible for him to even shout.

He had tried screaming but not even a sound could be heard. It was as if the sounds from the scream itself were afraid to come out and meet the ogre.

The ogre left him behind and had started walking towards the other Nimrods. It seemed as if the ogre was quite happy with the fun it was having. "Now,let's have some fun." It said with a wild smile on it's face. With one move it moved towards the magician in the middle circle they had created. " Are you their magician?" it asked in a gentle but cold voice. With the speed it had just displayed,the Gold ranked magician knew it was impossible to even think of escape,if he had the strength to.

Axel watched as the whole event unfolded before him but now there nothing he could he thought but that was when it rang in his head. He could telepathically reach Lord Akira. Although it was a thing every Nimrod spent days to learn, his was special since it could go a longer range as long as he could detect the kyokai of the one to recieve the message.

The ogre held one of the arms of the magician and bit by bit it tore his fingers off. He screamed out in pain for help but the other colleagues could nothing to even think of escape. They knew anyone who tried to escape would be eliminated so that was the only way to prolong their life by sitting down to watch the whole event unfold.

One of the Silver ranked had given up and tried to escape but this only brought bad luck upon the rest of his colleagues. The ogre got angry at the Silver ranked nimrod for spoiling his fun. Instantly the head of the other nimrods were flying including the guy who had tried to escape.

After this,the ogre turned to Axel and promised to play with him nicely. This even made scared the more. He tried using his kyokai to levitate but this it only took him up slightly of the ground and the speed was very low as compared to when he was in full health.

Using the bit of energy he had he dragged himself backwards bit by bit. But slowly he knew death was drawing up on him. The ogre approached as slow as it could but even that was too much for him.


Someone was calling but it seemed the fear had made him deaf. "If only I were stronger,if only I were stronger,if only I were stronger" his was the only the only thing he could think of now.

" Axel....,Axel....,Axel...."

The voice had called out again but the result were still the same. "I promise, I'm not going to be this weak again if I reincarnate back to this world." In the town of Galadrielle, it was believed that himans could reincarnate again after death. Not everyone believed it but it was rumored that two people had reincarnated but in different bodies they also ha their memories still intact.

The ogre had reached its destination and held Axel by the throat. "This is the end I think" he said to himself. " I guess it was true. My pride is now sending me to death. I regret being the genius" he said once more.


This time Axel had calmed down since he knew he was going to die already in the hands of the ogre. This was when he heard the call of the unknown person. "Who is calling" he asked in a dull and sad tone.

" Do you want to become stronger and be able to protect all your loved ones? You will never have to look down on yourself." the unknown person said.

He started thinking of what to do. "Never make decisions rashly even if you were in-between life and death." the six Grandmasters had told him the first day he had awakened his weapon. But this time it was more of a death and death matter. There was no escaping since Lord Akira hadn't arrived yet.

He could move faster than everyone thought but there would be alot of destruction if he had gone at full potential so he had always restricted his speed.

"Yes,I want to become more stronger" as if he was choked and actually yes he was choking on air.

"Then I shall start the process..."

The ogre had strangled his throat but as soon as Axel had altered his words there came another katana flying at high speed towards the ogre. The ogre saw the katana and was fast to leave Axel and leap backwards.

It was at the same time when Lord Akira had arrived. The katana then fell right through Axel's body and disappeared without leaving any trace of its presence or existence.

"Kyokai,Third phase: Fiery fusion" this absorbed some of his blue flames and converted it into raw strength give him a boost of power. With one strike the head of the ogre was sent flying. The speed was on a higher level than that of the ogre that all it knew was that it main body was missing. The head had incinerated the moment before it touched the ground.

"Kyokai,First phase: Ophitigiris' eye" this was a skill that allowed Akira to be able to look at the life force of others and predict moves of opponents.

The rest of the nimrods were dead,only Axel was alive but it seemed as if his body was undergoing some changes. Akira moved to him and tried to carry him to the magicians so that they could heal him. But the instant when he had gone a little bit closer to carry him he felt a very strong sensation of heat as if he was right beside the sun.

He knew this was no ordinary sensation so in that instant he said "I guess this is the time for me to use it" . He telepathically communicated to the other six Grandmasters," Announce this to the whole town,everyone is supposed to get into their houses immediately, I'm coming back with a catastrophy."

Now,"Kryzta, Ultimate Ophitigiris: Inferno rebirth" and made slashes on his foot and arms. Instantly Akira passed out. This was a something beyond the realms of human power,it was said to be the power granted to the divine beast by the stars. Every divine beast of the Grandmasters had a different kind of this power.

And this power could be used just once in every ten years. It used a huge amount of energy that could compared to that of a dying star. And their universe couldn't produce that type of energy in a short period of time.

Akira's power was to be reborn again from the his blue flames. This power reforged his body making it stronger before than he was.

Immediately when his body touched the ground it was burned by his own blue flames and incinerated. A few moments later a huge domain blue flames was created as what as a human body of covered with blue flames came out of it. It was the reforged body of Lord Akira.

Everywhere he stepped melted and created magma under his feet. The temperature around him had exceeded that of hot magma. This time he was able to carry Axel but he still felt like he was burning from, something more hot than his temperature at the moment.

He had to hurry because nothing was supposed to disturb the evolution of Axel but due to his power he was able to interfere with it by carrying him not knowing the consequences that could occur.

Immediately when he stepped out of the abyss, the entrance became smaller as no living thing could be detected in it. It could only be brought to its original size when a beast touched it again.

Akira dashed towards the town at full speed without restraint. All that could be seen after he passed by was destruction,the flames were unquenchable until he settled down. Just after a few seconds he was already at the entrance of his house where he was going to place Axel's evolving body.

He had settled down which quenched the blue flames from his body so that he wouldn't destroy the place for Axel's evolution.

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