
Dealing with rats(4)

Rykio stood silently near his horse, arms crossed as he watched his men move around as they trained to do . The torches were ready, the hay bundles gathered from the nearby fields and stored for moments like this. The soldiers worked quickly, stacking the dry hay tightly against the wooden walls of the temple, encircling it completely .

Rykio's cold gaze swept over his men one final time. Then, with a sharp gesture of his hand, he gave the order. "Do it."

The soldiers smiled, a grim satisfaction lighting their faces. One by one, they began tossing the hay against the walls, piling it high. A few joked among themselves, but most worked in silence, awaiting for the fun to start.

Torches flared as they were lit, the flames snapping hungrily at the oily rags wrapped around their heads. With coordinated precision, the soldiers stepped forward, one man to each section of hay.