
Chapter 241 Moon Dance Festival

After making an agreement with the two ghosts, Shard returned to the grass lawn in front of the entrance to the underground cemetery and waited.

He waited for over half an hour, there was a simple farewell ceremony in the underground cemetery and the guests who had come to the funeral all understood Old Mrs. Worsent's feelings.

While Shard stood under the tree, someone finally took the initiative to strike up a conversation with him. It was Old Mrs. Worsent's business partner, who owned a coal-processing factory in the southern part of the city.

Knowing Shard's identity, he inquired whether Shard could help handle some troublesome permit documents:

"To improve the air quality in the city, Tobesk recently imposed operational time slots on factories like ours that emit waste gases. Mr. Hamilton, do you know how much money this will cause me to lose?"

The middle-aged, tie-wearing fat businessman coughed, not for show, as his lungs seemed to truly be troubled: