
Chapter 135: Boiling Point (VII)


It seemed someone was calling her.

The woman from the North struggled to open her eyes, but she felt very tired, too tired to even manage that.

Susan, wake up.

Someone shook her.

This time, the woman from the North opened her eyes, she tried hard to lift her head and saw a woman kneeling in front of her.

She didn't recognize her at all, Susan shook her head as she couldn't feel her left leg, so she struggled and, with the woman's help, sat up.

She saw her leg, still attached, but mangled and bloody.

"Susan, the Array suddenly exploded, and now the whole area has collapsed, what should we do?" she asked.

Susan tried to shake her head, "Who are you?" she asked, while trying to wipe the foreign substance covering her left eye, then she saw the blood and dirt on the back of her hand.

"Susan, it's me, Ham," the girl looked worriedly at Susan: "What happened to you, how could you forget me?"