
Stealing Essence At a Glance Through My Conscious System

ALEX CRUZ, a 24 year old rising producer and movie director has a fateful encounter when a mysterious power of unknown origin integrates into his dying body. The power within Alex gains consciousness while Alex develops abilities he never dreamed of. Living his career and previous life's trajectory behind, he embarks on a dangerous journey of love, danger and opportunities. After introduction of spiritual energy in his body in a mysterious cave, his real life starts. Slowly but surely, he will conquer realms as he unlimitedly copies even the talents of immortals, inheriting their memories and experiences in the process. ... Immediately his blood stopped oozing out, and a few seconds later, in a rate visible to the naked eye, all wounds on Alex and his dislocated shoulder, not to mention the huge cut on his thigh, were all healed without even a scar left. The huge chunk of metal on his thigh was spitted out, despite having lodged itself on his right femur. He had broken his backbone when he slammed into the concrete pillar but it also healed completely. ... As a despised orphan who has experienced a lot of hardships, Alex Cruz has other mysterious identities ,unbeknownst to him , and these identities holds powers stronger than the top superpowers countries. With these identities, there are those that wish he doesn't assume them, and the closer to his origin he draws, the stronger the danger looming over him. #Don't be quick to drop the book as the best parts are yet. Give it a chance. #Any places and characters ,instances and names of places, people , companies etc are used fictitiously, with no ill /malicious intent.

Andy_Metaguy · Fantasie
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95 Chs

Finally Back

"Sheba. Kindly seal my information and even the records in the government registries. Seal them. My identity is becoming more and more sensitive. If anyone tries to look for my information or information related to those close to me at all , make sure to know who they are and act accordingly."

\\' That was already done three years ago master. ''

"As expected …mmh..of you. You always think ahead a few steps. I'm glad I have you."

The plane landed smoothly and thirteen minutes later, Alex walked into a shop and bought some casual comfortable clothes there. Black jeans, gray t-shirt and a blazer that made him seem more mature, with a black timberland boot. After changing, he left the other branded new clothes he just changed out of there and walked out after paying.

\\' Master, I have detected that the Cheng family people are waiting for you outside. There are two black Bentley cars and from the electronic gadgets in the two cars, they belong to the young Zoey Cheng and her youngest uncle, the current head of the Cheng Group. Luka Cheng. Master, Do you want to go to meet them? '//

"Why not. Since we have decided to form a good relationship with them, and they took the liberty to come meet me themselves, why not be polite and accept the gesture?"

Alex said as he walked majestically, trying to avoid the stares of the people but failing miserably. He regretted not buying a cap , mask and sunglasses.

Fortunately, the people who took pictures of Alex secretly had their phones shut off automatically. Unbeknownst to them , they were shut off forever. The traces of Alex in the airport in Cebu and Manila were erased immediately. This shocked a young Japanese girl who was reviewing a footage she bought from Cebu, a footage of Alex walking into the airport. 

She was sipping wine casually watching the footage when a huge 'STOP' word lighted up the whole laptop for two breaths, and the laptop died completely, with the smell of burning plastic reaching her nostrils.

Miko almost chocked herself with the wine in fright, doubting reality.

"How was I discovered?" She wondered. She did not want to fail the mission the Black Rose Queen gave her before it even started. She ignored the warning from Sheba and headed to Manila as planned , and having confirmed that guy was the mysteriously powerful expert.


Inside the airport, there had been three Cheng family servants keeping watch having memorized Alex's picture the whole afternoon. However, they were in the normal waiting area because nobody thought a kid from an orphanage would fly in a private jet.

As Alex walked leisurely enjoying the fresh air and cool afternoon breeze on his face, he used his spiritual energy to sense the two Bentley cars in front of him. There were some people in a distance taking pictures, and bodyguards were in front of the people strolling attentively around the parking lot. However, they never saw Alex walk past them, open the back door on the other side of the car where he detected nobody sitting, and got in.

He had felt two people in the car at the back. The front car was presumably used by bodyguards because of the firearms in it, while the second car was transformed to cater for maximum comfort and security. There was even a space to fully stretch your legs, with the seats transformed like a long sofa, with retractable arm rests, and a retractable table in the center. There was no co -driver seat in front, just a drivers seat completely sealed from the back.

In the car, Luka Cheng was reviewing some reports sent by his assistant in an iPad, while Zoey Cheng was going over the comments of a post she posted before leaving for the airport about her sister's condition. 

Suddenly, the back door was closed and in the car next to Luka sat a dazzling young man. The only thought that closed Zoey's mind was how handsome the guy was, rather than feeling threatened by the intruder.

As for Luka Cheng, he immediately moved very fast to block the space between Alex and his niece Zoey vigilantly.

"I did not even feel the guy approaching. As a master of spiritual energy, I can at least feel anyone approaching within ten meters , but this guy not only approached, but even sat down and closed the door before I could even detect him."

Luka thought eyeing Alex vigilantly, hiding Zoey behind him. He felt imminent danger from the guy whom were it not for his sight , even now with the guy right in front of him , he could not sense him at all.

As for Zoey, her mind worked fast and just now she wondered why the guy looked so familiar.

"You're Alex Cruz? " Zoey asked jumping from behind Luka who was instantly stunned.

"You're Alex Cruz?" Luka asked reason returning to him, with surprise and respect evident in his voice and face.

"Nice to meet you Miss Cheng, President Cheng. Please excuse my rude gesture just now. It was unavoidable. Sorry if I startled you."

Alex cupped his hands at the two, who did not react for a while.

Looking up close at Zoey Cheng, he confirmed that she was indeed a beauty among beauties. Perfect figure, face, sense of style and most importantly her voice. However, she was still two points or three below Michelle Tan, whom Alex did not know was already a mother. Sheba should have deliberately left that out, either innocently or intentionally. 

Shifting his gaze to Luka Cheng, he was surprised to see the guy was also a cultivator. However, the spiritual energy in his body was so little , that even a quarter of his spiritual stones held more spiritual energy than Luka Cheng.

"Ooh, so its Mr. Cruz. Please excuse me. Looks like Xuan'er already told you we were waiting for you."

Luka said respectfully, the kind of respect martial masters would bestow upon greater masters. 

"Haha. Sorry for troubling you. I hope you have not waited for long."

"No. We actually just arrived. We haven't waited at all." Luka said.

"Mr. Cruz. Do you know me? You called me by my name just now. You should know me right?"

Zoey Cheng moved and sat next to Alex, looking at him expectantly.

Her strong and sweet fragrance assaulted Alex's nostrils but he manage to compose himself without a change in his expressions.

"It would be unlikely for one of my age not to recognize you miss Cheng. As you should already know, we're at least in the same industry."

When Zoey heard this, she was slightly happy, but the guy's reaction was way off the expectations she had fantasized about all day. Seeing him in person, she could not help but blush. He could actually be called pretty. 

Zoey was very tempted to ask Alex what beauty products he uses but could not bring herself to ask at this point.

"You're right. I heard you are a production director in a small local company. Why don't you come work as a senior director at Cheng Media?"

Zoey said enthusiastically. She was sure no sane person would reject such an offer, because almost all the people in the entertainment industry in Asia wanted a position in Cheng Media, even the lowest position was better there than a top position elsewhere.

You also get to brag that you were personally acquainted with Zoey Cheng, everyone's goddess.

"No thanks. I appreciate your gesture but I am not planning on working in this industry again actively."

Alex refused directly, with his poker face on as usual, making Luka look at him curiously. He also thought Alex would accept immediately.

"Great . I will make sure you get to direct the best…huh? What? No?"

Zoey was dumbfounded and everything she had planned to talk about to Alex instantly disappeared. 

"It is okay Zoey. You're not planning on forcing him. Are you?" Luka said looking at his niece hinting that she should stop pestering Alex.

"Uncle, we should hurry back. Grandma is waiting for everyone to come back. Mr. Cruz, grandma today even went into the kitchen to cook herself. Her food is heavenly and only grandpa and Xuan'er gets to eat it once in a few months. Today we have to thank you for making us taste it again."

Zoey said her enthusiasm returning.

"Then I won't be polite later as I taste Mrs. Chengs delicacies."

Alex said leaning back on the seat and looking at the car roof that looked like a vast starry river.

Sliding the window pane slightly, Luka said coldly,

"Lets go back."

Immediately, a guard bowed towards the slightly open window respectfully, and asked.

"Young master Cheng, what about people. Should we leave someone to receive the guest or withdraw?"

"He's already here. Lets go."

Luka said after some silence, raising the window .

"Right away young master."

The confused guard was taken off guard by the news but immediately did as he was told. 

The convoy of four vehicles left the airport and headed to the Cheng family building.

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