
STB: Runes and Vampires [Hiatus]

Disclaimer: I write fanfic on my phone so don't expect I have quality content, though I edit the chapters myself since I don't have an editor so there will be some spelling mistakes and grammar as English is not my primary language. Synopsis: A teenage boy who's very obsessed with runes and born in the wrong era and world, one day when he woke up in his parallel self in a completely different place and world to make it worse the previous him managed to kill the 4th progenitor with a stick! Now he has to bear the weight of becoming the new 4th progenitor. ××××× For benefits like getting new chapters earlier and some leaks for my future work and If you like my work please feel free to show some support in my pa treon: pa treon.com/Mozuto Or just join my Discord server discord.com/invite/yjAR4GqxTq

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STB: Chapter 18

After Alex meets the spirit of the relic eater he created, he can't help but question why the spirit is a loli, at first he thinks the spirit is going to be a male or just straight-up genderless, but a girl and worse a loli, Alex was afraid to go out afraid that the FBI is waiting outside his house.

Alex has no issue with having a loli near him since Astarte is the proof of that, but the fact that this loli looking at you with such eagerness and wanting to prove herself that she's worthy of being his creation, Alex can't help but unconsciously put his hand on top of her head and give her candy.

Alex asked the spirit of her basic functions which she easily answered like, calculation, regulator, and how to form a contract.

"I'll talk to you outside, you can manifest your spirit outside your relic eater, right?" Alex asked the spirit and she nodded.

"Yes master, it's part of the function you programmed" She answered, causing Alex to nod at her as he withdrew his consciousness from the relic eater.


Alex grabbed the twin gun which was on his table as he just came back inside the relic eater, he noticed something strange since he had spent half an hour inside the relic eater talking to the spirit but in the real world, no time seemed to have passed.

Alex thought this was a bug as he doesn't remember adding that kind of function, but he welcomed that bug and will update this relic eater to turn it into a function for future relic eaters.

"Come to think of it, I can't always call you relic eater when I'm going to make more of your siblings can I?" Alex asked as the spirit of the relic eater manifested beside him.

"... You're going to name me master?" The spirit asks in a curious tone.

"Hmm... How about I name you Vlad? Since you're my first sentient creation and use blood to power up?" Alex said causing the spirit who now named Vlad to kneel causing Alex to roll his eyes since he's not used to this kind of treatment and Alex didn't program her to be like this.

"Thank you for granting me a name master" Vlad said, Alex then gripped the twin pistols tighter causing Alex to feel a prick in his palm as the twin gun started to drink his blood.

"Now, Time for witch hunt" Alex was then engulfed by a blinding red light, and soon the light slowly faded away revealing Alex who was now wearing armor of red with helmet was folded mechanically behind his head.

Alex then tests his strength by squeezing his fist.

"Operation all green" Vlad appears behind Alex.

"Yeah, my strength just doubled" Alex said as he did a series of tests on durability, strength, and endurance then Alex dispelled Vlad's witch hunt mode.

The results made Alex smirk as the results are satisfying, in addition to Vlad's abilities she also has the Anti-Magic at her user's disposal which makes her terrifying to any race who rely on magic when fighting.

Alex made Vlad try to his familiar but the results were expected, it took Vlad's full power to just hurt his familiar as familiars have infinite mana as long as their host is alive.

But when Alex tried Vlad on his own.


"AUGHH! FACK!" Alex fell to the ground and kept twitching until a minute passed and the effects of the anti-magic were fading.

"Note to myself, not to get shot or stabbed by an object that has anti-magic properties, damn that fucking hurts" Alex said and let out a chuckle.

"That was stupid master, while you can't die you can still feel pain, plus your body is constantly producing mana it's the reason why it hurts so much" Vlad reminded her master which Alex knows that very well.

"Yeah, thank you very much, Vlad" Alex said sarcastically.

"Your welcome, master" Vlad replied, causing Alex to shake his head.


Alex, Sayaka and Astarte are in front of the TV watching news about the destruction that the terrorist has been causing, of course Sayaka being part of the lion king organization and the observer of the current 4th progenitor, she of course is privy to these information.

Apparently the Black Death Emperor Faction is a beast man supremacist terrorist organization which are finding some kind of ancient weapon that it said it's power can rival a progenitor, their purpose which is also their obsession is the continuity of disharmony and wars.

They've also made themselves clear that except for causing war and disharmony their other objective is to kill the 1st progenitor, Ki Juranbarada, who is ruler of Warlord's Dominion the, who rendered the Holy Ground Treaty and Demon Sanctuaries that allowed peace and thus the discontinuity of their obsession.

There are rumors that the Black Death Emperor Faction are all mostly former Lost Warlord Empire's Army's soldiers and as such their obsession towards war, basically war maniacs and beast man supremacists.

When Alex heard it he just laughed it off since he likes to see them try. Alex first thought that these Black Death Emperor Factions are here for him. It turns out they want to find and use that ancient weapon for the other progenitor which he doesn't really care about.

When Alex thought why would the Ancient weapon would be in itogami island, Alex guessed that there's something else going on in the background than he thought causing him to grin as his plan causing chaos in itogami island is coming together.

Also Alex welcome that idea to use that ancient weapon towards the other progenitor so he have less problem to deal with, he knows very well from the memories he receive from Avrora when he 'killed' her, where they tried to kill the original 4th progenitor after the original 4th progenitor serves its purpose but they couldn't, so the 3 progenitors decided to split the original 4th progenitor into 12 beings which are now known into Kaleid Blood.

"Are you planning something Alex?" Sayaka asked him, causing him to snap out from his musing.

"Me? Heavens no! I don't have to because they will do it themselves, while I research more about my runes and create new projects" Alex grinned at her causing a shiver on her spine.

Sayaka knows that grin very well, that grin means he's scheming something big and has the possibility of getting the results he wants.

Sayaka just sighed and shook her head and decided to support her lover. She decided to stay beside him so she was going to play the part of a supportive subordinate and lover.


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