

Jasmine clasp her hands tightly and inhale deeply as she felt cold wind caress her skin. She shivers.

Her eyes look to the world of white that engulfs the neighborhood. The orange light from the nearby post illuminated the road.

She looks around and checks her watch to see it is already 7:00 in the evening. She groans and shivers when the cold wind pass by.

"This sucks," she whispered. Her stomach growled in hunger but she ignores it. "Where is that bus! It should be here any moment."

Jasmine reach her phone from her bag. She immediately open the app to grab nearby taxis which truly pains her since taxis are expensive.

It doesn't matter, Jasmine! I need to get home before I freeze here!

With resolution, her finger moved—


She turned and look up and her heart beat turned erratic when she recognize the person who's nine foot away from her.


×end prologue×